Doing it wrong??

I've logged in to myfitnesspal for 10 days now, tracked what I ate, and have exercised. I have went over my calories a few times. But I haven't lost any weight. I've actually gained a couple lbs. Could it be water weight? My diary is open, so feel free to give me some tips. I'm used to eating a lot of fast food, and over 3000 calories a day. So it is hard to keep it under 1600.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2015
    you need to weigh your food on a digital scale

    Cups are less than useful

    do not eat back all exercise calories if using the MFP database - start with 50% then maybe work up to 75% if you're losing weight well

    you're quite simply eating too much .. sorry

    also it doesn't matter if you go over one day and under another as long as your weekly calories are in defecit - you're going over more than under in the last 4 days so you're not doing that
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    Ok thanks.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Ok I only looked at three days and you were over on two. Basically, you're eating too much. Additionally, too much processed food in combination with a new exercise program will make you retain water.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You're eating a lot of processed foods that are high in salt and probably not very filling

    I'd find it incredibly difficult to stick to a diet with such low volumes of food

    Can you make better choices? More vegetables / home-made stuff and make room for 'treats' - you don't have to but you do need to stick to a calorie defecit

    Also try to eat real food rather than shakes or bar as replacements

  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    your eating at maintenance level or higher, sorry to say.

    get your self a good set of digital scale, this will help with food portions, if you can, pre planning what you're going to eat.

    This will let you know what you can have in advance and work it into your plan, No foods are off limits just smaller amounts.

  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    That is a big problem for me, and why I haven't stuck to losing weight, is that I don't cook/prepare food, so that's where all the processed foods come in. Plus I work full time, and part time in college, and a single mom. So most of our food is grabbing and going (hence fast food).
    Also my food stamps were cut, so right now I have absolutely no grocery money. I am having to wait for my paycheck to get more groceries. I should have more healthier foods on next weeks diary.

    So what number should I actually be eating? MFP says 1600 if I want to lose 2 lbs a week. TDEE says 1900. So I have mine set at 1700.

    I am 30, 273, 5"7, and have a desk job. I work out 3 times a week at a gym that is kind of like cross fit.
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, I really admire your honesty. I think its okay you are not dropping off the pounds so long as you are not getting discouraged. I have sent a friend request
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    1600 sounds fine .. but at 2lb a week that means your TDEE is 2600 ... what have you set your activity level as, should be sedentary for a desk job and log the gym as workouts

    learn to batch cook at the weekend or during the evenings with cheap foods and spices for taste so you get huge pots of food for little money and calories that you can grab a pot of and take to work with you

    we all have reasons it's hard to diet

    we all have to just tough it out until it becomes natural to us

    you can do it
  • Want2bthin135
    Want2bthin135 Posts: 30 Member
    If you must eat fast food, try and cut back on these items. If you have a burger from Burger King, try and have baby carrots and a fruit instead of fries and all those calories for a drink.

    Try the refrigerator oatmeal recipe. It is wonderful and you make it the night before to grab for breakfast.

    The one I use is
    1/3 cup rolled oats (uncooked)
    1/3 cup skim milk
    2 tsp chia seeds
    1/3 cup greek yogurt.

    Refrigerate over night. (No cooking needed)

    The brands I use come up to 220 calories, then I add fruit and sweetener as needed. It's still good with nothing added. You can google for different addition ideas.

    Make sure you weigh and measure everything, When eating out you really never know if the nutrition information is correct. Occasionally it won't hurt but doing it daily will hinder weight loss.

    Planning is key for me.

    Good luck,
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I'm a single mom and I have time everyday to exercise, cook and be a fantastic mother. You are running out of money, because you eat out so much! Start utilizing the internet you have and learn to cook at home.
    As far as weight loss, follow MFP's recommendations for a month and weigh and measure everything.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    My recommendation would be to cut out the liquid calories. Sweet tea is how the south got fat. And you really don't need to be drinking a sports drink unless you're exercising for more than an hour. Shop the parameter of the grocery store (fruits, vegetables, fresh meat) and avoid the processed foods and candy.
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    lol sweet tea is how the south got fat.

    Thank you for all the advice. Want2bthin, I will try that recipe. I bought the rolled oats, but didn't know what to put in it.

    Alot of my grocery money has went to fast food. So that would be key to my getting healthy, and helping my budget is to eat more at home, and learn to cook healthier things. I also need to drink more water, which would keep me fuller.
  • Godblessedmom
    Godblessedmom Posts: 27 Member
    Keep up the hard work! Proud of you for trying and for your honesty. Watch for sales in the grocery store. Baby carrots, apples, and yogurt go on sale often. Freezer meals for the crockpot are great, fast and easy. I like a little lemon juice in my water or some generic water flavoring once in a while. You can do this and you will teach your kids to be healthier as well!!!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I second the batch cooking thing. I do chicken salads for lunch, and I make them all on Sunday so then they're just ready to go and I grab one in the morning.
    It's okay to eat *some* processed foods. I grab a breakfast burrito from the freezer every morning and I don't feel bad about it.

    In my experience, it takes about a month to get into a routine where you know what kinds of foods you'll eat and what groceries to buy. It can be tough that first month but once you figure it out it gets easier.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yes, drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help with hunger, and it can also help you lose any water weight your body might be holding onto.
    I agree with the advice to do batch cooking. It will be cheaper in the long run, and it will make it much easier for you to stay full and meet your calorie/nutrition goals for the day. You can make plenty of meals by throwing things into the crockpot at the beginning of the day, and when you get home for dinner, it will be ready to eat. Casserole-type dishes are also pretty easy to throw together, and you can find lots of healthy variations online that can often be frozen or refrigerated ahead of time and cooked when you need them.

    1700 sounds like a very reasonable calorie goal. If you can stick to it and log your food accurately and consistently, you should be successful. :)
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    Keep up the hard work! Proud of you for trying and for your honesty. Watch for sales in the grocery store. Baby carrots, apples, and yogurt go on sale often. Freezer meals for the crockpot are great, fast and easy. I like a little lemon juice in my water or some generic water flavoring once in a while. You can do this and you will teach your kids to be healthier as well!!!

    What are freezer meals for the crockpot? I have a crockpot but never cooked anything in it.

  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    How do you keep your salads fresh? If I buy salad I usually keep it in the bag "closed" with a clip, but after a few days the lettuce is brown and soggy.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Keep up the hard work! Proud of you for trying and for your honesty. Watch for sales in the grocery store. Baby carrots, apples, and yogurt go on sale often. Freezer meals for the crockpot are great, fast and easy. I like a little lemon juice in my water or some generic water flavoring once in a while. You can do this and you will teach your kids to be healthier as well!!!

    What are freezer meals for the crockpot? I have a crockpot but never cooked anything in it.

    Google is your friend
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Bagged salad always wilts too fast and costs too much IMHO. Get your leaf and iceberg lettuce and wrap them in paper towels, then wrap in a grocery bag. The paper towel is the secret.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    A freezer meal for the crock pot means something you can cook in a crock pot and then freeze portions to defrost as needed so it doesn't go bad in the meantime. Chili would be one good and easy example. Beef or chicken stew or hearty soup, also.