I need to lose 200 lbs

My big goal is to lose 200 lbs. I have started going to the gym and I'm trying to stay under 1,780 calories a day. (That's what MyFitnessPal recommended.) So far so good. I've actually been under my calories every day. I'm on day 7 of counting calories and today was day 2 at the gym. I'm starting with 3 days a week at the gym and hoping to get to 5 days a week. I'm currently just walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes or so increasing my speed a little each time. I haven't weighed myself since I started but I'm wondering how often I should. Once a week? Once a month? Ideally I would like to lose 10 lbs a month however more would obviously be welcomed. I have "before" pictures. How often should I be taking pictures? Any other tips?


  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    Way to go :smile: I would weigh and measure once a week. Pics maybe every 2 weeks
  • waykuljul01
    waykuljul01 Posts: 1 Member
    I have always been told once a week and at the same time of day. I haven't gotten the courage to go to the gym yet so good for you and best of luck!
  • ButterflyAngela97
    ButterflyAngela97 Posts: 97 Member
    Way to go, I would weigh weekly and measure every couple of weeks or monthly and take pictures monthly. You can do it. If you would like you can add me as a friend on here, I know where you are now, when I started I had a little over 200 to lose and currently have lost 171 of them. Don't give up and break your goals into smaller more manageable goals if that helps.
  • MoLLiy1985
    MoLLiy1985 Posts: 10 Member
    I knew I wouldn't go to the gym without a partner. I asked everyone at work and most of my friends if they would come with me. Surprisingly the only person who said they would come and has the two times I've gone this week is my ex-husband. He offered to be my accountability partner for working out. He won't count calories with me though. LOL.
    I have always been told once a week and at the same time of day. I haven't gotten the courage to go to the gym yet so good for you and best of luck!
  • Can you add me please? I'm 32 and just over 300 lbs. I want to get down to 140ish. I keep getting an error when I click to add anyone
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi All...We have a group called L.O.S.T. (Losing One Step at a Time) feel free to look us up and join in! We are just a group in the same boat...trying to motivate each other through...
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    I took pictures every 10 lbs along my way thus far. Put them in a folder labeled each and sorted by date so I could always go and flip thru them to see any changes. I measured my body in different places each week and recorded it in this site. I also do daily weigh in's to see the fluctuations/patterns so I know not to be freaked out ever since it normally does the same things each month. I have lost 90 lbs since this past May on this site, and I'm glad I started saving all these things from the start since it helps remind me to feel good.
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats on taking the first steps. I officially weigh in once a week but will step on the scales a few times a week to make sure that what I am doing is not having negative impact. You learn to expect fluctuations on a day to day basis.
    Pictures I think is a matter of personal preference, for me I was not comfortable taking "Selfies" or having my picture taken until last month. That was after 100lbs lost. If your comfortable and seeing changes go for it but be careful setting a schedule when your not liking what you see or the progress is not as visible. Maybe set micro goals for taking photos, 25lbs lost, under 300lbs,,,, And use those as your bench marks along the way.
  • The_Fitness_Foodie
    The_Fitness_Foodie Posts: 95 Member
    Congratulations on making a start, it looks like an inspiring start too....

    Weighing in once a week is perfectly healthy, but I only took my progress photos every 3 months, because at first you'll see very few visible changes - I lost about 50lb before I could really tell from photographs and that made me feel very discouraged at times, but that's just me.

    I have my before and during weight loss photos on my profile in you want to take a look, but I haven't quite got to goal yet, so I can't post my after shots yet.... lol

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you like.

  • Mickey2u
    Mickey2u Posts: 21 Member
    I like to weight myself every day. But I am not easily discouraged so it works for me.
  • I am also new to this program and would love any advice. My goal is about 80 Lbs. but I want to manage the lost in 10 lbs increments. I feel smaller steps will keep me more accountable. I have not started an exercise regiment but plan on walking about 3 miles daily to start. Any advise out there for a newbie?
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Weigh once a week on the same day at about the same time. (I.e. every Saturday morning right after waking up and using the restroom.) I currently weigh daily just to see the fluctuations, but I only record once a week.

    Take measurements every two weeks. That is long enough to see change, but not so often that it becomes tedious.

    Take pics at the same time that you take measurements OR once a month (every other time you take measurements). Again, long enough to see some change but not so often that it's annoying. At first, it would probably be better to do monthly since the visible changes will be pretty obvious. As you get closer to goal, I would change to every two weeks since the visible changes become less and less visible.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi there. You have taken the first step in a long journey and that is wonderful. I would suggest you weigh 1x/week. I used to do it everyday and I would get discouraged so just this year I started weighing 1x/week. I am dying to jump on that scale but I'm waiting till next monday. :)

    Although you can do your walking just about anywhere it's also wonderful that you have started going to the gym. I know I am intimidated when going to the gym because there are a lot of fit people do but in the end we are all aiming for a common goal and I see all the fit people around me as motivation to keep going. Who knows! Maybe one day you will be inspiring people. :)

    Stay focused and consistant and do this for YOU primarily and in turn the people around you will benefit from your health and well-being.

    Keep moving one foot in front of the other as every single step, every single calorie burned, every single day....it will all be worth it and it will only make you a better version of yourself!

    You can add me if you'd like! :) Happy journey!
  • ahannan
    ahannan Posts: 2 Member
    Excellent start! I have 100# to lose and I can't get anyone to go to the gym with me either. So I put one in my home. Now I have no excuses. They say weigh in once a week, but I do it everyday. However I have come to realize that is not good because I get so discouraged even with ounces gained. :( so back to once a week! MFP is an excellent way to stay in touch and stay motivated. Keep in touch and keep walking! :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Weigh every day and average it weekly. You'll see ups and downs and eventually figure out why it happens. Sometimes you won't. Averaging is pretty much the most accurate way to avoid anomalies or binge/purge on/before/after weigh in days.

    Doing cardio will assist with increasing your TDEE or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Meaning you burn more calories.

    Starting a weight training program will allow you to gain muscle. Not only will this help you appear thinner/fitter (yes, even with 1-200 lbs of extra weight) and give you a positive motivation boost, but maintaining muscle burns more calories than maintaining fat. It's not an immense amount, but every little bit helps. Plus you'll burn a bunch by actually building the muscle.
  • MoLLiy1985
    MoLLiy1985 Posts: 10 Member
    I plan to start doing weight training soon. I'm meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow to design a plan specifically for me. I can only commit about an hour or two a day to going to the gym so I thought it was better spent on cardio first. If I'm averaging my weight weekly do I still have an official "weigh in day" and write that number on my calendar or wherever or do I just write my weight in every day?
    aakaakaak wrote: »
    Weigh every day and average it weekly. You'll see ups and downs and eventually figure out why it happens. Sometimes you won't. Averaging is pretty much the most accurate way to avoid anomalies or binge/purge on/before/after weigh in days.

    Doing cardio will assist with increasing your TDEE or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Meaning you burn more calories.

    Starting a weight training program will allow you to gain muscle. Not only will this help you appear thinner/fitter (yes, even with 1-200 lbs of extra weight) and give you a positive motivation boost, but maintaining muscle burns more calories than maintaining fat. It's not an immense amount, but every little bit helps. Plus you'll burn a bunch by actually building the muscle.

  • Nightfly01
    Nightfly01 Posts: 85 Member
    MoLLiy1985 wrote: »
    My big goal is to lose 200 lbs. I have started going to the gym and I'm trying to stay under 1,780 calories a day. (That's what MyFitnessPal recommended.) So far so good. I've actually been under my calories every day. I'm on day 7 of counting calories and today was day 2 at the gym. I'm starting with 3 days a week at the gym and hoping to get to 5 days a week. I'm currently just walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes or so increasing my speed a little each time. I haven't weighed myself since I started but I'm wondering how often I should. Once a week? Once a month? Ideally I would like to lose 10 lbs a month however more would obviously be welcomed. I have "before" pictures. How often should I be taking pictures? Any other tips?

    First of all way to go walking 45 minutes. I am impressed. I get bored to tears walking. I have heard that just (not that is easy) walking 1 hour a day 6 days a week will normalize your weight. It seems simple. If I could get my butt to do it and don't quit early I would do it. Because I do not like big surprises that can deflate me I weigh every morning on an empty stomach. That way I can fine tune myself. I would hate to be oblivious and weigh a week later and be disappointed. That is just me
  • Ms_Enzo1313
    Ms_Enzo1313 Posts: 65 Member
    MoLLiy1985 wrote: »
    I plan to start doing weight training soon. I'm meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow to design a plan specifically for me. I can only commit about an hour or two a day to going to the gym so I thought it was better spent on cardio first. If I'm averaging my weight weekly do I still have an official "weigh in day" and write that number on my calendar or wherever or do I just write my weight in every day?
    aakaakaak wrote: »
    Weigh every day and average it weekly. You'll see ups and downs and eventually figure out why it happens. Sometimes you won't. Averaging is pretty much the most accurate way to avoid anomalies or binge/purge on/before/after weigh in days.

    Doing cardio will assist with increasing your TDEE or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Meaning you burn more calories.

    Starting a weight training program will allow you to gain muscle. Not only will this help you appear thinner/fitter (yes, even with 1-200 lbs of extra weight) and give you a positive motivation boost, but maintaining muscle burns more calories than maintaining fat. It's not an immense amount, but every little bit helps. Plus you'll burn a bunch by actually building the muscle.

    Awesome! I do a lot of walking- especially on the treadmill. It helps me clear my mind and I feel great. I also do about 45 minutes and begin increasing here and there. You should also begin to add incline to your routine. Stay focused! When your working out its all about how you feel and what makes you feel good - don't let anyone get in your zone! :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am over eighty pounds down in eighteen months. I got good news all around from my dietitian today about my progress. So I'm excited and a little cocky. You are doing great, off to a fantastic start. I would recommend you weigh yourself once a week and don't get too discouraged if the weight is up or down five or so pounds. Weight fluctuates a lot. Get your confidence from the tracking and lifestyle changes you are making. The inches will come down and the weight will shed.....in time.

    This tool helped me make sense of the ups and downs of weight loss.

  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    edited January 2015
    MoLLiy1985 wrote: »
    I knew I wouldn't go to the gym without a partner. I asked everyone at work and most of my friends if they would come with me. Surprisingly the only person who said they would come and has the two times I've gone this week is my ex-husband. He offered to be my accountability partner for working out. He won't count calories with me though. LOL.

    Good for him for being your gym buddy. I will say though that you may have to get comfortable going alone. Sometimes people have all intentions to come with you but cannot for whatever reason. Don't let that be a reason for you not to go either (been there done that .. took 3 days for me to realize I'd be going alone).

    Kudos to you for beginning your journey and I with you the best of luck (plus lots of sweat and success). :#