Any drinkers on here?



  • Horsejumper1
    Horsejumper1 Posts: 25 Member
    I am most certainly a drinker :smile: beer, wine, or vodka with seltzer and lime when I'm trying to keep calories down
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    *raises hand* I have about ten pounds of wine weight on me for sure...
  • minamercer
    minamercer Posts: 1 Member
    I like to drink too! I am trying to cut down while I try to lose, but I often just want 1 or 2 to unwind. I usually stick to vodka sodas since they are low in calories, but unfortunately too many of those lead to bad eating! My girlfriends all love wine, so I drink that too but it just has too many calories. My recent goal has been to log all alcohol and all food, even if it means admitting to myself (and MFP friends) that I went waaaay over. (I have a vacation coming up that will absolutely throw this goal off.) I can definitely use more friends with open diaries, so feel free to add me!
  • Flexitarier
    Flexitarier Posts: 22 Member
    Shoot, I could never live without the booze and the wine... I am planning on taking on a lifestyle I can keep the rest of my life, and hell, there should be some fun allowed in it ;-)
    Feel free to add me!
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    I found my drinking stopping me from using MFP, cause god who wants to count the calories in red wine.... but indulgence is indulgence and watching calories means finding low calorie drinks, and logging whati drink is an eye opener, so i have cut back
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm a wine snob. Dinner just isn't dinner without wine.
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    You will see 1-2 glasses of wine in my diary almost every night & a couple nights a week when I go out I drink more than that. I think the trick is to allow extra calories in your budget for it make sure you log it all as accurately as possible - the amount of calories in alcohol was a huge eye-opener for me. Some days I'll work out extra just so I can drink more. I've still been steadily losing weight and have not given up my drinks (or anything really, I think that's why I have failed at losing weight so many times in the past). Sending you a friend request!
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    I thought vodka was low calorie and switched but a stiff drink or 3 = 1/2 bottle and is the 760 calories. better to sip 2 glasses of a rich wine to get the same satisfaction and less calories. Sorry but a smaller shot of vodka in my drink makes it taste insipid.

    Does anybody have any low calorie drink ideas that are not insipid. I absolutely LOVE a Melbec red wine, likley the most fattening of wines, but deep and rich
  • I am still a drinker (love wine!), and I log all my drinks - wine, booze, whatever. Sometimes its a little embarassing, because of the number of my overall daily calories that come from alcohol, but if I don't track it then I can't make sure I stay within my daily limits, so... it is what it is.

    Please feel free to add me (that goes for anyone in this listing, because I'll then add you back and it'll give me a better sense for how others are 'having their champagne and drinking it too'. ;-)
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited January 2015
    LNPurdie wrote: »
    I thought vodka was low calorie and switched but a stiff drink or 3 = 1/2 bottle and is the 760 calories. better to sip 2 glasses of a rich wine to get the same satisfaction and less calories. Sorry but a smaller shot of vodka in my drink makes it taste insipid.

    Does anybody have any low calorie drink ideas that are not insipid. I absolutely LOVE a Melbec red wine, likley the most fattening of wines, but deep and rich

    Argentina malbec or French malbecs?

    If you like Argentina malbec you will probably like Syrah/Shiraz. Syrah (california) are usually smoother than powerful and biting Australian Shiraz. Same grape, different terroir.

    Oh, and far as alcohol goes, liquor has the most alcohol per calorie. Speyside or highland scotch is an acquired taste, but definitely not insipid. After distilled spirits wine is the safest bet.
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    Argentina - the warmer climate means richer wine. And tbh, the economy of Argentina mean cheaper.
  • Fellow drinker here as well and new to the site :)
  • Kelll12123
    Kelll12123 Posts: 212 Member
    I lost over 40 pounds while getting drunk almost every weekend! My alcohol tolerance is much less than it used to be and I can get drunk off of less than I used to.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    LNPurdie wrote: »
    Argentina - the warmer climate means richer wine. And tbh, the economy of Argentina mean cheaper.

    Both are rich. Syrah is more earthy and smooth while Shiraz is more fruity and biting.
  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    Barefoot should pay for sponsorship on my log!! I love my pinot, at least two-four evenings I week. I typically allow calories for it, but sometimes those glasses put my a little over...I'm still losing so I haven't felt the need to change my habit yet.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    Drinker here!

    I mainly drink whisky and lemonade which I have switched to whisky and soda. It's not so bad :)
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
  • jestlilome1
    jestlilome1 Posts: 1 Member
    LOVE this thread!
    AFMOMX2 Posts: 18
    Fellow drinker here. I have been avoiding since Jan 1st. I had lost almost 30 pounds last year. Then between Oct - Dec gained almost all of it back. =( Working to get back on track. I know I will drink again...maybe today after reading this thread. =) However I need to balance things. Friend me if you want.. I am always on here reading but don't have any friends on here. I just know I have something in common with all of you.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited January 2015
    I drink about twice a week too... usually vodka. I want to try and control it more though and avoid getting food afterwards :p I'm going to try and set aside calories for it so it doesn't push me over my goals.