New To myfitnesspal

Hi, I am 62 years old and need to lose about 14lbs in weight. Have only been using my fitnesspal for 3 days but already I can see I am eating far too much sugar, although calories consumed is just about right. I have also noticed the amount of cholesterol consumed is very low under 100 every day. As the goal is set at 300 I am just wondering whether this amount should be increased. Still really working out how the program works.


  • deniztuzu2
    deniztuzu2 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi and good luck on your weight loss journey. I wouldn't worry too much about sugar amount or cholesterol for that matter. You'll be better off focusing on your calories consumed and try to get close to your macro goals(protein-fat-carbs) for the day.
  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    Cholesterol is vital to the body, it does alot of function such as biosynthesis of vitamin D and maintaining the cell's integrity. It's the excess thats the problem. And there is also types of cholesterol that can cause problems like blocking out your veins. I'd suggest you research the foods that give you good cholesterol ;) You can get it from most red meat and fish meat if I remember correctly.
  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    You want the High density cholesterol, which can help with the heart. If you have heart problems this is the one you want instead of the Low density cholesterol that can be found in greasy and fatty processed foods. I disagree that you shouldn't worry about these things as I believe that you should watch things like this specially for your age as you become more vulnerable to ailments such diabetes and heart problems. Hope I helped.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    swap out your sugar tracking for fibre tracking

    go to settings - diary settings

    unless you have a medical issue with sugar it really doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is your calorie defecit

    - welcome and good luck
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    You want the High density cholesterol, which can help with the heart. If you have heart problems this is the one you want instead of the Low density cholesterol that can be found in greasy and fatty processed foods. I disagree that you shouldn't worry about these things as I believe that you should watch things like this specially for your age as you become more vulnerable to ailments such diabetes and heart problems. Hope I helped .

    Yeah..... No. Years of poor nutrition cause diabetes (type 2) not aging. Just because someone is growing in age does not mean they are magically going to acquire diabetes.

  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    Yes but he is more prone to it -.- i think thats what i said right?
  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    I didn't say he'll magically get it as you put it just said he is mpre vulnerable to it.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I didn't say he'll magically get it as you put it just said he is mpre vulnerable to it.

    Again no. Are elderly more vulnerable to pneumonia or the flu? Yes. But both heart disease and diabetes are from years of poor choices, not because they suddenly become vulnerable. They are diseases that progress gradually over the course of years which is why they tend to be seen in the elderly. Has nothing to do with them being more vulnerable.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Cholesterol is wildly complicated, like all body processes. There really aren't a bunch of different cholesterols, there's just the one and all the "differences" we all discuss are born from the obviously necessary need to not force everyone to go spend years in college to understand it, but to boil it down to something useful.

    We tend to say there are two kinds, HDL and LDL. I think it's really easy to remember them by thinking of the HDL one as the Happy (H) one and the LDL one as the Loser (L) one. When you see HDL, you can smile because you're Happy with the HDL. You don't even want to see the LDL because it's a Loser.

    How much cholesterol you need is something only your doctor can tell you.

    The amount of sugar you can take in is another thing you'd have to get from the doctor. For most of us, it's advised that we cut added sugars, but not worry too much about sugar in fruits or veggies. This is a really nice starting point, IMO:

    I'll tack this one on just for the hell of it:
  • Thank you very much everyone for your comments.
  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    Elphie please do your research before you post this things a simple googling of age and diabetes will show you how wrong you are. I might not be a doctor yet but I'm pretty sure they told me in class that yes age is a factor in diabetes and heart diseases. Not starting anything but do you have sources?