Forty Day And No Results

I have been at this for forty days and no results.

I weigh and measure everything I eat on a scale. I don't eat back all my exercise calories (To make up for any inaccuracies. I had some bad food days around Christmas and New year but I genuinely tried to make healthier choices and I am just starting to wonder why I am bothering.

I just can't seem to shift my weight at all.


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I would suggest you see your doctor. It might be a thyroid issue or something else medical if you are truly eating a deficit and not seeing any results.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you are truly doing everything right and being consistent and not going on binges or closet eating, etc...I would suggest a visit to the doctor.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    doctor, me too.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    If you are truly doing everything right and being consistent and not going on binges or closet eating, etc...I would suggest a visit to the doctor.

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    If you are truly being honest with yourself and being as accurate as possible then ditto to seeing a doctor.
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    I will admit to not recording a few days around Christmas and new year (You can see that in my diary) But I would think that there would be some result from the other 35 days where I recorded everything.

    I will call my doctor today and book an appointment.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    I also recommend a visit to the doctor, but taking a look at your calorie intake goals and macros might be another way to go if everything comes back "normal".
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I would suggest you see your doctor. It might be a thyroid issue or something else medical if you are truly eating a deficit and not seeing any results.

    This^^ had the same thing happen to me when I was working out with a trainer, turned out my thyroid wasn't working so had no metabolism
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Calories in - calories out will determine your rate of loss. So, if your numbers say you should be losing, then something is wrong with one or both estimates in the equation.

    For calories in, make sure you're using a food scale to weigh absolutely everything. Beware of restaurant meals which may contain a lot more food than what they post on their websites. Don't guess at anything that you don't absolutely have to.

    For calories out, keep in mind first that the estimates you get for your daily burn are just that: estimates. They're based on population averages. Your own specific metabolism might cause you to burn more or less than that estimate. Also, many things can effect your rate of metabolism, such as the thyroid issues suggested above. Or you might have overestimated your activity level.

    Do you use a fitness tracker? An accurate one can help a lot in determining your activity level and how much you should eat. BodyMedia was the gold standard, but it was bought out by Jawbone, so you'll have to do your research on accuracy before investing in one. Make sure you make accuracy a bigger priority than the bells and whistles like constant heart rate monitoring, which is in its infancy and is terribly inaccurate at this time.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Weigh your food, log everything, do some hiit / tabata and drink tons of water.
  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    I had a similar issue and went to the doctor. I was given a diagnosis and had to completely change my macros - I'm finally starting to lose weight! Good luck!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I checked out your diary for the past month or so, and I do see about a week missing around Christmas and New Year's. But also, I see days where at least a third of your calories came from chocolates or eclairs, and quite a few days where you either didn't eat after 1 p.m., or else didn't track what you ate.

    Getting checked by a doc is always a good idea, but you might also take a look at your tracking habits. I suspect that you are very good at weighing and portioning, but not always very good at recording everything. Is that possible?
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I agree with this: See a doctor to see if something's going on like hormonal issue - thyroid or otherwise.

    Other things:
    • Make sure you're eating the appropriate amount of calories for your weight. If you're eating too few, your body may think you're starving it. I set mine on MFP to try to lose 2 pounds, but when I convert that information to Weight Watcher points, Weight Watchers allows more food for my weight. It's helped give me a viable range and kept me from being hungry.
    • I noticed you weren't tracking your salt intake or water intake. Those are both VERY important to watch.
  • freechewy
    freechewy Posts: 111 Member
    good suggestions on here. Thanks
  • emilyrigh
    emilyrigh Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2015
    I can't see what you do as your workout (my page wouldn't load), make sure you're actually burning the calories you think you are. MFP calculations on some of these workouts aren't accurate. It wasn't until I bought a HRM that I figured that one out. :)
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I agree with this: See a doctor to see if something's going on like hormonal issue - thyroid or otherwise.

    Other things:
    • Make sure you're eating the appropriate amount of calories for your weight. If you're eating too few, your body may think you're starving it. I set mine on MFP to try to lose 2 pounds, but when I convert that information to Weight Watcher points, Weight Watchers allows more food for my weight. It's helped give me a viable range and kept me from being hungry.
    • I noticed you weren't tracking your salt intake or water intake. Those are both VERY important to watch.

    I agree with the doctor visit if you are being completely honest with yourself. I mean...the rest of us are not going to worry about your honesty but it ultimately depends on if you are honest with yourself.

    I do not agree with the STARVING if you are not eating enough...and you won't see a loss...when people say things like this I want to ask what they think anorexics are doing. But if you don't eat enough calories you will see hair loss, skin issues, and a ton of other things happen that are less than appealing.

    I suggest you look into TDEE and BMR and make sure you are eating the appropriate amount of calories for both your health and your weight loss goals. It is very important to educate yourself.

    Yes, salt can make you retain water if you are over consuming. Yes water is important but honestly if you are drinking when you are thirsty there is no real need to track it.

  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    I Keep an eye on my salt but overall I am more worried about the big macros. I drink a fair bit. I don't track it because I am constantly topping up my bottle with cold water at the moment due to the heat.

    I booked an appointment but it isn't until next month as my doc is on holiday.

    As for that chocolate eclair It was a funny story about me not realising everyone else in my office would have loved to eat it but I did because the man who gave it to me got upset when I first turned it down (He is an old man that comes in for an hour or two a day and he is a sweet old thing.)
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    And missed meals usually mean eating out.
    When I eat out I always get the steak and salad and maybe chips. I don't record it because I don't want to guess.
  • I looked at your diary, I did notice that you consume a lot of carbs and fat (i.e. chocolate, cookies, and pasta). You should keep your processed foods at a minimum and fill them with whole grains and fruit.
  • caquandt2012
    caquandt2012 Posts: 9
    edited January 2015
    Medilia wrote: »
    And missed meals usually mean eating out.
    When I eat out I always get the steak and salad and maybe chips. I don't record it because I don't want to guess.

    I agree with the "see a doctor" recommendations, too.

    There are lots of entrees from restaurants on MFP. I usually search for restaurant name and general entree description (taco, spaghetti, etc). If it's not an exact match, you can find some chain restaurant information on the web and add the calories yourself. Eating out was very hard when I was first trying to change my diet. I didn't really like to cook, but when I realized how many additional calories are consumed I started to learn. It's allowed me to control my intake much better and I'm starting to like cooking.