Female 22, looking to lose 12-15lbs

Hi everyone! I'm a student from London and in the past 6 months I have gained around 12lbs and gone up a dress size. Anyone who would like to be my friend throughout this please feel free to add me! I don't have the healthiest diet and never will so please don't judge me that I will still be eating a bit of chocolate, I'd be miserable without it. I'm looking to give and receive support rather than patronising advice!


  • je55wow
    je55wow Posts: 7 Member
    You sound like me, just younger!
    My phone won't let me add you.... But if you want to add me that'd be fab! Need encouragement and it's day 1 of getting back on it today
  • qwerkyday
    qwerkyday Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat really. Last year I was up and down all year. Low in April for a friend's wedding , up in June over the winter months (I'm in Australia) down in October for a 10k run and up again ending the year heavier than when the year started.
    I struggle with motivation, discipline and I love my sweet food! So I've chosen three words to use as a mantra/motivation:
    Dedication, Determination, Discipline!!

    Good luck to you both! It's my day 1, again, but I want it to be my only 1 this year.

  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    Me too! I'm looking to lose 15 right now to get back to where I am comfortable and possible shoot for 10 or so more after that. Feel free to add!
  • Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s
    Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s Posts: 10 Member
    I've just sent a request!

    I'm 23, looking to lose another 15 to 20lbs so if anyone else is in the same boat feel ree to add - I'm looking to up my friend count as it's great motivation :)
  • Bubble_Cloud
    Thanks guys! Good luck to you all