Moms and Dads



  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    Working from home today and I took my "lunch break" and did my 50 minute exercise DVD's while the babies were napping. I plan to ride the stationary bike this evening after the hubby gets home from work.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm a mom of a three year old, pregnant with #2, a full-time student, and I work nights at my gym. I know busy! I make time to work out in the mornings, before my husband has to leave for work. Usually that means I'm up at 4am and in the gym by 4:30. It's not always fun, but I find I actually have MORE energy on those early morning workout days than days when I get to sleep in and take it slower. Go figure.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello. I don't have near the workload that you do but I have two children at home (16 years and 11 months), am doing classes online (between part time and full time) and have five dogs. I am still nursing a baby who won't sleep through the night, so that adds to less time. I would love to have a busy mom for a friend and try and help each other through busy days. My husband and daughter recently started packing their own lunches and not waking me in the morning. That's a huge relief but school is very stressful. I really like time to myself when everyone is gone or napping. I can get a lot done when my son watches his favorite programs on TV (plus I can tune those out, for some reason). DVD's that I have that I workout to are "The Biggest Loser" and "Latin Dancing." I don't always get through an entire one without interruptions but I can always hit pause.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Not sure where you are in your progress or how much you have to lose, but with 3 kids and a fulltime job, you probably don't have much time for exercise.

    Focus on diet rather than exercise. Log what you eat, and try to stay below your maintenance level. It doesn't take more time to eat low-cal than high-cal, and you can absolutely lose weight that way even without exercise.

    For exercise, try to walk at least a little every day and see if you can do something more active on the weekends. Go hiking, take the kids swimming, or put the baby in the stroller and go running.

    Good luck, and be kind to yourself. You've got a lot going on right now. It does get easier.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Also - I have some of the same foot problems (PF and pronation). I got good shoes and orthotic inserts, and I use a standing desk at work. Standing for most of the day has massively improved my foot issues (weird but true), as well as burning calories.
  • majess1022
    majess1022 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all! OP, I'm also a mom of three, with a very similar schedule! And after baths and homework and bedtime, I am also popped out. I get the busy, busy demands.

    That is awesome that you getting time on the exercise bike! I wish I had something like that, but I worry that I will spend the money and not use it.

    I've been thinking about blocking out weekend time for family exercise, like a hike or something. Weekdays are crazy, but we've got more time to work with on weekends.

  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @zarckon: that is so weird that you just said that about the standing desk. my co-worker and I were just talking about standing desks. We were talking with my supervisor about a specific type that you can sit at or change to a standing type. I would love to be able to stand part of my day rather than sit 8-9 hours straight. Would you mind if I messaged you some more specific questions regarding low-cal and maintenance?
  • babyseal_24
    babyseal_24 Posts: 26 Member
    There's a Wii game series called Just Dance. It's super fun and it's an excellent workout. It would be an easy way to spend time with your family but still be active... and at home!
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @babyseal_24: my kids and I were playing Just Dance Disney last night.. it was hilarious! We got 3 stars!! :smile: