Fell off.... Trying to get back on!

I had gastric bypass three years ago although I list alit if weight I gained back 20 lbs although its not alot I feel like I failed myself... i dont feel beautiful anymore and to go clothes shopping is s disaster.... But in all this Im trying to get back on track just having a hard time!


  • You have made a great start at getting back on track by coming to myfitnesspal. I fell off myself but I'm trying to regain my motivation.
  • Its hard and im still struggling to start exercising im just stalling...
  • nmonty21
    nmonty21 Posts: 17 Member
    Im here trying to start again too. Its hard knowing how much work you did, then realizing you have to do it all over. Anyone in that boat is free to add me, I completely understand!!!
  • ashmarie1083
    ashmarie1083 Posts: 55 Member
    I right there with you all.
    About 4 years ago I started (again) and lost a little over 50 lbs. Then I started dating and met my now bf. We all know what happens when you get into a relationship... We let ourselves go. Yup, I have gained it all back :-(
    But I'm starting again. Because I don't want to keep starting and stopping. I just want to live a healthier life. Hopefully I'll never have to start again.
  • Alicia_1981
    Alicia_1981 Posts: 32 Member
    3 years ago I lost 20 of my 40lb goal, felt good so never stressed about the other 20 and maintained that for 2 years. Last year I got lazy and gained all plus some back. Have to do this for me just like you do. Let's do it now!