Breakfast smoothies

I'm in search of some easy fast breakfast smoothies for weight lose. I work 40+ hours a week and getting a good breakfast in is sometimes out of the question. So I if could have some pre made bag preped frozen for fast easy make that would be awesome.

If you all could help please so... also include how many calories to please :-)


  • Dolphinlvr6
    Dolphinlvr6 Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite is 1 cup spinach, 1 cup kale, 1 cup frozen pineapple, 8oz fresh pressed apple juice. Great way to get your greens in and it tastes really good!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    50g full-fat yoghurt
    1 banana
    1 handful mixed berries
    1 tsp coconut oil
    1 tsp peanut butter
    1/2 cup nuts and seeds
    30g protein powder
    enough water to blend everything to a desired consistency (600ml is nice I find)

    789 calories
    56g carbs (21 of which are fibre)
    44g protein
    48g fat

    A whole lot of everything, and about 600ml. Very filling and nutritious, but there's nothing to say you can't half everything to keep the calories down. I usually have one of these whenever I don't feel like making a meal :smile:

    Varying the coconut oil, peanut butter and protein powder (especially if milk protein/ casein) tends to tweak how filling it is. Reducing the nuts and seeds is also an option if you want to keep the fat down, and you could probably add oats if you wanted. 24g or so of the protein comes from the protein powder, so altering that will allow you alter the protein content if desired.

    Most nuts and seeds can be added, it's your choice. I use a mix of sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, flax and chia for the seeds, and usually almonds, walnuts and brazils for the nuts. If adding chia seeds, soak them in 2/ 3 times their volume in water for 5/ 10 mins (or overnight) first, so they're not so crunchy on your teeth. The smoothie in general will have a decent bit of texture due to the nuts and seeds, but nothing really hard, just softly chewy :smile:
  • pearl_089
    pearl_089 Posts: 6 Member
    It's not a recipe, but I read a tip while browsing through blog posts that when you're busy you can make your smoothies in larger batches ahead of time and freeze them in ice cube trays or muffin tins so you can just pop a few of them out when you want to use them. Plus it's also a good way to have control over portion size :smile:

    Here is the link the blog post I saw it on:
  • nomorepuke
    nomorepuke Posts: 320 Member