Binging Troubles...Help!

No matter what I do, I always end up just giving in and eating everything in sight. I've been planning out what I'm going to eat. I've tried the "don't feel bad about eating everything you see, still have lunch" method and that just makes it worse.
I'm failing everyday, and in consequence, I'm gaining two pounds a day! I'm not even kidding. I'm also not going to the bathroom either.
I took some Ducolax the yesterday, because I used it in the past and it has worked quite well, but it didn't do anything for today at all. I don't know what to do. I've expired all my knowledge. Can anyone give me some advise?


  • GypsyPrincess78
    GypsyPrincess78 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm interested in what people say. I have a similar problem in the evenings. Increased water helps me some but not always. I'm currently trying to snack every few hours or so but on things like fruits and fresh vegetables so that the calories I'm putting in are lower. We'll see how it goes .. one night of food cravings may send me eating through the house again. Logging food seems to help me some to..I start looking at everything I have to enter and I stop wanting to eat all that.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Sweetie, you have Ed and need to speak to your doctor.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited January 2015
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Sweetie, you have Ed and need to speak to your doctor.
    This. People here can be wonderfully supportive, but you need medical guidance.

    This has some good resources:

    And here:
  • fitbritchick
    A balanced diet is essential. Fruit is great but it won't keep you feeling full. I eat fruit in the morning. Protein is great to keep you feeling fuller. I eat a protein shake every evening as that is the time of the day I get bored and check the refrigerator every 15 mins! I also eat about 6 meals a day about as I hate feeling hungry. My Breakfast is about 300 cals Snack 200 cals Lunch 300-350 cals afternoon snack 200 cals dinner 500 cals then evening snack 200 cals. I am always eating. I stay away from high starch food and stick to whole grains as they keep you fuller longer plus lots if fiber. I hope this helps