new here!

Indiana mother of three kids looking to lose weight and regain strengthen to live longer for my kids. Getting ready to start insanity!!!


  • Welcome!
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    I'm coming back after over a year. My goal is to also lose weight and be healthier for my family.
  • Poppythehalfling
    Poppythehalfling Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome!!:D good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
  • Indiana mother of three kids looking to lose weight and regain strengthen to live longer for my kids. Getting ready to start insanity!!!

    PLEASE let me know how Insanity works for you! I've been wanting to try it but I feel a little too out of shape at this moment!
  • pleasentdreams23
    pleasentdreams23 Posts: 3 Member
    I started it a year ago but the weeks in found out I was pregnant. I'm very out of shape but still did it. I loved it too be honest!!! I couldn't do everything off as much as they did but I did it every day. I looked forward to doing it. But my thighs were getting a lot bigger because I had a bad vein
  • pleasentdreams23
    pleasentdreams23 Posts: 3 Member
    I've had surgery now and I'm ready to get started again. If I can do it anyone can! I wish you the best of luck! I'll help keep you motivated and you can help me!!!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    Please feel free to add me