Looking for support with people that need to lose 20lbs

I'm on here for the 3rd time and hoping this time I will stay with it. I have not been able to lose the baby weight from my second and I need to tone. Looking to have support on here to stay in line and motivated as my friend that helped last time is pregnant :)


  • clairelayla
    clairelayla Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I want to lose about 20 pound hun xxx
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I've lost 47 and working on my last 18...does that count?! I'd love support, too!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Step 1! Learn that 'tone' is a misnomer (and a very old and outdated one) for lowering your body fat % so as to show the definition of your muscles, which are being built through strength training, balanced with cardio!
  • wellness21
    wellness21 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for around 20 here too. Back to post baby norm after baby #3, but would rather have pre-babies norm back. 20 would be great but I realize 15 is more realistic. I've been working hard to do my food log daily as it is the only thing that has worked for me in the past. I can't believe how quickly my calories add up!! I'm usually out of cals by 2pm:( My new workout dvd's arrived in the mail today since it's too cold where I live for morning runs this time of year.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    Had to laugh (and sympathise!) with out of cals by 2pm! Gotta save some or do more! Really stretching the cals is the only thing that works for me, have some soft boiled eggs and a small piece brown toast, have a yoghurt, have a carrot, have a big pan of soup, have some Slimming World chips (wedgies done in spices and Frylight), have some berries, a big piece of fish, some salad, have a skimmed milk cocoa in the evening. When I'm losing weight - which I haven't really since October, I'm eating constantly, it's the only way I can cope!
    I've lost 40 and have another 20 to go!
  • wellness21
    wellness21 Posts: 5 Member
    yes, I fuel up like I'm going to play an NFL game but only sit at a desk all day.
  • aglivingston
    aglivingston Posts: 1 Member
    I have 20 pounds to lose (maybe 25, but I'm going for the 20 pounds first!). I tried last year, and quit in April. I had lost 10 pounds, but gained it all back (again). I also am motivated to exercise so I can have calories left after 2pm as well, lol!
  • wellness21
    wellness21 Posts: 5 Member
    Jillian Michaels yoga today but was only given 81 calories as credit - that's 1 apple:(
  • kjbrose
    kjbrose Posts: 29 Member
    I too am back on MFP. Used it two years ago and kept me on point. This time I want to utilize the forums to keep me focused. Good luck to all and let's drop that 20lbs! Also looking to add friends so feel free to add me B)
  • lmanasero
    lmanasero Posts: 19 Member
    I am also back for the second time, I am trying to lose 15ish pounds. You can add me if you want.
  • I'm looking to lose 42lbs by the summer, though breaking down into 3 targets of a stone a piece. I'm a yoyo dieter, I went from 23.5 stone down to 15 stone in 2006 and I've been floating between 17 and 20 ever since! Currently at a flat 19 and need motivation to stick at it. At my weight I normally find the first stone easy, but can lose heart when the rest is so much tougher to budge
  • shellz1009
    shellz1009 Posts: 9 Member
    Looking to add friends on here also. Im trying to get my pre baby shape back. And i need to lose 40lbs but want to lose 20 lbs by april
  • I have at least 15 to lose and wanting to lose 20!! I've even burning about 300 cals a day but finding it hard to stay within 1350 cals even without exercise....
  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I have 20lbs or 8-10kg to lose post baby #2 also! :smile: just that last annoying bit!
    Would love some new friends on here now, I used this site a lot 12 months ago, it was great, and most of my people have moved on now... I lost about 10lbs using mfp last year. :smile:
    Please add me - will log on daily once I'm back in the habit this week and love to motivate and be motivated!
  • I wish to get rid of 20 lbs, and I will do it by may. ;)
  • wellness21
    wellness21 Posts: 5 Member
    sfonda927 wrote: »
    I have at least 15 to lose and wanting to lose 20!! I've even burning about 300 cals a day but finding it hard to stay within 1350 cals even without exercise....

    1350 is hard! MFP gave me 1200 but my personal daily is under 1500 as 1200 is about that of my 2.5 year old! I realize I need more veggies - should be overdosing on these but haven't gotten into it much this time of year. Anyone else have some good tips on keeping the calories down - yet not starved?