Tips on bench pressing



  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh, and all lat lifts, do "shoulder packing". Bicep curls, overhead press, chest flys, bench....... Shoulder packing. You WILL feel weaker.... Because it's making your upper back activate. Just keep doing it. Bicep curls... Stand against a wall and don't let your shoulder move away from the wall. Keep them touching the wall through the entire lift.
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    Oh, and all lat lifts, do "shoulder packing". Bicep curls, overhead press, chest flys, bench....... Shoulder packing. You WILL feel weaker.... Because it's making your upper back activate. Just keep doing it. Bicep curls... Stand against a wall and don't let your shoulder move away from the wall. Keep them touching the wall through the entire lift.

    Ill look that stuff up start working on it, I appreciate all the help and hope this helps I guess the bigger picture and not just my bench press. Thank you so much!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good advice so far. I would personally see a local powerlifting specific gym or coach to teach you efficient technique. If you can press that much with db's then unless it is mobility related or something to do with the pause in PL then I'd say it is technique 100%. Without a vid, can't really help much.
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    chrisdavey wrote: »
    Good advice so far. I would personally see a local powerlifting specific gym or coach to teach you efficient technique. If you can press that much with db's then unless it is mobility related or something to do with the pause in PL then I'd say it is technique 100%. Without a vid, can't really help much.

    I will defiantly also look into meeting with some one in the area who can improve my form and such.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    do your shoulders have a medial rotation?

    I asked first!!

    I used $3 words.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    Krueger92 wrote: »
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    Krueger92 wrote: »
    I do weighted dips every so often but it stresses my shoulder pretty bad. I will some overhead presses though.. I agree it is unusual. Its been a problem since the day I started lifting haha

    Do you have rounded shoulders/bad posture?

    Bad football injury back in the day on my right shoulder

    I have it too. You need to work on correcting this. My guess is when using an Olympic bar, you are forced into a correct position (chest out shoulders back and down) and your postural chain is weak. Stretch the chest, and strengthen upper back.
    My PT has me working rotator cuff and mid back in order to resolve medial shoulder rotation.

    Not saying upper back couldn't benefit, this is just what my PT has me doing for it. He did a strength workup, and found for me, that's where I was lacking. Might be worth seeing a PT for a review.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited January 2015
    chuck636 wrote: »
    I feel like that video focuses more on the how much can I max guy...not the guy who is actually trying to grow his pecs ...hence the 3 inch bench press from the man in the beginning... Just my opinion

    That's somewhat fair, but the OP did ask about why he can't bench as much weight, not why his pecs won't grow. I think he's doing just fine in the physique department, judging from his pictures. Furthermore, he talked about powerlifting comps in which case a video like this is perfect.