Trying to lose 6st in 9months



  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Grow up and eat your vegetables.

    How can you dislike all vegetables? Such a huge variety of flavors, textures, cooking methods. Raw carrots. Steamed artichokes. Grilled onions. Sauteed Brussels sprouts. Baked stuffed peppers. Blanched tomatoes. Stir-fried broccoli. All completely different from each other.


    Only a child whines "I don't like vegetables"

  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I lost 70 lbs in about 9 months, so I would have to say that it was possible FOR ME. Everyone is different, and that rate of loss may not suit you. I was extremely careful to make sure I met my nutrition needs by meal planning every day, balancing calories with protein/fat/fiber and cooking everything from scratch (and using the recipe builder on MFP to make sure it was as accurate as I could get it). It took a lot of planning and determination.

    Nutrition-dense, low-calorie foods are your friends and this most definitely includes vegetables. Buy yourself a recipe book which appeals and work on incorporating vegetables into your meals using different cooking techniques, flavorings and types of vegetables.
  • patsieex
    patsieex Posts: 5 Member
    I don't think it's very fair to be negitive and tell someone to grow up! I don't like veggies either and to be told to eat something she don't like will only make it worse. I think with tricking of the mind you can get to a place where you feel comfortable eating veg just give yourself a chance Sweetie
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    patsieex wrote: »
    I don't think it's very fair to be negitive and tell someone to grow up! I don't like veggies either and to be told to eat something she don't like will only make it worse. I think with tricking of the mind you can get to a place where you feel comfortable eating veg just give yourself a chance Sweetie

    Well, I agree that the negativity is not necessary, but the OP does need to have a much more open mind in order to possibly accomplish her goal. A solid plan is needed and generally ruling out a large portion of food in an initial post for help is just going to lead to failure. I hope not, but it often tends to be the case.

    OP, experiment. There are multitudes of vegetables out there and countless ways to prepare them. Do some research - there's an abundance of it out there.