I'm looking for female friends who are starting at 200 lbs



  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey feel free to add me!!

    SW 220.5
    CW 188.9/189.9 (got all the way down to 179 then put on 10 lbs :'(:'(:'( )
    GW 140
    UGW 125
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 249.8 looking to get down to 150-160. You can add me if you'd like :)
  • Hi ! :) My actual weight is 260 lbs, but I'm REALLY motivated to reach my goal (around 147 lbs) this year. I've already proved myself that I can do this, and you know what ? I am gonna make it again, but this time, I will make it last ! So feel free to add me, so I can show you my progress and my success, and so that I can follow and support yours ! ;) xoxo

    Ps: I'm 26 y/o, from France, and everyone with a positive mind is welcome !^^
  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    Second time around, hovering around the 210 mark. Open to adds! :smiley:
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well, it's nice to have more people who are in the same boat :)

    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 225lb
    CW: 200lb
    GW: 130lb
  • marlee858
    marlee858 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    Starting again, and hopefully the last time, at 210.
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    You can add me. SW:226 CW:195 GW:165 Height:5'5" 38 years old.
  • MaryJI2015
    MaryJI2015 Posts: 45 Member
    Add me I recently started at 230 I wanna lose at least 70
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I started at 211lbs. Im at 159 now. Anyone add me :)
  • I cant add anyone.. my phone doesn't like me apparently! ! I am 27 and weight is 203 as of today :) my email is blue_bacteria@yahoo.com ... good luck everyone !!
  • fuzyprncess
    fuzyprncess Posts: 2 Member
    I would love some friends and support add me!
    Sw 199
    Gw 145
    Current 187.5
  • AshLaBug1
    AshLaBug1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I'm 5' 6" and I'm 202 right now. If you want to add me or have me friend you, either way works! :D
  • U can add me. Started at 213.5lbs now at 209 lbs. Goal is 140 lbs by end of July (yike) this year. I can use some support. Thanks!
  • HM12689
    HM12689 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me everyone! 253lbs and losing it!
  • megjt7
    megjt7 Posts: 5 Member
    I am only 5 days in starting at 240. That it so hard for me to say (write) outloud. Most I've ever been and it's really made me sick thinking about it. I have my 1st cruise in August and would LOVE to wear a 2 pc. I would like to be anyone's friend who is positive and willing to receive and give moral support. :smiley:
  • megjt7
    megjt7 Posts: 5 Member
    Also, I'm having issues adding anyone from my end, so please add me!
  • anthonyntinaj
    anthonyntinaj Posts: 3 Member
    I would love some friends and support add me!
    Sw 199
    Gw 145
    Current 187.5

  • anthonyntinaj
    anthonyntinaj Posts: 3 Member
    I wanted to be added to the group....
  • I started at 206. Add me I defiantly need the extra support from everyone.
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    edited January 2015
    You can add me.
    SW: 213
    Cw: 175

    I'm 5'3"