I thought Diet sodas were better for you



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ever seen on tv how they can clean a toilet with diet soda? Can't be good for us!

    it cleans because of the acid content. Which is roughly the same as orange juice.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    DIET IS just as bad or worse that regular soda. It may have no calories but its the other sludge inside that shiny can that is bad for your body. The artificial sugars are real bad. read about it. I have read a lot of info out there and its hard to ignore.
    But I hear ya, I am a recovering coke head and have just given it up.... 2 weeks now without. Its bad bad bad.... the chemicals are bad.... its all chemicals... nothing nutritious about it.... But I never understood the concept of not liking water..... I agree I was one of those people at one time that didnt drink enough, but I am glad I have switched. My body is letting me know it was the right thing to do. I have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks and I attribute a lot of that to cutting out the diet soda....... All I know is since I have stopped, I feel a lot better.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.
    Why would a soda company pay a scientist to say that soda is not good for you??
    Or who would pay a scientist to say that soda pop is not good for you??

    If I'm the guy who grows beets, which are bought by sugar refiners to make sugary soda, and then here comes no-calorie sweetener, wouldn't it be in my best financial interests to convince you that it's chemical and bad?

    even water is a chemical folks...
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    All diet drinks contain aspartame ..if you look at the chemical structure of aspartame it contains a dangerous chemical ring known as a benzenes ring. The alternating bonds in this ring make it incredibly dangerous because it does not act as other normal chemicals do. Benzenes is directly linked to causing cancer and other very harmful life threatening diseases. I've written several essays and thoroughly researched aspartame ...trust scientists they're not being "paid" to be the laughing stock of the science community
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    ever seen on tv how they can clean a toilet with diet soda? Can't be good for us!

    it cleans because of the acid content. Which is roughly the same as orange juice.

    Orange Juice has citric/ascorbic acid[Vitamin C] - organic acids required by the body.
    Pop Soda has phophates which are inorganic acids, not required by the body.
    So its not the same.
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.
    Why would a soda company pay a scientist to say that soda is not good for you??
    Or who would pay a scientist to say that soda pop is not good for you??

    If I'm the guy who grows beets, which are bought by sugar refiners to make sugary soda, and then here comes no-calorie sweetener, wouldn't it be in my best financial interests to convince you that it's chemical and bad?

    even water is a chemical folks...

    I thought we were talking about diet sodas. So my question was 'Who would pay a scientist to say diet sodas are bad for you'?
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    haha I always love it when this topic comes up on here... I was waiting for all of this.

    As I tell everyone in real life for everything..

    "Life is full of choices, its the consequences you have to deal with not the choice"

    Do what you want.
  • Just saw a documentary I got from Netflix called "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World". It's about Aspartame and how it's affects those who use it. Bottom line, it's 10% fuel. The way it was approved by the FDA is jaw dropping. I have advised my friends and family who suffer from ailments including headaches, diabetes, vision loss, and MS to eliminate the stuff entirely and see if their symptoms are better in just a matter of days. http://dorway.com/dorwblog/ if you are interested.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I still drink diet soda, but I only have one every week or two instead of 3-4 a day. I don't drink it because of the sodium and because caffeine dehydrates you, not because of the chemicals in it.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I drink about 4 per day and lots of water too.
    I like it and expect to increase as the weather heats up.
    It is my last indulgence and if I were perfect I wouldn't belong on this world.
  • jaymark
    jaymark Posts: 18 Member
    All things in moderation. A diet soda here and there won't hurt you. If that is your main drink you condition yourself to what something sweet. I think there is even some science on this. I think it is easier to "justify" other bad behaviors because Its not "sugar" so you start thinking having a sweet treat isn't so bad. I have stop drinking them for the most part and have noticed I really don't crave the sweets any more like I did in the past. I rather use my calories on something else.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member

    Or who would pay a scientist to say that soda pop is not good for you??

    LOL, you're kidding, right?
  • Strelok2500
    Strelok2500 Posts: 12 Member
    Some people seem to think that the studies that can only show a correlation classify as "strong evidence". The evidence simply infers that it may cause you to overeat. The observation made was that the people involved in the study(ies) tended to gain more weight. It does not necessarily follow to then say "therefore aspartame causes weight gain". Correlation does not equal causation. Plus, the effects on the (relatively) small amount of people involved in studies is something you cannot derive a conclusion on the average/expected effect on humanity as a whole.

    You'd need to use aspartame in very high quantities in order for it to cause serious effects. The current levels of consumption are safe.


    I see little reason to make any fuss about it.
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    You know water is good for you. Why take a chance with your health? I am guilty of liking soda myself. I am currently on a quest to give it up.
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    I have never understood the argument "I just don't like water". But, that rant is for another time! :explode:

    Aspartame, when ingested, turns into formaldehyde, you know, the same stuff they embalm people with. I'm allergic to artificial sweeteners. Sugar-Free anything will give me a migraine. My husband's aunt has permanent shakes that have no medical explanation, except they started after she started eating "diet" and "sugar-free" everything.

    But yeah, soda isn't bad for you...:noway:
  • Strelok2500
    Strelok2500 Posts: 12 Member
    Soda will generally be -bad- for you, but we must not ignore that we have to quantify actually how bad it is for your health. From what I've seen, Diet Soda (in most cases) shouldn't be -terrible- for you, but it isn't good for you either. I'd say it's acceptable, but I also wouldn't drink too much of it.

    I personally drink a 710ML bottle of Diet Coke everyday, and get the rest of my fluids through water.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I don't think diet sodas are good for you... but that doesn't stop me from drinking them, once in a while (maybe once a week, if that). I have noticed that I don't lose weight as easily when I drink ANY soda, diet or regular, but that's just me..
  • kaitedid
    kaitedid Posts: 33
    I have one 12 oz Diet Coke a day, which is better than what it used to be. Moderation...and learn to like water!
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    One day they're good for you, the next they're bad. Who knows what to believe anymore. I just saw today that too little salt may increase heart disease.
    So if you want to drink it, go ahead. I do and I'm not going to let some scientist whose getting paid to say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next.
    Why would a soda company pay a scientist to say that soda is not good for you??
    Or who would pay a scientist to say that soda pop is not good for you??

    The corn industry would pay a scientist to say that aspartame is bad for you and you're better off drinking their HFCS laden "regular" pop. Just sayin.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    In moderation, most people are okay on diet sodas. (There are a few people who are sensitive to aspartame and can have bad effects, just like ANY consumable).
    As far as cancer ... sure, if you consume it in mass quantities. But the reason it's "0 calories" is because it is so super sweet you don't need much at all (aspartame is a protein molecule, sucralose a carbohydrate molecule, but contain 4 cal/gram, just like all other proteins and carbs). And there have be no definitive studies linking consumption in moderate amounts to any health issues.

    That said, soda really is BAD. Not just the sweetener. The carbonic acid (formed when CO2 is dissolved in water, that's the carbonation) can eat through limestone, which is basically calcium comparable to your teeth. Caffeine in more than moderate amounts is also unhealthy and can be addictive. The colorings and artificial flavors are less than ideal for your health. And there's no nutrition in it at all. Athletes don't drink soda, especially when they are in training or in the season. It can hinder their performance.

    Multiple studies have shown that women who drank at least 2 cups of skim milk (or ate fat-free yogurt, or other similar dairy products) lost more weight and waist size than women who drank diet soda.

    You don't have to give them up completely. But cut it down to 1-2 a day. And that means maybe a soda with lunch, or a 20 oz bottle, not one of those giant cups you can get at the gas station. You'll feel better, and you won't really miss it. (I had to cut way back due to pregnancy = very little caffeine, and I really don't even crave soda much at all any more)
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