Hey strength trainers, do you cardio? - General Survey



  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    edited January 2015
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)

    No not at all and I have a treadmill at home collecting dust.

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    When I do any HIIT or just running or elliptical or bike longer than 20 mins I am ravenous I will eat everything, even you!!! It is not worth the expenditure only to eat it all back and then some.
    Cardio is not needed to lose fat. That is done by eating in a deficit.
    I dont enjoy cardio at all.
    I don't like to sweat.
    I have no coordination so Zumba is hilarious when I do it.
    Spinning looks fun I would like to try it one day.
    I want to preserve my muscle and build muscle, cardio is counterintuitive to meeting that goal.

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    I walk about 5 miles a day collectively, just to and from work stairs included I never ride the elevator or use escalators. I love to walk it gives me time to think. I dont really consider this cardio.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    I train 6 days a week in splits. I love it. I never sweat.
    I've lost 50 lbs of fat and put on 10 lbs of muscle.
    I was 150 by cardio alone at one time in my life and wore a dress size 10 at 150 now same store I am a dress size 6 I'm currently a size 4 round 141-145
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I know that we see a lot of threads asking which is better, lifting weights or cardio, but this isn’t that kind of thread. I am just interested in a general survey of how much cardio the MFPers who strength train do. So whether you do bodyweight training or lift weights purely for strength or for muscle building or what have you, I’m asking:

    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?
    Yes I hike, run and sprint. I also generally lead an active lifestyle that keeps me in CV shape. The added cardio I do is to help me do the things I enjoy. I wouldn't do any form of exercise that I didn't enjoy.
    I follow a loosely structured, bodyweight predominant strength routine about 3-4 days a week. Usually full body each time.
  • tinbru
    tinbru Posts: 47 Member
    edited January 2015
    1) yes
    3) Its ok not like i hate it but not look forward to it
    3) i walk or bike 30mins a day
    3) Monday push, Tuesday pull, Wednesday legs, Thursday rest, Friday chest, Saturday lower body/ anything, Sunday rest
  • cromulus
    cromulus Posts: 17 Member
    1. Yes, absolutely. I start every workout by an hour on the elliptical machine. I can't run much because of knee surgery, but if I get bored of the elliptical I'll spend some time on the treadmill. I wish I could use the pool but it's always overcrowded.

    3. I do it because I can't really lose weight and/or keep it off without it. A while back I even got to like (gasp!) running, but those days are over. These days I do it grudgingly and to reward/motivate myself for doing it, I load up on podcasts (Radiolab, Point of Inquiry, Inquiring Minds, Infinite Monkey Cage, on the Media) and catch up on episodes while doing cardio.

    4. The elliptical machine is king for me. Sometimes I combine that with treadmill, and those weird bikes you operate with your arms.

    5. I do strength training every day I do cardio, which is basically about 4 times per week. I divide chest, back, biceps and triceps and generally I work the triceps with the chest and the biceps with the back, but every once in a while I mix it up. When I end up coupling chest with back, that's a rough day.

    By the way, I find that if I just do cardio, my body loses weight rapidly according to the scale, but to my eyes I look...flabby. When I lift I look much better, my clothes fit better and I feel better BUT I start eating more. I suppose this is natural because lifting weights helps burn calories, but I get so much hungrier when I lift than when I don't and my hunger kind of...overmatches the calories I burn as a result of lifting, so the scale starts creeping upwards unless I'm very careful.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)


    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    Health. Improved performance at other activities like weightlifting, hiking and mountain biking and sexy time. B)

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    Most common activity is elliptical at least 4 days per week. I also try to do some conditioning training by running bleacher drills at the local high school. This helps get ready for hunting season where I hike and mountain bike a lot.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    Upper lower split.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)

    Yes, although I've also tried with just doing non-traditional cardio

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?
    I find I lose more consistently when I do cardio (mostly because I can eat more, and it's easier for me to stick with a higher calorie goal). I've come to appreciate it more as it is mindless and I can read a book while doing it or even just listen to good music and get outside.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?
    I walk every weekday at lunch, and do the elliptical at the gym. Walk 5 days a week and do 3 days of 60 minutes on the elliptical. Occasionally I'm able to drag my boyfriend on a walk on the weekend.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?
    Before injuring my tailbone I did stronglifts 5x5 and then later strong curves and a glute challenge. I've cobbled together my own programming since injuring my tailbone, and it's definitely not ideal, so I'm looking forward to getting back to stronglifts once I'm healed up (it's been 5 months...)

  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    I do 30 mins treadmill and 20 mins biking. It's not a lot...but all I can manage. Do I enjoy it? Hmmm it's a love/hate relationship. Hate doing it, love finishing. :)
  • Old_Man_McGucket
    Old_Man_McGucket Posts: 310 Member
    I love cardio. I'm a former cardio-only guy who has recently caught the lifting bug. I do the #SL5x5 lifting program 3 days/week and cardio (mostly running) 2-3 days/week. On lifting days, I warm up with 10min on the #StepMill then stretch before lifting.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)


    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?


    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    I like it. Minus the stepmill, where I can watch mindless TV, I like group classes. And I am trying to improve my speed.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    Stepmill, outdoor stair workouts, track and field workouts and indoor cycle. 3-4x a week

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    Besides bootcamp classes in addition to above which have HIIT and weight circuits I do a 3-day split.

  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited January 2015

    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”) YES.
    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it? Love it. And its important for overall health.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? I cycle. I run. I use cardio equipment at the gym (everything but the treadmill). I use my stationary bike and stepper at home a lot. I walk. I play tennis. I swim. I kayak. I get some cardio in every single day.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program? 2-3 times per week. Full body work out.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited January 2015
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? Yes I do low-impact cardio for, at the very least, an hour a day - walking about 4-4.5 mph. I also try to get in at least one short run a week, building up to a weekly 5-7 miler by the summer.

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not? N/A - i believe all parts of fitness should be balanced, neither cardio nor strength training is more important, they are both vital to my philosophy on fitness.

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it? I dont like it. I like the benefits of it, but I dont enjoy it. If I skip it, I miss it - but I dont like it during it. I do it because, without it, im only hurting my potential and my performance.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? this is feeling mad repetitive. I walk 3-7 miles @ 4-4.5 mph 5 days a week and 6-10 on weekend days. I also lift weights at 60% max to build muscular endurance, which actually is a cardio session as well. As much as people like to laugh and pretend it is not. You deadlift almost your bodyweight 50 times and tell me if you arent heart racing lung puffing wiped out. I also schedule at least one run a week.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    I follow 5/3/1, so that's 4 days a week in the gym, a day for each major lift and corresponding accessories. Im adding in rock climbing on Jan 23.

    Sunday - 6-10 mile walk
    Monday - Deadlift and 3.5+ mile walk.
    Tuesday - OHP and 3.5 mile walk.
    Wednesday - Rest Day - 7 mile walk
    Thursday - Squats Day - 3.5+ Mile walk, Foam Roller
    Friday - Bench Day - no more than 3 miles walking
    Saturday - foam rolling or pilates, run and several miles walking later.

    I live in NYC, I dont have a car, I walk everywhere with a pack on my back and because it happens so consistently for so many years and I have to consider it in my calorie needs, I consider it part of my workout. Walking that much Does make a difference - and i know because when I stop, i start gaining.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)

    Nope.....I used to walk 4-6km a day and that was my cardio. now I do Crossfit

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    I don't like it

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    Still don't like it

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    REally really don't like it

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    Did 5 x 5, NROLFW and now Crossfit

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)


    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?


    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    I don't "like" it, but I don't hate it. I do it to help burn off a few more Calories; improve my cardiovascular heatlh; and help keep me from getting winded when strength training.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    I walk 1.4 miles (that's how long the loop here in the corporate park is) most days at lunch, although I'll probably be using the treadmill now that it's getting cold. In fall, I officiate high school and youth football, so I'm chasing after kids for a couple of hours 2-3 times a week, too. And I'm going to be incorporating 30 minutes or so of treadmill/cycling/rowing each week.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    I pick things up and put them down. :p I was doing a variation of 5/3/1, but an injury set me back, so I ended up going real light to focus on form and I'm actually doing StrongLifts again until I stall out.
  • seric2000
    seric2000 Posts: 14 Member
    1. Yes
    2. N/A
    3. I do it because I think it's very important to keep my heart strong (it is another muscle), it is another way to reduce overall body fat, and I like getting sweaty. So I actually really like cardio. :smile:
    4. My number one cardio is running. I LOVE to run. When I first started out, I hated it. But now it's my de-stress time. I run 3 days a week: one day 5min intervals for 3 miles, one day a 20min fast run after strength, and Saturday morning long runs (5-8 miles). When I switch it up, it's usually rollerblading.
    5. Mon/Wed: Legs and Abs. Tue/Thu: Arms/Back. Sun: Full body.
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”) YES.

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it? It makes me feel SO GOOD to get the blood pumping, the sweat flowing, it's mindless for the most part and I consider it "mental floss." It makes my cheeks glow naturally. It gives me MOUNTAINS of patience. I sleep 8 glorious hours a night. Plus, my heart muscle has got to last me longer than shapely delts as far as life goes.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? I can afford the time to strength train AND do a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week at an indoor gym. On weekends I walk my dogs briskly for an hour. To avoid getting into a rut on machines I don't use the same machine 2 days in a row. I alternate between Arc Climber, eliptical, treadmill, rower & bike. I downloaded a treadmill workout app promoted by Fit Bottomed Girls and it's a guided treadmill walking or running program (I'm a new runner) in the style of spin classes.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program? Alternating between arms & shoulders one day, legs the next day, torso the next (back, chest, shoulders, abs) and repeat.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”) Yes

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not? N/A

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it? I love it. I need a mix in my workouts. I find my runs are very clearing to my mind. Also, lets face it I love running races because it is all about the bling. :D I am doing my first full marathon in two weeks.

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? I do Les Mils RPM (spin), run and HIIT workout

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program? My trainer has me doing weight training and mixes up cross fit and TRX (body weight strength) and I also do a weight class at my gym.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 426 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I know that we see a lot of threads asking which is better, lifting weights or cardio, but this isn’t that kind of thread. I am just interested in a general survey of how much cardio the MFPers who strength train do. So whether you do bodyweight training or lift weights purely for strength or for muscle building or what have you, I’m asking:

    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?

    1) Yep, I do quite a bit of cardio along with strength training.

    2.) See above :smile:

    3.) I do cardio for the calorie burn, cardiovascular health and for building endurance. I have grown to like cardio, and now a enjoy a good run or bike ride.

    What's the point of being strong if you get winded walking up the stairs, or keel over from a heart attack.

    4.) I run year round, usually 15-20 miles a week in 3-4 runs. I road bike spring to fall in addition to the running, usually 3 times a week for 25 miles each time.

    5) I've designed my own strength training program. I hit the gym 5 days a week on a 3-day split, so I'm hitting each muscle group once every 4 days.

    Day 1 is Upper/Middle Back (Lat Pulldown, Seated Row, Barbell Row), Triceps (Rope extensions, narrow grip bench press, overhead extensions), Power Squat Machine, Hamstring Curls and Quad Extensions.
    Day 2 is Delts (Hammer Strength Overhead Press, Dumbell Raises front and side, reverse pec dec, Overhead Press), Traps (Barbell Shrugs), Barbell Squats and Leg Press.
    Day 3 is Chest (Flat Barbell Bench press, Hammer Strength Incline Press, Dumbbell flyes, Chest Dips), Biceps (Concentration Curls / Rope Curls) and Deadlifts.

    I do 7-10 sets for each exercise including warmup and burnout sets, and pyramid up in weight while reducing the reps.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”) Yes, yes I do

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not? N/A

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it? I do it because I enjoy it, and it's good for me
    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? Ultimate Frisbee, Cylcing, Hiking, Swimming. 2-4 times per week

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program? Ice Cream Fitness 5X5 so 3X per week

  • tputsche
    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”)
    Yes 4-6 times a week

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?
    I like it, also for heart health

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it?
    I swim once a week, teach aerobics/strength 3 times a week, take a combo strength from someone else once a week and catch a zumba class from time to time.

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program? I work mostly free weights for myself. I don't like to use machines because its easy to overload and injure yourself without care. I like exercises that use your own body weight like squats and trx to build strength as well.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member

    1) Do you do any traditional cardio? (By this I mean something other than “lift weights quickly.”) yes

    2) If you do not do cardio, why not?

    3) If you do cardio, why do you do it and do you like it or just tolerate it?I do it because my dr told me to do 20 minutes of cardio a day. It's okay, I'm between like and tolerate. I do it first thing in the AM so it does kinda blow the cobwebs out of my brain

    4) If you do cardio, what kind do you do and how often do you do it? stair machine every morning

    5) What kind of strength training do you do and how often do you do it? In other words, what is your general program?
    Daily. I do an upper/lower split on alternating days, mostly based on the All Pro program.