Fed up! Eating about 2000 cals less and gained, need advice :(

Okay so I'm 15stone 6. Yesterday was 15stone 5 so have gained a 1lb despite only eating protein veg and total of 1300 calories. I've gained a 1lb in one day :(


  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    It takes more than one day to gain weight, did you go to the bathroom before hand? my guess is it's water weight from salt and unpassed food.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    You have not gained 1lb of fat if you only ate 1300 calories yesterday. Lots of things can cause weight fluctuations of up to 5lb or even more!

    Give it a week without getting on the scales and weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you have been to the toilet.
  • Raykels
    Raykels Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with the others, for example, I weighed myself Friday and was 10lb 10, Sunday night I was 11lb 7 and yesterday night I was 11lb3. I'm figuring water retention for the fluctuations in weight so until I hit a steady weight I aren't going to focus on numbers too much.

    There are two ways to approach this, either only weigh yourself once a week at most. Or for the next two weeks weigh yourself daily and track it, then average out your weight to get an accurate weight, and then only weigh once every two weeks to track actual loss.
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    You didn't gain that sort of weight in one day and unfortunately it won't be lost in one day either...
  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    Just to reinforce what has already been said, fluctuations in weight of 1lb are completely normal, due to how hydrated you are, bodily movements, etc. You won't have put on a pound of fat in one day. As has been said, either take lots and lots of readings over a whole period of time, say a week, and average them out and use this to compare, or measure much less frequently, but at a time when you shouls usually be in a similar state ~ for instance, I weight in one a fortnight, first thing in the morning when I awake, but after being to the toilet.

    Most importantly, don't give up! The laws of thermodynamics mean if you are in a calorie deficit, you will loose weight.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2015
    If you can't cope with fluctuations of up to 5lb do NOT weigh every day

    If you want to understand how your body weight fluctuates due to water weight from hormones, exercise change-ups, sodium, diet, going to the bathroom / not going to the bathroom / food in belly, clothes, time of day then weigh more regularly and use something like trendweight.com or happy scale app to show the general trend
  • earthakin
    earthakin Posts: 15 Member
    Don't pay attention to the scale. It will create an excuse for you to give up. Just log your food and know that you are making healthy choices for yourself. The scale will soon reflect those choices.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    It doesn't work that way, Bro.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Yes you did gain a pound in weight in one day! tomorrow you may lose 2!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    BRKelsall wrote: »

    ... so until I hit a steady weight I aren't going to focus on numbers too much.

    "steady weight"

    There is no such thing.

    I will fluctuate, day-to-day, as much as 4 to 6 pounds. Did I just drink 16 oz o water? Have a glass of milk? When did I last eat? That half-pound of salad I just ate at lunch weighs ... guess what - a half pound. Did I poop this morning? Is yesterday's 2 pounds of indigestible food still in the gullet or has it evacuated to the sewer? How long was my morning run, how long ago was it, and what was the temperature. I can sweat off 4+ pounds of water in a single 10-miler. Maybe I over compensated in rehydration and drank 5 pounds back?

    "steady weight".


    Yer a funny one.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    As everyone already said, weightloss is not linear. Here's my weights for the past week, as an example:

    12/30 - 193.1
    12/31 - 193.5
    1/1 - 195.7
    1/2 - 195.5
    1/3 - 196.8
    1/4 - 197.3
    1/5 - 194.4
    1/6 - 193.7

    I ate a lot of sodium around New Year's and I'm entering TOM, so I'm going to weigh a bit more than before. Also, as I have to be awake much earlier on Sundays, that number was also skewed from the rest. Unless you ate 3500 calories over maintenance, you did not gain a pound of fat.

    If you really do want to weigh every day, you have to be mindful that your weight will go up and down. If those fluctuations bother you, then it's probably best to only weigh once a week at the most.
  • clairabelle01
    clairabelle01 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, thanks for all advice, doesnt seem like a hood idea daily weighing then but im scared im doing it wrong.
    I've put on a lot of weight over last 18 months, 3 week before Xmas joined a gym and cut out sugar and carbs. Lost 2lb in the 3 week which was disappointing, i suppose it feels little reward for eatong chicken and veg every day and it's killing me in gym, it's definitely harder running with all this weight than it used to be a few year back. Been doing intervals, where I run at top speed for 1 minute then walk for a minute. It's harder than I ever realised, I am super unfit but pushing with all I have. I have now cut back my diet to around 1200 calories and sticking to protein and veggies, and just desperate for scales to go down, I'm on day 6 of eating like this, just keep thinking I'm doing something wrong.

    I'm really determined, but I've no support at home and I've no idea if I'm eating right, using gym right? Should I use weights?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Hi, thanks for all advice, doesnt seem like a hood idea daily weighing then but im scared im doing it wrong.
    I've put on a lot of weight over last 18 months, 3 week before Xmas joined a gym and cut out sugar and carbs. Lost 2lb in the 3 week which was disappointing, i suppose it feels little reward for eatong chicken and veg every day and it's killing me in gym, it's definitely harder running with all this weight than it used to be a few year back. Been doing intervals, where I run at top speed for 1 minute then walk for a minute. It's harder than I ever realised, I am super unfit but pushing with all I have. I have now cut back my diet to around 1200 calories and sticking to protein and veggies, and just desperate for scales to go down, I'm on day 6 of eating like this, just keep thinking I'm doing something wrong.

    I'm really determined, but I've no support at home and I've no idea if I'm eating right, using gym right? Should I use weights?

    Why did you cut out sugar and carbs? You realize veggies are carbs, right?
  • clairabelle01
    clairabelle01 Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah bit I meant the rice/bread/pasta type. Is it a good idea to cut out veg too? What foods are best for weight loss? Like I say I'm not confident I'm doing the right thing. Internet has a lot of contradictory advice.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    No! Don't cut out vegies too. I hate stepping on the scales because they go up down and around. I haven't lost anything over the last 3 weeks, but my jeans are getting looser every week. So, I'm losing inches instead of scale weight.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2015
    Clairabelle01 you don't have to cut out anything. All you really have to do is eat less.

    Some people find it easier to give up certain foods for a while because they can't easily control how much of those foods they eat. An example might be not eating potato chips or cookies because they can't (won't) stop at just one serving size (or whatever amount keeps them within their daily goal). So for a while they just don't buy those foods. But, you CAN eat any food and still lose weight, as long as you eat the correct number of calories.

    No need to never eat bread, rice, pasta, etc. Just be sure to weigh these foods so you know you are eating the number of grams the package indicates for the calories of each serving (or partial serving).

    If you like salads, they can help fill you up. And you can eat croutons on your salads if you wish. Most croutons are about 35 calories for 7 grams and 7 grams are not many croutons, but you CAN eat croutons. My current favorite salad is 3 cups of spring mix lettuces, 1 oz crumbled blue cheese, 28 grams croutons, 14 grams sun dried tomatoes julienne cut, and 2 T Hellmann's balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Only about 250 calories so you can easily add some lean protein to this meal, or a baked potato or both! If you don't care for blue cheese, removing that from the salad will save 100 calories. Blue cheese fills me up and keeps me full so I usually use at least .5 ounces when I eat this salad.

    I hope you don't make this too hard on yourself. Counting calories was a relief for me because I learned I don't have to give up the things I love. I hope you can make it work for you too!



  • clairabelle01
    clairabelle01 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, thanks for all advice, doesnt seem like a hood idea daily weighing then but im scared im doing it wrong.
    I've put on a lot of weight over last 18 months, 3 week before Xmas joined a gym and cut out sugar and carbs. Lost 2lb in the 3 week which was disappointing, i suppose it feels little reward for eatong chicken and veg every day and it's killing me in gym, it's definitely harder running with all this weight than it used to be a few year back. Been doing intervals, where I run at top speed for 1 minute then walk for a minute. It's harder than I ever realised, I am super unfit but pushing with all I have. I have now cut back my diet to around 1200 calories and sticking to protein and veggies, and just desperate for scales to go down, I'm on day 6 of eating like this, just keep thinking I'm doing something wrong.

    I'm really determined, but I've no support at home and I've no idea if I'm eating right, using gym right? Should I use weights?
    sodakat wrote: »
    Clairabelle01 you don't have to cut out anything. All you really have to do is eat less.

    Some people find it easier to give up certain foods for a while because they can't easily control how much of those foods they eat. An example might be not eating potato chips or cookies because they can't (won't) stop at just one serving size (or whatever amount keeps them within their daily goal). So for a while they just don't buy those foods. But, you CAN eat any food and still lose weight, as long as you eat the correct number of calories.

    No need to never eat bread, rice, pasta, etc. Just be sure to weigh these foods so you know you are eating the number of grams the package indicates for the calories of each serving (or partial serving).

    If you like salads, they can help fill you up. And you can eat croutons on your salads if you wish. Most croutons are about 35 calories for 7 grams and 7 grams are not many croutons, but you CAN eat croutons. My current favorite salad is 3 cups of spring mix lettuces, 1 oz crumbled blue cheese, 28 grams croutons, 14 grams sun dried tomatoes julienne cut, and 2 T Hellmann's balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Only about 250 calories so you can easily add some lean protein to this meal, or a baked potato or both! If you don't care for blue cheese, removing that from the salad will save 100 calories. Blue cheese fills me up and keeps me full so I usually use at least .5 ounces when I eat this salad.

    I hope you don't make this too hard on yourself. Counting calories was a relief for me because I learned I don't have to give up the things I love. I hope you can make it work for you too!



    Wow that salad sounds delicious, mine have been dull and I'm starting to hate lettuce. Have you seen results simply calorie counting then?
  • quickcrx702
    quickcrx702 Posts: 46 Member
    Just wanted to add to the others who suggested water weight. Depending on how much water and sodium you are taking in, you can have wild fluctuations. Sometimes my weight goes up or down 5-10lbs. For example, if I'm drinking a ton of water and eating a lot of salt to make all the veggies I'm eating tolerable, then the next day cut the salt and decide to cheat at night by drinking lots of alcohol(which dehydrates you), the next day I will weigh much less. Once I hydrate again, my weight will go up at least 5lbs. Don't stress about it.