
hey im rosie, pretty new here. Mother of one and I'm looking for people in the same boat as me (tried dieting loads but can't seem to do it) to keep me motivated to do well and to make fitness friends. I'm 22 and live in England feel free to add me, thanks! X


  • rosiemtreacy
    Goal is two and a half stOne by June btw!
  • meem548
    meem548 Posts: 82 Member
    Add me! :D meem548 is my username! I am in the UK too! :)
  • dme100
    dme100 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I have lost almost 3 stone since mid august 2014. I'm quite happy to share with you my own motivation tips, etc. Not sure how to add people on here, haven't added before.