Treadmill (aka: dreadmill) running :(



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    miel36 wrote: »
    The treadmill is really not so bad... it offers climate-controlled training, accessible washrooms, ensures you run on pace, and is amazing for interval training. Looking at it as a tool to get in a quality workout may help. I also make sure I have a fan blowing on me, have some great tunes playing, or throw on a film. I trained almost entirely for a whole marathon last year on the treadmill (due mainly to family commitments), but I PBd by over an hour compared to my previous marathon. It isn't the devil.

    I had seen the interval training before but always opted for hills. I'll give that a try tomorrow! Not sure the ice will be clear by then, but maybe by this weekend for my long run :/
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I've never understood why everyone hates the treadmill so much?? I have a current addiction to the show Homeland, but I will only will allow myself to watch while I'm on the treadmill, I've logged A LOT of km's in the past few weeks!! :)

    It's minus 32 degrees Celsius here today with a foot or so of thanks, I'll stay inside and gorge myself on Homeland!

    I just saw that "Friends" is now on Netflix...I can get lost for an hour-fortunately it's my shorter runs that I'd end up having to do on the treadmill...I'm just hoping that by the time I work my way up to 14+ miles the roads will clear up LoL :/ egads.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    All you can do is sack up and hop on the hamster wheel.

    :( Boooooo....
    And you're probably right. LoL. At least I can watch TV. I just wish my gym had invested in the ones that have a fan. Guess I can pick the one closest to the fans on the ceiling. And hydration helps.
    I just LOVE running outside though...especially being able to see how far I can go instead you said, hopping on the "hamster wheel" :P
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    I've never understood why everyone hates the treadmill so much?? I have a current addiction to the show Homeland, but I will only will allow myself to watch while I'm on the treadmill, I've logged A LOT of km's in the past few weeks!! :)

    It's minus 32 degrees Celsius here today with a foot or so of thanks, I'll stay inside and gorge myself on Homeland!

    I just saw that "Friends" is now on Netflix...I can get lost for an hour-fortunately it's my shorter runs that I'd end up having to do on the treadmill...I'm just hoping that by the time I work my way up to 14+ miles the roads will clear up LoL :/ egads.
    :smiley: Seeing Friends appear my first thought was: treadmill runs!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I run three days a week, two of which are on a treadmill. I use the treadmill because I don't like running in the dark (mostly because I can't read my watch). Also, the treadmill gives me very good control over my workout. I can set it to maintain 140 bpm heart rate, or I can crank it up, or I can do hill repeats, or intervals, or progression runs, etc. The third run is outside for my long run, where I can check my progress in the real world.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    hermann341 wrote: »
    I run three days a week, two of which are on a treadmill. I use the treadmill because I don't like running in the dark (mostly because I can't read my watch). Also, the treadmill gives me very good control over my workout. I can set it to maintain 140 bpm heart rate, or I can crank it up, or I can do hill repeats, or intervals, or progression runs, etc. The third run is outside for my long run, where I can check my progress in the real world.

    True-I mean as far as controlling pace-that is more challenging if you're running outside/on a track as opposed to a machine. I like the change in scenery, etc...and hills and such can change depending which route you choose to run.
    I'll have to "suck it up, buttercup" if I want to increase my mileage by fall...given that I have a few months of winter/cold/crap ahead of me-a short break in the fall, then on comes the muggy crap so...LoL. Treadmill and I gotta be GOOD friends.
  • Jojomotivated
    Jojomotivated Posts: 141 Member
    I love running in the treadmill :D It allows me to zone out without having to worry about tripping or stepping on dog poop or something. I can't run on uneven surfaces to do my weak Achilles, so that takes out a majority of outdoor running. I recommend a good play list and something deep to think about. lol
  • Hikr56
    Hikr56 Posts: 128 Member
    How much do I dread being on the treadmill? I had to do a timed mile for a challenge today. I did it outside in my driveway in sub-zero windchill on a snow pack. LOL

    I've decided that what makes the treadmill so boring for me is the lack of visual stimulation so here's what I do: I tune my Asus tablet into my favorite walking/running music and use my earbuds. I turn the TV on to my favorite decorating/food show with the sound off. That formula works wonders for me I also cover the time/laps info with a towel so I'm not constantly reminded of how long I've been on the treadmill.

    Good luck with your marathon!
  • BuddhaMom74
    acheben wrote: »
    My go to when running on a treadmill is watching Netflix. There have been times that I have run longer than planned so that I could watch a second episode.

    Ha! I sooooo do this as well!! Actually...this is how I discovered that my treadmill automatically stops at one hour!
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    acheben wrote: »
    My go to when running on a treadmill is watching Netflix. There have been times that I have run longer than planned so that I could watch a second episode.

    Ha! I sooooo do this as well!! Actually...this is how I discovered that my treadmill automatically stops at one hour!

    One hour?! What possible reason would a treadmill designer have it stop at one hour?!

  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I listen to funny/interesting podcasts to be less bored... this american life, wait wait don't tell me, radiolab, serial, the moth, etc.

    But in general, ICK! I live at 7200 feet in freezing Wyoming, so I hear you on the icy cold conditions. But I either suck it up and run outside (I've heard that they make special shoes for running in ice/snow but haven't gotten any), or at my gym which I specifically chose because it has an indoor track. Indoor track, while still boring, is still WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the dreadmill.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    throoper wrote: »
    I listen to funny/interesting podcasts to be less bored... this american life, wait wait don't tell me, radiolab, serial, the moth, etc.

    But in general, ICK! I live at 7200 feet in freezing Wyoming, so I hear you on the icy cold conditions. But I either suck it up and run outside (I've heard that they make special shoes for running in ice/snow but haven't gotten any), or at my gym which I specifically chose because it has an indoor track. Indoor track, while still boring, is still WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the dreadmill.

    I love LOVE radiolab! I also like "freakonomics"
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Full disclosure: I do not run unless being chased.

    Now that that's out of the way...for those who are looking for a way to make the treadmill more fun, check out the lolo Beatburn app. It is amazing. You can choose walking or running workouts, various lengths and intensities, and it will create an awesome HIIT workout for you AND sync your ipod music up to the workout. It's freaking amazing.

    As I mentioned above, I do not run. But I can walk like a mofo. The lolo app pushes me to work way, way harder than I ever would on my own. And with my own tunes driving the effort, it's actually fun!
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    The treadmill is extra-tough because it forces you into the same gait over and over. Here are the things I do to help physiologically:
    -build up mileage all over again--I can't go from 15 miles outside to 15 miles inside overnight
    -rotate between two pairs of shoes, different kinds if possible
    -switch up the speed and incline, even just one or two bumps every so often

    As for psychological factors, I cover up the display and usually watch music videos on YouTube. They work for timing intervals without allowing me to fixate on the treadmill's little green numbers. Those evil glowing demons.

    I cover the display as well. my nike+ tells me my distance at 1.5 mile intervals.

    I need to do this! I've been doing the C25k program on my treadmill and the display is distracting and makes me focus more on the time then on what show I'm trying to watch. The more I focus on the display the more tired I feel.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I didn't read all the responses so apologies if this has already been said - I just returned from visiting family where there was so freaking much snow. I went for a run one day with my Brother in law and he lent me these cool things that fit over your shoes and have grippy cleats on the bottom. They worked extremely well; I was running on packed snow/ ice and felt very safe. I personally would rather spend $20 on grippy things to run outside than run on a treadmill. He got his at MEC so I'm sure REI would have them too.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Yeah-I kept looking at the mileage. I think part of it is that my blood sugar started to drop partway though. Someone earlier mentioned building up my mileage again via treadmill...and I think I agree. It's so totally different running on the treadmill as opposed to outside. Fortunately my long run is on Saturday and I can run outside (even though it will likely be in the single digits-teens when I run but...oh well. I'll bundle up).
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    An update on the "dreadmill" situation: I ran 3.2 miles on the treadmill this morning and I wasn't miserable! I found that running without an incline helped and doing intervals helped. I did a medium/slow jog of 4.5 mph with running stents of 6 mph (faster than I usually run). It worked well! My knee didn't hurt and I wasn't miserable. Watching "Friends" helped pass the time. Hooray! Now I know I can resort to that if I have to.