Looking for friends for motivation support.

fantasiclon Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
I tend to get discouraged really easily even when i see positive results. I need positive ppl to keep me going


  • Me too, don't worry! Feel free to add me! In fact I'd really appreciate it! (I'd add you but for some reason it won't let me)
  • sarahmcw23
    sarahmcw23 Posts: 5 Member
    Me too. Recently started paleo diet. Really motivated at the minute and don't wanna lose that!
  • law2097
    law2097 Posts: 15
    Me 2, hitting a wall right now that I need to break through so need more motivation!
  • cbrenna89
    cbrenna89 Posts: 1 Member
    Same :) looking for friends!
  • I need some massive motivation please help :(