Gym membership or hire treadmill?

i really want to join a gym, but the ones closest to my house (10 min bus trip away) are very expensive. these are my choices (im not including names)
1. joining fee of $300 then $38 every fortnight for 12 months
2.joining fee of $250 then $45 every fortnight for 12 months
3.joinging fee of $400 and then $40 every fortnight for 12 months

people are telling me that i should wait untill a $0 joining fee comes up (specials) but i need to get exercising now!
i used to walk around my area, but its not a very safe one (we have a rough crowd living behind us) and the cheaper gyms are 2 or 3 bus trips away,

but lately im seeing deals about renting treadmills for $10/$15 a fortnight untill you own it, and i think this is alot easier for my budget and so im not scared to walk and dont have to wait till night time (dont like wearing exercise gear in public)

do you think hiring the treadmill (rent to own) is a good idea?


  • mommy2josh
    mommy2josh Posts: 21
    Oh wow... where do you live? i've never heard of joining fees before :s but maybe that's just where i live! lol
  • shumatet1982
    I used to go to a gym, since the age of 18. Now that I am almost 30, it's the first time I have come near a sixpack, and I haven't been to that gym for 2 months now. I started doing P90x and best of all, I started rethinking m eating habits. Last point was the most effective part of my change.

    Try and watch some P90x videos on youtube. Maybe you like it. There are several other options for home fittness. Is that an option for you?

    May I ask: What neighbourhood is that, you live in!?
  • shumatet1982
    Oh wow... where do you live? i've never heard of joining fees before :s but maybe that's just where i live! lol

    They take joining fees here also. In every gym...
  • Lindyteach
    Lindyteach Posts: 72 Member
    Love my treadmill! Bought it secondhand over the internet.... worth a look!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Whoa - expensive!

    Mine cost £15 joining fee, and then £19.99 per month! (about $24 joinin g fee and $33 per month)

    Have you thought about c25k? Google it, and whilst you're doing it, keep looking about for free membership
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    I live in Australia, NSW.
    the only gyms around me are the big time ones,
    Fitness First, Genesis and Oxygen.

    they are all very very expensive.
    it costs so much to be healthy around here!
  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    are you strict enough to actually do the exercise yourself at home - l've hired a treadmill in the past and it sat in the corner of the lounge not used, yet now with a gym membership l have that accountability with the trainers to go to workout, and l don't like the idea of wasting monty so l make sure l use it. It would be cheaper to hire (even buy) something like a treadmill but l do like the variety of being able to do a class or go into the cardio room and use a variety of equipment. Are you able to do a short term rental to try it for a couple of months first and see if you do use it?

    all gyms here in Australia generally have a joining fee as well as a monthly/weekly fee (l'd love to live where they don't) and they never have the specials of no joining fee when you actually want to join??
  • cptino
    cptino Posts: 46 Member
    I prefer the gym because I can mix it up and won't get bored. Although the prices you are listing sound insanely high. Maybe you can negotiate and see if they will cut down or waive the joining fee? Never hurts to ask!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I say neither. Renting a treadmill you will end up paying for it 3x's after they add the finance charges and other fees into it. Meaning a $700 treadmill is going to cost you about $2100 after you are done. Those fees are extremely high for those gyms as well. Plus you don't want to get locked into any contacts.

    I would suggest purchasing some at home weights (5#, 10#, 15# and 20# weights) and a few work out dvds. Cardio and strength training. There are also some excellent videos on youtube for HIIT and Tabata. Don't spend more money then you have to.
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    If you love running or walking, the treadmill is a good idea. I find that the expensive gym fees and the gym environment keeps me motivated. It may take some trial and error to decide what works best for you, though. Just stay safe!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    I have a Pro-Form treadmill at home, cost £600 (but that was less than half price at the time) and I've done a few km's on that now... Nice when the weather is bad or you just don't want to travel to get to the gym.

    I've just joined a gym that had no joining fee at the time and my 1st month was free. For £60 I have full use of the gym, pool, sauna, steam room, classes, reduced golf fees, 20% off food and drink in the hotel and reduced hotel room rates around the Country.

    Best to wait, I wouldn't pay joining fees. Ask when they will have no fees or tell them you'll sign up there and then if they cancel them!!!
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    i think i am way to self concious for a gym, i have tried negotiating and everything but they just say sorry but they are the prices.

    i think a treadmill in my own house, in my own time, (also saving money for my $3.60 bus fair there and back) with my own tv choice and clothing might help me more, thank you for all your help,

    i already have weights which is good and a few work out dvds, i just think a treadmill might be the finishing touches for my workouts

    thank you all for sugesting youtube for videos but where i live i cant get ADSL so im paying alot for only 7GIG a month, which means i cant watch many videos at all (sharing the internet with 3 other people)
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Do you have any running stores around?
    If you aren't an experienced runner yet (and if it isn't too hot where you are) instead of a treadmill, maybe you can see if they have running groups around where you live. It helps sticking with it if you commit to a group, and running with other people will probably make you faster too. The practice groups here (I paid $59 for an 8 week prep course for my first 5k) have coaches running with you, and they do additional stuff like a gait analysis, stretches etc.
    I have met a couple of gals in my group and we are running together on other days now, weekends etc.
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    thats a good idea actually, im just super super super self concious, and my high anxiety issues arnt helping with the situation either, but i might look into that :)
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    I have a Pro-Form treadmill at home, cost £600 (but that was less than half price at the time) and I've done a few km's on that now... Nice when the weather is bad or you just don't want to travel to get to the gym.

    I've just joined a gym that had no joining fee at the time and my 1st month was free. For £60 I have full use of the gym, pool, sauna, steam room, classes, reduced golf fees, 20% off food and drink in the hotel and reduced hotel room rates around the Country.

    Best to wait, I wouldn't pay joining fees. Ask when they will have no fees or tell them you'll sign up there and then if they cancel them!!!

    i have been waiting around 2 months now for $0 joining fee, i need to exercise more. your so lucky you picked up on that deal!
  • chloemeow
    chloemeow Posts: 71
    If you love running or walking, the treadmill is a good idea. I find that the expensive gym fees and the gym environment keeps me motivated. It may take some trial and error to decide what works best for you, though. Just stay safe!

    i have joined a gym before which was rather expensive, and i got some rude comments made towards me, so im thinking i might get the treadmill untill im feeling a bit better about myself, then see how prices are around the gyms
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Hi, I would avoid paying a joining fee that high for any gym. For that money, you could get a whole set of dumbbells, a fitness ball, and a workout/exercise handbook and DVD that you could begin a complete circuit exercise program you could do right in your own home. As for running/jogging on a treadmill at the gym, instead of a ten minute bus ride, perhaps also consider a longer bus ride to a park or other place that has a safe environment with lots of other exercisers and runners? Treadmills in the home are nice, but really you can begin the journey to good health without the expense of renting/acquiring one, I believe. Good luck and don't quit!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    There's NO WAY I would go to a gym. I know myself and I know I would find an excuse not to go, so I bought a treadmill. I waited until I found a good deal (£799 with no payments or interest for 12 months -- I save a little toward it each month and will pay it off at the end of the 12 month period) and have never looked back. I thought about hiring one, but thought it would be cheaper to buy one in the long run.
  • znivets
    znivets Posts: 2 Member
    All things considered it sounds like a good idea. The gym is a better option because there is a greater variety in the exercise equipment or options available and going there with like minded people I find more motivating than trying to keep up myself at home. But safety is paramount so your logic sounds good to me. Going to the gym is a commitment just like walking on a treadmill at home. Once you start the routine, keep your calories intake below that which you burn and keep it up the pounds will come off. My suggestion would be to hire the treadmill since the cost is reasonable, it is safe, and wait for the sales on the gym memberships. Then sign up for a membership as close to home or work as you can get to safely. It will provide you with multiple options for working out. The important thing is that you don't get bored doing one thing and that is what happens often to folks with treadmills at home and then they stop. They get bored and then the treadmills become places to hang clothes on.

    Best, S
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    I would say DVD's at home is cheaper and you get a better 'all over' workout (working more muscle groups). Also, depending on which ones you get, they tend to involve a lot of cardio anyways. Theres so many levels beginner/ intermediate/ expert/ insane!! and so many different kinds that I'm sure you'd find something efective and that you'd like. If you don't like it, then sell it on Amazon or Ebay and use the money to put towards another. Personally I'd buy them second hand anyways (really tight budget!)

    I'm short on cash too and have some medical issues which would mean a gym membership is a no-go for me at the moment, it'd just be a waste of money :(

    oh also I know theres one that focuses on walking at home, the lady's name is Leslie Sansone. Shes great and you can get it as an audiobook from (as I have) or I think she's done DVD's too if its particularly walking you want to do.

    Hope this helps xx