29 almost 30 with over 100 lbs to lose looking for supportive friends

My name is Kelly and I am currently 302 lbs this is my second time around a few years ago I was 333 lbs then got down to 239 back to 309 New Year's Eve and now down 7 lbs to currently 302... Looking for people to talk to, vent etc that understand and going through the same also looking for someone who will talk me outta when I wanna slip I always self sabotage


  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    Add me! :)
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    Added :) so what's your story? I'm nosey as hell sorry lol
  • cmae6885
    Add me! I need/want to lose between 60lb and 100 definitely could use someone to talk to that's going through it too lol
  • mtuck2
    mtuck2 Posts: 11
    Hi Kelly and others on this string. I too have 100 pounds to lose. I need accountability and that person to talk me down at times. My weight has served a great purpose for me up to this point but now its not needed. I love cycling and I'm ready to look like the athlete that I am...
  • mkauphusman21
    mkauphusman21 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Hi Kelly! Though I haven't the same amount to lose, I too know that I need support and am willing to give it! Feel free to add me! :)
  • sandraallangrimes
    sandraallangrimes Posts: 23 Member
    I am 56 and I have 100 pounds to lose. I also need the support and accountability, the teamwork and friendship makes it so much easier to stay on track. Please feel free to add me also.
  • queenasgard
    queenasgard Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Kelly I have about 100 lbs to lose. I have been trying off and on for the last 4 years. I feel this time if I start talking with others maybe I will keep going.
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    I have requested all of you and I hope we can all talk on here as well as our profiles.. I'm also on facebook. Another thing idk if anyone wants to do this once we get to know eachother better. I know it helped last time I was struggling or wanted to run out late at night and binge eat etc I would text or call a person, talk/text it out...sadly it's an addiction and especially for emotional eaters it's like a drug :/ But I'm pretty much always available to do that except when I work but I'm usually out at 3 pm eastern time
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    add me! i'm 29 almost 30 and looking to ultimately loose about 70lbs. currently hovering between 223 and 228. looking to get out of the 200's before i hit 30 (july). i keep loosing ~5lbs, then loosing track of what i'm doing then come back, i'm trying to quit the yo-yo right now.
  • tabarilla
    tabarilla Posts: 19 Member
    You can add me. I'm 34, almost 35, and I am 350 lbs. I was 392 last July, and I am down 42 lbs, but I have a lot to go. I'm bad about self-sabotaging too.
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    That's great that your down to 350 and yeah self sabotaging sucks lol I do it all the time well not this time but pretty much any other attempt
  • 1musicgrl
    1musicgrl Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! I'm 27 with about 90 pounds to lose. You may add me if you like!
  • wendibartel1
    Add me.. I am 33 this is my third go round with weight loss. I have always been fairly heavy around 22 I dropped to my lowest weight in many years which lasted quite sometime. Then 6 years ago I became pregnant and gained all 60 pounds I lost plus 20 more. I have struggled loosing weight since the pregnancy but May 2012 I was to be married so I started the dieting over again. Although not as successful I was able to drop six dress sizes and about 45 pounds. I have gained almost all of it back between the "comfortable life and the stress of work" It is now time for me to regain self confidence and kick this weight in the booty... I would love to help with your support and achieve many goals together.
  • patriana83
    patriana83 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me..
  • halez_182
    halez_182 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2015
    I need the same thing!!!!
    I need motivational people that I can relate to as well. I'm shamefully only 21 years old & have 25kgs (approx 50lbs) to lose. I was 64kg (approx. 120lbs) back when I was 18. Then I started partying & drinking as soon as I was "legal" which also help add a few kgs. Then I ended up in a relationship when I was 19. Í don't know why I'm being so honest to strangers but anyway... My boyfriend at the time became very aggressive & violent towards me so much so that I was too scared to leave because I was unsure as to what he might do.
    19. I started emotionally eating & therefore packed on more kgs. I finally after a year left him (which was a bit messy). I've been dealing with the aftermath of what he has done to me. Ive been trying for the past year to lose weight & I keep losing motivation. So for the hundredth time I'm giving it another go & pulling myself together. Getting *kitten* sorted!

    Sorry for the ramble... But that's my story.
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry about the
    Ex and yeah I find myself sharing more with strangers than on facebook or with people I know lol I guess Cuz we're all in the same boat and won't judge I'm gonna add you
  • jessie_moto
    I, too, have over 100 pounds to lose and I'm one of those people who need good and strong support systems to succeed. It's time to get my *kitten* in gear and get my life together. I'm tired of missing out on it!
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    I feel the
    Same but that's why I'm here so we can all do it together
  • LaLo314
    LaLo314 Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah! I need a support group. From 315lbs to 216lbs, back to 301lbs and I'm currently 271lbs.... I'd like to be part of this. Maybe I can help people stay motivated and keep me from making bad decisions. I can relate to so many stories on here. We can do this!
  • KellyHaggerty85
    KellyHaggerty85 Posts: 16 Member
    Just added you :)