Hello. I am new to Myfitnesspal

lmpski1 Posts: 6 Member
So far I LOVE this website. It is very easy to use.

My problem is that I don't own a scale and really don't want to purchase one. I know when I lose weight because I FEEL it. Anyone out there like me?:smile:


  • LoriCmomx3
    LoriCmomx3 Posts: 12
    I don't own a scale either. My BMI says I'm in a 'healthy' range. I did a guesstimate on my weight when I sighed up on MFP today. I hope I over estimated :wink: I'm scared to get on a scale but in a way I'd like to know my weight.

    Have fun on here and good luck!
  • robinsonzoo
    Yep I don't own a scale either. I do have one at work i can use, that's how a weigh in. I can see my weight loss on my face, mostly on my face. Best of luck here! :)