Newbie looking to lose 40+ lbs...

Hello MFP - I am 43, married 25 years with two kids (20 and 22). Over the last five years I have gained 50 plus pounds and am simply sick of feeling tired, unhealthy, and frustrated. I am not looking for a magic pill or a quick fix but simply a life style change. I just want to feel healthier. I will also be starting a doable exercise plan without killing myself :# I did WW several years ago and had seriously wanted to join again but with the monthly fee I figured I would try MFP instead. The key for me was tracking and accountability. I have heard great things about MFP and decided to give it a try.


  • Good luck we sound to be in the same boat !!
  • QweenSki
    QweenSki Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds familiar. I'm 44 and currently at 230. Food has been my main source of comfort and entertainment for way too long now. I want to learn to eat to live instead of living to eat. Determined to lose 50 pounds! Went to gym yesterday (30 min on Elliptical) and did the same today. Just joined MFP today. Feeing determined, but hope I can stay the course!
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!! it's possible!!! Look at me. You can add me if you want, I'd love to be your friend and help.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome, weight loss is simply calories in, versus calories out. No magic pill, no snake oil diet plans, and no elimination of foods you like. Use portion control instead. Two pieces of bread turn into one, a piece of cake turns into a sliver. If you're faithful about logging in everyday, you'll learn very quickly how much you can eat of a certain food, and you'll start making better, healthier choices. On calories burned, never eat back more than 1/2, as most devices including MFP overestimate those, and you could end up overeating your workouts. Remember you don't need to exercise to lose weight, 97% of weight loss comes from eating less. Working out speeds weight loss up a little but its main purpose is to get you in shape.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    MFP is way better/easier than WW and free! Welcome to the site!
  • The easiest fix to eating less calories is buying smaller plates, bowls and skinnier drinking glasses. Psychology is a powerful tool to mass loss and hacking our brains into believing the portion sizes are bigger with smaller plates actually works. Throw in some color contrast and before you know it the mass melts away without much effort.
    Science to the rescue =)
    see large plate study

    see colored plate study

    Baby steps to healthy living!
  • Carolyn917
    Carolyn917 Posts: 17 Member
    I am giving this app. one more try. I am 48 years old, I weigh 215#'s & I'm 5' 2.5" tall. I am 75 -80#'s overweight and I desperately need to lose weight for health reasons. I am trying to stick to a low carb, healthy choice, whole food life style plan. My goals are to lose 10#'s by Valentine's Day and 75#'s by January 1st, 2016. I hate to exercise but I plan on using Yoga, Pilates and dance to exercise. I need friends to keep me accountable and motivated. For some reason I can't add friends, keep getting error message so PLEASE ADD ME!!
  • LawOfFives
    LawOfFives Posts: 5 Member
    So many people, particulary women, try to lose weight cutting calories and doing cardio when it has repeatedly not worked for them in the past. If you want to really change your body for the long term, your primary focus needs to be building muscle, not killing yourself with endurance sessions of cardio. Lift weights, take long walks, and eat real food (fruits vegetables, and meat, not things that come out of factories) and you will transform your body.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Add me! I need to lose 55 pounds. Need all the help I can get. WE can do this!!. I am pre diabetic and want so bad to be healthy for my self and my kids. Last year I lost 25 pounds but gained 13 back this summer. Setting some short term goals that work for me so that I do not burn myself out.