Why we're doing it

I thought it might be helpful if I created a post that was all about the reasons why we want to get healthy and get to that goal weight to keep us motivated to stay on track.

Here are mine:
1. To never reach that highest weight on the scale again.
2. To not be out of breath when I walk the three flights of stairs at school.
3. To fit into nice business clothes again.
4. To feel more energized.
5. To look great in photos I'll look back on for the rest of my life - like my engagement (in the near future of a year or two), my wedding, my graduation for my professional degrees, etc.
6. To get out of plus-sizes and having to pay more for clothes.
7. To be happy with how I look everyday.


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    1) because feeling in control of yourself physically shouldn't be underestimated
    2) because the behavior I am cultivating for myself through all this hard work, trickles into other areas of my life and improves progress everywhere.
    3) because I want to be able to keep up with the people I love, who are also ridiculously physical.
    4) because I promised myself I would.
    5) because my future abilities and opportunities are directly connected to the actions I take today

  • ksmalls013
    ksmalls013 Posts: 25 Member
    Those are all great reasons yoovie!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Because life is worth living, and the happier, the better.
  • FrothyGibblets
    FrothyGibblets Posts: 49 Member
    1) I've come to realise that being so overweight is, in my case at least, a sign of weakness.
    2) My weight, my body issues, have seriously impacted my life in regards to relationships. I want the closeness and companionship that seems to come so easily to most. Whilst I'm overweight, I don't believe I'm worthy of that.
    3) I want to live life to its fullest, seize oppertunities. I'd like to go to a theme park and be able to go on rides again, to go on a plane and the issue to be my height, not my weight and the embarrassing need for a seat belt extension
    4) Most importantly, I've realised I'm not immortal, and that time doesn't stand still. I've been fat since childhood, and in my teens I always figured "there's time". Whilst I'm now only 27 and still have no health problems, it dawned on me in the last year that there isn't always time. My friends imagine themselves in their 70's and 80's, I genuinely fear that I won't see 40 if I stay on my current path. What life will it have been if that's the case? I owe it to myself to have better.

    Sorry for this being a little more morbid than the posters above. I'm in a motivated place right now, and my main motivator seems to be anger.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    1. To not have the fear of being pre-diabetic.
    2. To feel better about myself.
    3. I'm tired of OBSESSING over what each and every single person thinks of me when they see me.
    4. I really want to wear my old clothes again, and be able to buy new beautiful clothes and look well put together.
    5. To never have to buy a new pair of pants because I've outgrown the only 2 pairs I can wear.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    edited January 2015
    1. To be here and alive for my daughter as long as I am supposed to be. And not cheat her out of time with me. I want to dance at her wedding and at her children's wedding. I am only 27 and she is 6 but time marches on fast. My husband's Mother was extremely overweight. She passed away to a heart attack at only 34. He was only 8. This is my worst nightmare.
    2. I want to be happy in my own skin and love myself.
    3. I want to shop for clothes and pick ones I like. At this time I check if they carry my size before I decide if I like the item. I have to settle for the sake of them fitting.
    4. I want my smile to always be real. Not a mask that I plaster on to hide how sad I am inside.
  • ksmalls013
    ksmalls013 Posts: 25 Member
    Those are all great reasons!!! I couldn't agree more with almost everything that each one of you said. We can do this!
  • sarinamurrell
    1. To focus on loving myself better
    2. To feel confident not only in mind and spirit, but in body as well
    3. To not feel tired all the time
    4. To be seen as desirable by my wife
    5. To make life changes that stay, not just momentary efforts
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    1. Because I am as big as I have ever been in 39 and that just isn't cool
    2. I'm tired. All the time and I kept blaming it on working midnights at a PD.
    3. Plus size clothing. Seriously. Nothing fits in the right places.
    4. I get winded in my dreams. No really, a couple nights ago I dreamt I was hiking but stopped because I ran out of breath. Who the hell does that???
    5. I'd like to be healthy enough to have fun with grandbabies when they arrive.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited January 2015
    well i actually lost weight so i wasnt the biggest mum on the holiday BUT
    i dont get heartburn all the time now
    i dont get out of breath so easily
    when i exercise now i notice my recovery times are so much quicker
    i am not tired all the time
    i have so much choice clothes shopping i am so utterly confused.
    i realise how many calories are in even the smallest of packages, and how much i used to eat

    its all been worth the hard work. I dont mind being in a photograph so much now.
  • davemahon927
    davemahon927 Posts: 22 Member
    1. Too feel good
    2. To realise that motivation
    3. To rejig that zest and get up and go feeling
    4. i hate buying clothes because i feel fat. Let me hit the clothes shops.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I work very hard to take care of my mental health. What's the point of deciding I want to live and to then go on to have my years filled with health problems and die early from heart disease anyway? Nads to that.

    Also because couldn't chase after my kid or fit into Get Cutie clothing.
  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    1. I don't want to look awful in bikini for the millionth time.
    2. I have a whole gifted wardrobe awaiting for a new "skinny" me that I don't want to throw away.
    3. A couple of weddings this summer I have to attend and I don't want to be the heaviest one around.
    4. I want to change my taste in foods. I need to.
    5. Changing my body, changes the way I feel about me and about others.
    6. I love feeling muscle in my body, where I could only feel fat.
  • vaniux
    vaniux Posts: 4
    I do this for me! To show to myself that I deserve quality of life, that my body is the most precious thing I have and I have to take of my body and enjoy life
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    1. To feel better. When I lost weight before and ran a lot it helped control my asthma a lot. Now that I've put the weight back on and become unfit again my asthma is all over the place and is hard to control.
    2. To feel better about myself. I feel terrible in my current body and don't feel like me at all. I felt much better about myself at a lower weight.
    3. Let's be honest here, vanity reasons. I want to be able to rock a bikini!
  • ens102
    ens102 Posts: 37 Member
    1. To regain the control and stop blaming circumstances for my weight
    2. To stop spending money on clothes which only fit for a short while and are unwearable the following summer/winter
    3. So that people at work judge me less
    4. because I want to get pregnant at some point and losing weight should make it easier/healthier and make me more able to get into shape again afterwards
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    1. I don't want my son to feel the shame about me that I felt about my (very overweight) mother growing up.
    2. I deserve to feel the way I felt (& look the way I looked) when I was healthy.
  • agratzy
    agratzy Posts: 114 Member
    1. To help fight my depression and keep my manic phases light.
    2. To keep up with my track/ XC coach boyfriend.
    3. I am an actress. Being a fat actress is like being a size 6... it's exhausting.
    4. To feel great in my own skin. I've already been feeling it a little bit... it's amazing walking around and not being self-concious.
    5. To have a positive hobby I can turn to.
    6. Purpose.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    1-Because I felt like crap when I wasn't.

    2- I was sick and tired of being sick and tired

    3-I was missing out on so many beautiful things. For example we hiked into Mirror Lake at Mt. Rainier in July. 14 mile round trip with major elevation increase. There was no way I could have done that had I not gotten into shape. It was the most breath taking place I have ever seen. I don't want to miss any places like that because I am unhealthy.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Mostly I had an awakening about 2.5 year ago and realized through observation as well as some really *kitten* blood work that I was heading down the same exact path as my dad...the same path that had him going down hill fast in his mid fifties and ultimately killed him at the ripe old age of 60.

    I'm 40 years old with a 4 y.o. and a 2 y.o....I kinda need to be available for awhile. Fortunately my dad was around long enough to see my turn around and it made him quite proud of me...I keep on keepin' on in memory of him as well as for the benefit of my children and my wife.

    A huge bonus is that now I resemble at least somewhat the athlete I used to be rather than an old, broken down, fat smoker. I feel closer to 30 than 40 and I look much younger than many of my fellow 40 year old colleagues and friends.