Trying To Lose That Last 20 pounds & need friends

Hi Everyone My Name Is Tara I'm 4'11 And I guess Concedered obese but it's so hard to lose weight when your so short!! I'm 150 pounds trying to lose that extra 20 after having a baby, I need a lot of help and motivation my weight has impacted me more than anything (not in a good way) looking for friends that have goals like mine I'm very supportive and will motivate others too! ADD ME! I just started so I have no friends btw lol


  • mellie013
    mellie013 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me! I can't add others for some reason? :\ but I'll help motivate you!!:)
  • I too have recently had a baby and I'm 5 feet tall and 138lbs. Trying to get the last 20 off as well! I need motivation too!!!!!
  • Cinderella_82
    Cinderella_82 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Squatiebody,
    I also try to loose about 20 pounds in sum.
    I have already lost 5 and looking for motivated friends who likes to go the way together.
    So, add me if you like.
  • Hi girl;) im
    New here i
    Also gain lots of weight try to
    Loose it 20 pounds till
    Summer. Lets do it together;)
  • princessdotson
    princessdotson Posts: 1 Member
    No problem sis, Let's do this. I need to loos 25 by may. :\
  • nmcrosier
    nmcrosier Posts: 268 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm in the last 20 boat too...but maybe more, I'm undecided...squish test to come then for a more focused approach.

    Would love to get it off by May/June

    Lost 47 last year from Feb-Aug; I'm 5'7" looking to go down to 175
  • Lol we got this! I want to lose it before my sons first birthday party which is March 6!
  • I just had my second baby and need to lose the last 20 lbs! I just started exercising again and am now dieting!
  • sherbet111
    sherbet111 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs too that keeps hanging around from my pregnancy. Feel free to add me & good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • Hi! I just started this app today and almost have no clue what I'm doing. I haven't even had a baby yet but I would love to lose 20-25 pounds before I get pregnant, whenever that will be.