What experience ultimately convinced you it was time to make a change?



  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    These stories are more poignant than I was expecting. I have a lot of respect for you all. I have two reasons. The first is losing a childhood friend to a stroke last year and refusing to take my relatively healthy but obese body for granted any longer. The second is that I'm finishing my masters this semester and going out into the job market. I don't want my weight to be a detrimental factor while I'm looking for a job.
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Twice, now. The first time was before I moved to another state - new life, new me, all that. The second time was yesterday - when I realized I'd gained 20 pounds since I moved. I'm sure it could all be because of my birth control (Depo Provera can be nasty for that)... but I'm also sure it's nothing that can't be solved through diligence!
  • jessmckenzie2014
    jessmckenzie2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not overweight but i realised i hadn't been looking after my health enough and needed to take better care of my internal heath when i was unable to keep up with my 2yo niece dancing to the wiggles :smile:
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2015
    You have asthma, the meds have done their best and you should exercise if you want to get any better.

    yeah uh-huh

    You have MS and we've found out that exercising regularly within your capabilities helps decrease exacerbations.

    wow, that's great, I'll get right on that. . . tomorrow.

    Your high level of fatigue is probably due to the MS, but we won't be able to tell until you lose some weight and take care of the prediabetes.

    Who to the What Now? CrudNuggets. I don't wanna be an adult.
    Big Girl Pants are on.
  • carnivalnights
    carnivalnights Posts: 114 Member
    I honestly don't think I had an exact trigger. I didn't have a "final straw" moment despite being overweight most of my life and experiencing all of the bullying in school people here have mentioned, seeing how awful I looked in photos, knowing the health risks especially as I aged, my father being diagnosed with diabetes, my aunt suffering from thyroid issues, etc. And I guess I am very grateful I didn't have a terrible health experience as a wake-up call because I very well could have let it go that far. I just woke up one day in 2014 and decided to do a teatox (yourtea.com), and at the same time, I was feeling so good and so energetic that I decided to just start working out too and changing my diet and food tracking. I guess my "trigger" was finally feeling good, which was rare for me. I have struggled on and off with depression and panic attacks (as well as social anxiety at times) my entire life, and for a small period of time I felt myself come out of it - about a year after a devastating break-up when I was finally single after 13 years and finally focused on myself for once - and decided to use that new found energy and seize the moment before it went away and I lost the motivation again.

    I know this sounds silly but the more time I spent on Instagram and food blogs (I've always had a passion for cooking), the more I became inspired to do this. I think the motivation was always there but I was very unsure how to go about executing it and just having that "pick up and start" moment; I felt so overwhelmed every time I thought about losing weight because I have more to lose than the average person. It's not just "the last 10 pounds" for me. But anyway, I was following lots of healthy food bloggers (Oh She Glows, for example), body coaches, fitness trainers... they were all giving me ideas for what foods I should be eating (a lot of trainers post photos of what they eat throughout the day which I found very helpful!), what exercises I could or should be doing, etc. I then started reading a lot more about diet and exercise on other sources. I think as my knowledge of fitness and health increased, so too did my desire to execute a healthier lifestyle. It made it less scary to have an idea of what I was doing before I was doing it, if that makes any sense. And then a couple months later I was seeing a nutritionist, which helped even more.

    I've barely lost 20lbs in the last four months, and I have lost and gained the same one or two pounds so many times despite being so consistent... so it's been very slow and frustrating, but I am still as dedicated as I was when I first started, despite all the hurdles.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    The fat women shops didn't carry clothing (pants and skirts) in my size (6x in Canada). I had 1 pair of elastic waist jeans to wear for 1 year. 3 years and 150# later, they all carry 4x, 5x, and 6x, but not 16. I can't win for trying.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Being diagnosed with insulin resistance.

    I've lost 66 pounds and just got the okay on Monday to come off the Metformin.