i am new here. and love the idea of the site

I am 55 yr old height is 5ft 3.5 and weigh 200#. I just moved from Florida to northern Louisiana and I am preparing to go job hunting after having been in the same job for 15 yrs. I'm a nurse.


  • TylerAvenger
    welcome to MFP and welcome to Louisiana!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Welcome! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • patneia
    patneia Posts: 13 Member
    Hi toot! RI Nurse here, looking to free myself of thirty lbs! I'm also (eek!) 55..need motivation; I've done it before but need to again. Good luck on job search--have u peeked at your local edition of state nurses newsletter--ads there oftentimes. Also, craiglist for your own area (national ones are not too helpful). It's freezing here so my usual walk won't happen. Hope for gym!!
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    U will luv MFP. I am 54 and will be 55 in one month. Stand 5"2" and need to lose 20 lbs. I used to live in Baton Rouge then Lakeland florida. Unfortunately, we got transferred to Columbus Ohio. Hate it. Cold and people r not fun as in Louisiana.

    Follow MFP. Log in food and exercise and make sure u weigh yourself. Look at the trend in loss as u might see swing up every now and then. Just stick with I and it works!!!

    Enjoy your warm Florida weather