How do you moms fit in the time to get your workout on?



  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just wanted to add, my youngest is 2.5 now and I will usually put on the disney channel for about an hour, and I'm able to follow a dvd on my laptop. He will usually come and check in on me every 10 minutes or so, while I'm doing my thing. And If I time things just right I can then put him down for his nap, and get a shower in. When my 6 year old is home from school, she likes to follow along as well. And I also try to get a walk in once a day with my son in either a carrier or in the stroller (and one in the evening by myself). If that sounds like an option for you I reccomend Boba carriers, they can hold a child up to 45 pounds ( my two year old still has another 20 pounds before he outgrows it, and I could even put my 6 year old in it if I had to), which is great for burning a few extra calories
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    bkerr30 wrote: »
    Congrats on your new baby! When mine was little all I could manage was long walks with a mommy and me group (he would sleep for hours in his stroller) and the occasional yoga DVD. I also used to strap him in the baby carrier ( like a Bjorn) and do housework while incorporating squats and lunges etc. Don't be so hard on yourself; your baby is still so new, let your body heal and adjust before kicking its butt!
    Best of luck girl! Single mom hood is hard but so rewarding. Enjoy your babe :)

  • JJJJ25
    JJJJ25 Posts: 37
    I'm in the same boat - had my baby Nov 1. I've been doing Fitness Blender workouts since 2 weeks postpartum (with my midwife's blessing) because they are free, I can do them at home, and workouts range 5 min to 90 min in duration. You can search by workout type (yoga, kickboxing, pilates, HIIT, strength training), estimated calorie burn, and time commitment. I love the couple that makes them. Check them out on youtube or
  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    If the YMCA is financially tight for you, you can talk to them about sliding scale. They're a non-profit and they will try to meet your needs. The Y we go to has *amazing* infant care - they sit and snuggle the babies, will sit in rocking chairs and let the babies sleep on them, and even change their diapers so you won't be interrupted in your workout. It's a really nice break for a mom!

    And I want to say that your daughter is adorable! Congratulations!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I just did "baby workout", rocking baby while standing up..squats while doing laundry, plank for a minute, three times a day...crunches when baby is in swing, you just fit in fitness. And taking baby for walk in stroller. I got a baby seat for my bike, my baby loved it.

    Walk during your lunch at work. And get a yoga DVD for home.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    Lunch hour? Nearby a gym? If you can do that, hit the gym up. I used to run on my lunch hour when I didn't get up in time. I did the early am workouts, too when my sons were really little. Also body weight exercises are great. Maybe add them on weekends while your baby sleeps?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    kyunda wrote: »
    I had my first daughter Nov 19,2014 and I am trying to get back into working out and its hard. Before having her I would get up about 5:30 am workout ( I do mostly at home dvds), shower, eat and leave for work. Now its hard to find the time to do everything I need to do (im a single mom). She wakes up about 5-5:30am ready to eat. I feed her, burb her, change her and try to keep her up for about 20mins so she doesn't spit up. After all that 45mins to an hour has passed. Working out in the evenings could be worst because Im super tired after work and cooking.

    How do you moms fit in the time to get your workout on?

    I didn't when my dd was a baby. Not much help. Maybe try short workouts throughout the day... like 10 minutes here and there.
    Dd is 14 years old. We exercise together sometimes or I just do it alone. It isn't hard to do a 30 minute workout.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i work out on my lunch break in the company gym six days a week. on the weekend i go to a gym that has free day care. when she was very little and i was on maternity leave, i did my stationary stepper in the house when she napped.
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    When they were newborn, it was lots of walks in the pram. That was great for the baby to get out in the fresh air, and it worked well for me, also.

    I found doing anything more than that in those early, newborn days was beyond me because it was a very full-on time, but as things got easier, I would add other extra exercises as I had time.

    Sometimes life throws hurdles at us in terms of finding time to exercise, but I think it's just a matter of doing what you can, when you can. I also think pacing when settling a baby can add some extra fat burning here and there.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Thank you! I've been talking to myself about not over doing it and it's ok if I don't get a workout in sometimes and remembering that my baby is my number one focus.
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's definitely understandable at a time like this. Your energy is already being pushed to crazy extremes! :p