I just CANNOT do a proper squat

I've watched endless videos on form, foot placement, etc., but when I put my feet shoulder width apart and try to go anywhere near parallel or below parallel (looking for glute activation here), I completely lose my balance and have to hold on to something, and I can tell however lightly I place my hand against a door or something, it's taking away from my glute activation.
Why can't I balance when I try to do squats? I put my weight on my heels and I keep my back straight, I just start teetering as soon as I try to get to my desired lowness.

(I've been trying for about 3 months now, usually once a day. Still no progress in the balance department.)


  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    in for the responses - i'm the same. i also lean too far forwards, and as much as i try to keep my chest up, the minute i get close to parallel, i end up leaning forward so as not to fall backwards. I am starting to wonder if it's just my structure - i'm long legged, short torso with limited lower back flexibility from a previous injury so i might just not be built for full squats? who knows.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Trying holding a weight out in front of you to help counterbalance. Or try with heels slightly elevated?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm guessing bodyweight squats? What do you mean by keeping your back straight? Do you mean vertical? It shouldn't be. You lean forward. How far forward depends on your frame. The key is to keep your center of balance over the middle of your foot. Generally that's your shoulder blades. By leaning forward at the hips when you sit back, you should maintain balance.

    Question. When you get into the low squat position (however you get there) can you sit like that for a period of time? A good way to fix form is to start at the bottom. Find out where at the bottom of a squat you are balanced, then keep your focus on that body position.

    If you're talking about weighted squats, that's a whole different thing, as the weight of the bar would change your center of gravity.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    probably mobility issues. But hard to say without a video. Usual culprits are hip flexors, ankles and maybe even the thoracic spine. Check out youtube for vids how to stretch those and do them daily. What might help is either the goblet squat SueGeer mentioned or if you ant to start with body weight doing squats with an exercise ball at your back against a wall.
  • LoryBear
    LoryBear Posts: 89 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    I'm guessing bodyweight squats? What do you mean by keeping your back straight? Do you mean vertical? It shouldn't be. You lean forward. How far forward depends on your frame. The key is to keep your center of balance over the middle of your foot. Generally that's your shoulder blades. By leaning forward at the hips when you sit back, you should maintain balance.

    Question. When you get into the low squat position (however you get there) can you sit like that for a period of time? A good way to fix form is to start at the bottom. Find out where at the bottom of a squat you are balanced, then keep your focus on that body position.

    If you're talking about weighted squats, that's a whole different thing, as the weight of the bar would change your center of gravity.

    I didn't mean vertical, I just meant straight. And yeah they are body weight squats. And I'll try starting from the bottom.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Tight muscles in the hip flexors, quads and hamstrings, lack of strength and flexibility in ankles and spine. Check out YouTube for how to stretch them and do them daily.

    Not sure what you mean by straight squats. You should be lowering yourself straight down. If you are bending forward, your butt should be pitched back and your back should be straight (not arched or rounded); that way you are bending your knees in a balance. If you are doing a squat with your back upright, you should also be bending your knees in a balance. Either way, you should be lowering your butt straight down.

    If you need to start by holding onto a chair, it's no problem. Even start with wall squats so you have something to support you and keep you from falling.
  • LoryBear
    LoryBear Posts: 89 Member
    89nunu wrote: »
    probably mobility issues. But hard to say without a video. Usual culprits are hip flexors, ankles and maybe even the thoracic spine. Check out youtube for vids how to stretch those and do them daily. What might help is either the goblet squat SueGeer mentioned or if you ant to start with body weight doing squats with an exercise ball at your back against a wall.

    It's probably worth noting that every time I hitch my leg up in any way, my hip snaps/pops, and I've noticed that my hips are uneven, once, when I was looking in the mirror I saw that my hip bones that jut out in the front don't line up. So you may be right about it being something to do with hips.

    I've also been a clumsy doofus my whole life, so maybe balance just isn't my forte.

  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited January 2015
    My trainer had me do them holding onto a pole (which I stopped needing) and staying low with smaller pumps while on heels not full foot.

    Don't be scared of your butt sticking out :D
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    In my personal experience, for me, "bad balance" is a matter of weak and tight hip muscles, especially flexors. The snapping or popping sound, for me, is also an indication of muscle imbalance (hello, swimmer's shoulders).

    The best news is, this can be fixed. I know I post this PDF all over the running threads, but these exercises have really, really helped me. I'm still just doing bodyweight squats--I don't want to lift heavy until I have a trainer check my form in person--but I can get below parallel now with zero balance issues and what from everything I've read is solid form. That was not the case as recently as November.


    I still need to hold onto something for one-legged squats, though. I am unfortunately not Captain Marvel just quite yet.
  • vikingmystery79
    vikingmystery79 Posts: 1 Member
    There are a few other exercise you can do that will help; At least its helped me. They help balance and target same muscle groups. One is a one leg dead lift, goblin squats Just use a cow bell any weight and a chair behind you at comfortable height then sit and stand with weigjt infront of you. It will help with developing the accessory muscles used in squats And help with balance. There are a few more i picked up if interested let me know.
  • GrantR123
    GrantR123 Posts: 2 Member
    Try placing a 2x4(or anything similar) under your heels to keep your heels off the floor. I have the same problem with falling forward, but when I started doing this I am much more balanced. Over time you can stop using it once your muscles are stronger!
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    something simple to start with and work on your balance is a bench step which is basically a body weight squat (not quite but almost). Use a bench, one leg at a time. One leg on and press up, down, etc 15x x 3 sets. I did this before I started squats and it really really helped. Wouldn't be doing squats today if I didn't start there. And really get the heart pumping too
  • niknack730
    Squeeze your shoulder blades together and head up straight I find it helps. I also constantly lose balance unless using the squat machine at the gym.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    also make sure your weight is not too high. Here is a tip from a bodybuilding friend
    You need to ensure full range of motion when doing squats in order to engage all of the muscle groups. I like to perform them in with shoes off in my socks in order to ensure you are pushing on the ascent with your heels. When I take the bar from the rack, I roll my hips back which helps to ensure my glutes are pushed out. My descent is slow and controlled and I go as deep as I can in the squat, whereas my ascent is a little quicker and more explosive.
    Another thing, try Smith machine squats to work on balance
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    in for the responses - i'm the same. i also lean too far forwards, and as much as i try to keep my chest up, the minute i get close to parallel, i end up leaning forward so as not to fall backwards. I am starting to wonder if it's just my structure - i'm long legged, short torso with limited lower back flexibility from a previous injury so i might just not be built for full squats? who knows.

    A person with a short torso and long femurs will have more forward lean when squatting in order to keep the bar in line with the ankles.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    also make sure your weight is not too high. Here is a tip from a bodybuilding friend
    You need to ensure full range of motion when doing squats in order to engage all of the muscle groups. I like to perform them in with shoes off in my socks in order to ensure you are pushing on the ascent with your heels. When I take the bar from the rack, I roll my hips back which helps to ensure my glutes are pushed out. My descent is slow and controlled and I go as deep as I can in the squat, whereas my ascent is a little quicker and more explosive.
    Another thing, try Smith machine squats to work on balance

    How is balancing against a fixed bar path going to help someone using a free bar?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    Thanks for posting this. I feel better about not being able to go A2G.

  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Remember to sit back into the squat, like you are going to sit in a chair. If you have balance issues, put your arms out in front of you as you go down. Lots of other good advice already so I won't repeat it.
  • mepox
    mepox Posts: 3 Member
    For better glute activation try to use wider stance and go below parallel.