Yummy mummy here i come

Love this site! I've only been on here since Tuesday and I am already addicted to it lol.

I'm finding that the food journal is keeping me very motivated. It makes me definitely think twice before eating something because I don't want to write anything bad in there.

I would like to get down to 65kg (so I have to lose just over 7kg's to get there).

I'm doing this for my son Harry who is 8 months old tomorrow. How time flies.

I'm definitely not overweight (my BMI is in the healthy range) but just want to feel that extra bit healthier & fitter so that I feel more confident. AND I want to buy a pair of those skinny jeans that my bum doesn't fit into at the moment!!!!!

I have been going for a morning walk every day for 1 1/2 hours but haven't been for the past 2 1/2 weeks as the wheel on my pram broke & I'm waiting for the new one to arrive:frown: It's driving me insane but on the plus side my weight hasn't gone up so my eating habits must be ok :happy:


  • cbaines74
    cbaines74 Posts: 77
    Happy Birthday Harry!!!! Welcome, this site is great!!! Feel free to add me as a new MFP friend :drinker:
  • mtasleem
    mtasleem Posts: 49
    hi! welcome to MFP. feel free to add me as a friend :)