Wanna be friends?

Hi guys and girls,

So I used to be on this website religiously but after reaching goal weight, I am ashamed to say I sinned and went MIA, meaning I struggled with maintenance and am back to square one.

Now I want to not only get back to goal weight but maintain it too. Now for my deepest confession, I realise that the last time when journeying to my goal weight I didn't address the issues, habits and lifestyle choices that lead me to put on weight.

This time I am back and ready to do it the right way, conquering my demons. I have been back in the game for a little while now, silently sneaking around the website, but I realised I missed the interaction with fellow buddies. I've also noticed alotta my friends have either deactivated their profile or aren't very active. I'm looking for friends who are active and like to interact. My newsfeed is looking abysmal, I miss seeing it filled with tons of weight losses, exercise burns, motivational statuses and achievements. If there are any sinners or saints that would like to join me on my journey that would be great.


  • donnysoule
    donnysoule Posts: 1,185 Member
    FR sent welcome back ;-)
  • shellz1009
    shellz1009 Posts: 9 Member
    I will love to be your friend But i don't know how to send friends request on here.
  • lynette_12
    lynette_12 Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome back! I'm semi new. Was on here for a while, but then I went MIA as well. I'm back now and trying to stick with it this time. I need motivation and positive reinforcement. And I plan on providing the same for others. Would be nice to have a friend on here.
  • mjsandle16
    liAe you, I myself have regained my weight. I am now on a new journey to get back my goal weight. After being in school for four years, the stress of it all Sent me into an eating frenzy.
    We can do this but this time it will be for good.I will send you a friend request
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • AlliOops
    AlliOops Posts: 66 Member
    Sinner here! And yes, I do want to be friends. Lets help each other stay motivated :)
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    I've added/accepted you all :)
  • fbussell88
    Can you all add me as well?? My account won't let me add anyone for some reason :(
  • alwayseminem
    Could u add me?
  • redglassmomma
    redglassmomma Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I would like to be your friend also. I am sorta new. I tried it out last year for a while then fell of the wagon and now am trying to get back on track. This is my first ever reply/ post so I hope I get it right. I am wishing us both much success this time.
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    done, done and done
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    Please add me :-)
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member