in need of motivation !

My names Kristen I'm 20 years old and I just had my first baby 4 months ago via c section ! He is the best thing that's ever happened to me but I just want my body back ! Its so hard and discouraging because I still have all that baby weight 4 months later. I thought it would be gone by now but I'm doing it to myself . any one have any motivation or tips they could through my way ? Thanks !


  • nickferrell
    nickferrell Posts: 10 Member
    Well the word motivation requires motive. You have to have a why. Congratulations on your baby. I have 4 ranging from 16 - 2. There is no greater gift in the world. I really think that wanting your body back is not a strong enough why to make you stick with it. Now if you say I want to be the best version of me possible, and to do that I need to have Maximum energy, maximum focus, and incredible Stamina to be the best Mother I can be. Now that is a goal worth fighting for. Also. Was your ok body the absolute best version of you. I would say that you strive to be better than before.

    Start looking at food and drinks as fuel sources. Nothing more. Lots of water, lean protein, and good fruits and veggies. Definitely consult the Dr. And make sure you are ready to exercise. If the doc gives you the go ahead put a plan to get her. Create a plain that mixes nutrition with exercise and get it on. But remember your body just performed a miracle, and the healing that needs to take place will determine how the next 60 or so years go. You are some bodies mommy now and your little ones eyes you are absolutely perfect the way you are
  • Wow. I needed that . lol no my prior to baby body wasn't the best. I hated it then but now I miss it . and its not just my body I want to improve. I want to feel better about myself. I want to have more energy. And be able to be active. My little baby boy will one day be a crazy little man running around and I need to be able to keep up with him and be the best mom for him ! And my doctor said I'm good to get back to everything I want to do . but I'll start eating healthy and exercising but it'll only last like 2 days (if that) . I want to do this so bad but I always fall of track and get so mad at myself .
  • nickferrell
    nickferrell Posts: 10 Member
    Ok. You are in a perfect place to start. You want to change and you know you can't do it alone. Do you know that ours you like in the top 10% of thinkers? Here why. Most people know it all seen it all been there and got the t-shirt. So they know that they know everything about things they already knew. What they know is failure and that registers as pain, and they gave trained there brains that they can't win so when they don't succeed then really they are succeeding. That's cray-cray. Not but 2-3 out if a 100 people will do what you just did. Admit you were powerless and needs help. Boomyow. Ain't no stopping you now girl.

    Here's what you need to know. To lose a pound you have to burn 3500 calories through either exercise (outtake) or creating a calorie deficit ( intake). I like both. Your body has a base amount if calories it will burn just by you being you. What this app does is figure out how to create that deficit by calorie control. Here's the thing. You can not get rid of a bad habit. You can only replace it with a good habit. So here is all you have to do. Eat normal for a few days. Just track everything you eat. Then you will see where you can tweak it. Do you have a weight loss goal? It's got to be real. Also measurements are better than the scale when you are first starting out. Break your meals up so you are eating 6 times a day when you first get going. You will not be hungry. Water us great. Coffee is a great low calorie appetite suppressant. Just control the stuff you put in it. As far as workout. Pushing the stroller is great exercise. It's in there to track. If you join a gym get someone else to join with you. Lots of cardio and you can google fat shredding workouts. You are in complete control of this. Lay out the plan and execute. You can add me if you like. You got this.
  • Congrats on your baby! :D My names Angie let's help each other out! Idk if this will help you but it has helped me so far, but I have an issue with overthinking and for me just jumping in helped. I stopped giving fear and doubt a chance to reign. It's always good to have a plan but you gotta actually do it. Good luck!
  • Jeez your good at this ! Lol I wanna lose 60+ pounds (60 is my goal but I think once I get there I'll wanna keep going) . I don't have a set date but I would like to see s difference by summer ! And I would love to take my son out with the stroller but its in the negatives right now ! Don't want either of us getting sick. I just signed up for planet fitness earlier today and I got the black card which means I can bring a guest at any time . that's my first step. so ill probably be bringing my boyfriend a lot. This app , based on my measurements says I should be taking in about 1370 calories a day . and I'm so bad at looking at all that stuff on food . that's step 2 . I need to work on that . I wanna start eating healthy and portioning out what I eat but I honestly don't even know what good amounts of sugars, carbs, calories things should be. So I don't even know what I'm looking at (I should be clear that I'm new with this healthy lifestyle !) Lmao ! But any who, I tried to click on your name to add you but it says error every time I click on someone's name . so idk how to add people at the moment. But feel free to send me a request ! You really seem like you know what your talking about and your a big help already ! Thank you!
  • nickferrell
    nickferrell Posts: 10 Member
    Added you
  • Congrats on your baby! :D My names Angie let's help each other out! Idk if this will help you but it has helped me so far, but I have an issue with overthinking and for me just jumping in helped. I stopped giving fear and doubt a chance to reign. It's always good to have a plan but you gotta actually do it. Good luck!

    Thank you Angie ! I do overthink a lot ! I also over eat and under exercise ! Lol I used to be somewhat healthy until I got pregnant and thought I could do and eat whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted because I was eating for two ( which isn't the case at all, and I didn't find that out until after I had my son) lol but now I still have that mentality and I just can't shake it . I do really good for a couple days and I tell myself "don't give in ! You can do this ! Don't even think about eating that! " and I do really good . and then it just all goes away one morning and I'm back to where I started . hopefully this time I stick with it ! It's 2:41 am and I've been doing good for about 9 hours loll!