Looking for Friends to Stay Motivated!

akarimian1125 Posts: 10
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
hey guys! My name is Ashley, I'm 5'5" and currently in the 170s :# , looking to lose about 30lbs. This is THE BIGGEST I have ever been and I am miserable inside and out. This time last year I had lost 25 lbs. with low-carb and using the treadmill daily. It's depressing that all my hard work went down the drain. I am looking for friends to add so we can help motivate each other and stay on track THIS TIME! Please feel free to add me! Good luck and health to everyone! :wink:


  • xoch84
    xoch84 Posts: 1
  • Hey we have similar stats :-). Going to add you! Let's do thisssss
  • kchbt
    kchbt Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 5'6 179lbs looking for friends that help me stay motivated on this weight journey. I am looking to motivate others as well......I look forward to talking with you soon!
  • I just started a routine of swimming and speed walking. Im looking for other people on here for support. Im 5'4" and 215. I used to be 120! I would love to get back to 140 and stay that way!
  • Barb! Swimming is an excellent choice for burning cals and speed walking is actually how I was successful in my weight loss before. Let's keep each other on track this time. Thanks for the add :-)
  • I am 5'3" 190lbs and lost 30 a year ago. A divorce and job changes depressed me to the point of gaining the weight back! my goal is to lose 50 but want to start out losing 30 first.
  • I am 5'2" I weight 188 lbs. I used to weight 120 before kids. I got back down to 130 after having them...then I let myself go. I have lots of problems with myself. I hate looking at me. I have tried many times to lose the weight but always hit a wall and then quit. Looking to find people who will help me keep going this time...and lose my goal weight of 40 lbs!!
  • tanuscorpio
    tanuscorpio Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I am in the similar situation. I am 5'5" and 176lbs. I had lost 20lbs last year through weight watchers. I had twins 3 months ago and gained back all the lost weight plus more.
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    I was in the same boat as you... im 5'4 (and a half - so almost 5'5) and at my very heaviest I was about 170-175... I lost 35lbs have been able to keep it off for almost a year. feel free to add me! (im kinda looking for more friends because ive found that a lot of them are no longer logging and stuff!)
  • akarimian1125
    akarimian1125 Posts: 10
    edited January 2015
    What kinds of meal plans is everyone following? Has anyone heard of the skinnymom 10 day shred? That's what I'm starting out with this time.

  • rayniekate wrote: »
    I am 5'2" I weight 188 lbs. I used to weight 120 before kids. I got back down to 130 after having them...then I let myself go. I have lots of problems with myself. I hate looking at me. I have tried many times to lose the weight but always hit a wall and then quit. Looking to find people who will help me keep going this time...and lose my goal weight of 40 lbs!!

    I SO know what you mean. I hate looking at myself also because it's like I don't even recognize myself anymore. But, a lot of times we are our biggest critics and the way see ourselves isn't how others see us. Don't be discouraged and let's just take it ONE day at a time. :-)
  • kchbt wrote: »
    Hi I'm 5'6 179lbs looking for friends that help me stay motivated on this weight journey. I am looking to motivate others as well......I look forward to talking with you soon!

    Looking forward to keeping each other motivated. What meal plans are you following if any?
  • hilaryalice
    hilaryalice Posts: 9 Member
    Looking for support as well so feel free to add me. I would love to keep each other motivated! I'm 5' at 150 lbs with 30 pounds to lose. Started this healthy lifestyle January 5th- my plan is to workout 3 times a week and clean eat, as much as possible at least until February 5th. I will reassess on that day and see what is working for me and what's not. Good luck everyone!
  • Looking for support as well so feel free to add me. I would love to keep each other motivated! I'm 5' at 150 lbs with 30 pounds to lose. Started this healthy lifestyle January 5th- my plan is to workout 3 times a week and clean eat, as much as possible at least until February 5th. I will reassess on that day and see what is working for me and what's not. Good luck everyone!

    Sounds like a good plan. I am also trying to eat clean. I actually love the way I feel when I do. Going to add you!
  • mirandagod77
    mirandagod77 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey girls! i've done this before and it soooo works, so we need to stick with it this time! I just turned 40 and am 5"5 and 158lbs, i'd like to get back down to 136lbs...had really bad marital problems over the summer and gave up my running to work on my marriage...end result we are still together and doing much better but i did too much emotional eating and not enough moving...this year is about me, learning to put myself first and exercise in moderation to balance my husband and 4 kids...we can do this girls.
  • HI IM SASHA I'm 5'3 and 197 lbs im goaling for 40 lbs I gained hella weight in the year of 2014 soo this year I switching it upp plus I miss my old body !!!!! Sooo I'm working out and eating right the best way I Cann Goodluck on your weight loss!!☺️

  • Hey everyone! I'm Nichole, I'm 5'7" and currently 196 lbs. I'm finally kicking my butt in gear and trying to stay focused with getting healthy. I just gave birth to our little girl in May and have been struggling to stay focused. I want to do this not only for myself, but to also be a positive role model for our daughter. Good luck to everyone in there health and fitness adventures! :)
  • Hey, I'm Johnny. I'm 26 and I want to lose 20lbs. I just started and I'm doing well on my own, but interested in having some friends on here.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello. I'm 6'4" 290 lbs. Looking to lose a lot lol.

    I lost about fifty pounds in six months a few years ago. Got married and gained it all back. This time, I'm staying with it.

    Good to meet you guys.
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Hey all - I just turned 30 and have decided to finally do something about my weight as I feel so disgusting. Hopefully next year I'll be posting a success story- I just started 2 days ago.. I'm trying to blog my way through my journey to keep myself motivated - https://awordygirly.wordpress.com, feel free to add me and we'll keep each other motivated :-) x