Motivation Needed - want to have a healthy pregnancy

One of my major goals for losing weight is so that I can have a healthy pregnancy. I am 30 years old and about 70 pounds overweight. I know that obese mothers have more complications in pregnancy and also have a harder time getting pregnant, which is concerning for me. I want to get pregnant in the next year or so, and I want to make sure that I do everything in my power to prepare my body for this life changing event. Anyone in the same boat, or able to provide support? Feel free to add me :)


  • I have the same goal; I've been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months in order to be at a healthier weight for pregnancy but I've gone up and down due to stresses and a job change. I'd love to have someone with a similar plan to share my journey with so we can have mutual support and encouragement. :)
  • I am in the same boat. I am 40 years old and I am running out of time :( I am trying to have baby this year. I got pregnant last month, but had misscarriage at 5 weeks :(. I am trying to loose weight live healthier lifestyle and hopefully it will help me to get pregnant
    You are more than welcome to add me-let's support each other
  • soloelixir
    soloelixir Posts: 10 Member
    I've added both of you and I hope we can all support each other in our mutual goals. MissRussia, I am so sorry for what you have been through! I'll do my best to support you and everyone who needs it!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Good luck girls! you have The best goal in mind for this journey. Keep that in mind on the hard days!
    missurssia - sorry for your loss.
  • Angelator1981
    Angelator1981 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 33 and need to lose about 70 pounds. Want to have a baby but also want to set us up for success. Same boat! :-)
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    I've been down that road before, and had to lose weight before having a healthy pregnancy. I am def. here for support.

    I have
  • Me too! I'm trying to lose the weight from baby #1 so I can start trying for #2. I started my first pregnancy 30 lbs overweight and it was hard. I'm now 60 lbs overweight and definitely needing some encouragement! How do I add you guys?
  • I think I've got you all added as friends, or you already added me. It's wonderful to have friends to share in a common goal! I wish you all the best as we journey towards pregnancy at a healthy weight! :)
  • NeachyBird
    NeachyBird Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 36yrs old and want to lose 60 lbs so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I lost my son July 2013 at 5 months pregnant , it was an unexpected pregnancy and I was already overweight. Now I am determined to give myself , my child a better chance by being healthier. I have a 6 year old daughter who really wants a sibling so its even more motivation. Add me and we can all support one another in this journey!
  • barbiegirlie2
    barbiegirlie2 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, y'all! My daughter is going to be 8 next month. Four years I thought I would never have another. However, I am turning 37 this summer, and with that dang impending clock tick-tock, I have changed my mind.

    I had long ago lost my baby weight, but over the past two years, one of my medications has caused me to gain over 40 pounds.

    So, in order to have an easier time getting pregnant, and to help ensure a safer pregnancy, my doctor wants me to lose some weight (and we are weaning me off of that problematic medication).

    I am going to add y'all as friends, so as to join our little rallying group of support. :smiley:
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I am done having babies - my two are now 8 and 5. I was 44 lbs over my ideal weight when I fell pregnant with my first, and 66 lbs over my ideal when I fell pregnant with my second. Both of my pregnancies were textbook perfect for the baby and for my health - the only noted concern was my weight, and the fact I had a tenancy to put on weight while pregnant no matter what I did!! I put on about 66 lbs with my first - I should have gone for a Guinness World Record with the amount of fluid retention I had ;). I desperately tried to manage my weight with my second...I did better, lost about 30 lbs but then fell pregnant again....and still put on 45 lbs during the pregnancy regardless of the fact I was swimming, walking, chasing a 2 year old and eating healthier than with my first.

    Everyone will share their stories with you and I don't mean to bore you with mine. The fact of the matter is that if you are going to have a healthy pregnancy - YOU need to be healthy. Your weight is only ONE measure of health. Please, once you are blessed with a pregnancy for the sake of your babies, do not fall into the trap of restricting your calorie intake, or exercising too much because your head (or the media in western society) is telling you that you "should only put on about 20lbs during pregnancy, no more" or the other classic "oh, the weight will fall off you when you are breastfeeding!"

    I strongly encourage you to make sure your mind is in the right need NUTRITION to build a healthy baby...listen to your body - if you are hungry, eat! Choose healthy foods, but give your baby what he/she needs. And if you can breastfeed, oh my Lord I have never felt hunger like when that milk factory was in operation! But that would have been a stupid time in my life to try to limit ANY calories...the trade off was that I stayed heavier than I would have liked at that time in my life, but my babies got the best of the best.

    My doctors were always happy with me and my babies - they always commented on my weight - I think because they had to. I have two very healthy and happy children. And yes, statistically it is safer, and statistically babies are healthier, and statistically there are less chances of complications when the mothers weight is lower - I am not denying the medical science. Pregnancy and birthing a child will do more to you than mess with your weight. Place some value on your weight, making sure you are placing the right value on the other factors in your health.
  • Hi ladies! I too am hoping to get pregnant this year! Two miscarriages and surgery to correct a misshaped uterus have taken a toll on my mind. Depression set in and I started gaining weight. I got the all clear to start trying again and just want to learn to eat better for a healthy pregnancy and also lose weight! I've been tracking for a week and I'm down 4 pounds as of today! I'm probably 30-40 pounds over weight, (179 lbs and 5'6"), but is be happy just to get back to about 160! Or pregnant! Lol! Here's to happy and healthy pregnancies for us in 2015!
  • barbiegirlie2
    barbiegirlie2 Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds similar, siobunny! I am 5'5" and weighed 174 and change at my last weigh in. My weight plus my age, plus the fact that my first pregnancywas high risk, put my in a hot mess for getting preggers again. So there extra pounds have GOT TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!