Does my calorie calculation sounds correct? Please help!

I have been at the same weight for quite sometime now, about 2 months. I got a Polat FT4 to track my calories burnt but after seeing the difference in numbers between MFP database and my HRM and after posting in thr MFP forum I came to know HRM calories are not accurate and my HRM is calculating more calories for my exercises. So, I had to re-evaluate my goals as I have changed my exercise routine as well. I am doing PiYo and T25 together

My daily exercise routine looks like this -
PiYo - 20-30 minutes depends on the video length for that day according to the calender
Brisk walking to work - 20-25 minutes
brisk walking back from work - 20-25 minutes
t25 video - 25 minutes ( I am in Beta round now)

Since HRM cannot calculate accurate calories burnt I have decided to eat only a part of it. I have put mfp activity level on sedentary which has given me 1200 calories + I eat part of my exercise calories.

I end up eating 1400-1500 calories everyday. Also I should mention I dont measure my food. So I try to log the highest amount to be sure if I have to guessestimate. And I keep an window for errors.

Am I doing it correct? Also does it sound like I am overtraining?



  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Ohh and I missed to add my stats

    Height : 5 ft ( probably half an inch less)
    Weight : 111-112 lbs (depends on the day)

    I work in IT so apart from what I mentioned I dont get to move around much except little housework
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think if you are comfortable with the calories, and routine, stick with it. Being able to have a daily discipline has been key to me losing and maintaining my weight..
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I think the problem might lie with the not measuring your food possibly. Can you not buy a cheap pair of electronic scales and try it for a couple of weeks and see if it helps? Just it seems you are not over eating if you are actually only get that number of cals. But I am not sure. Someone with more knowledge will be along soon. :smiley:
  • Mitchbay91
    Mitchbay91 Posts: 8 Member
    I think the first thing you should do if you're not seeing results is to actually start weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquid 'foods' by volume. Even if you do it once or twice just to verify that your guesstimates are in the vicinity.

    Being 'fit' and 'healthy' is not just about a number on a scale. Its also a lot about how you feel and how you feel you look.

    You need to remember that weight loss is a marathon not a sprint!
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    oops i think i got your post confused with another one, as you havent mentioned if you are happy with the weight loss or not sorry :blush:
  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    Nowhere near over-training - if that level of activity is manageable then stick to it.

    According to this calculator: 1500 calories would be around your maintenance intake, but if you are not losing weight then it doesn't matter what any calculators say; you are eating at maintenance.

    You have several options:
    • Eat slightly less to lower you calorie intake.
    • Exercise slightly more to raise your TDEE above intake.
    • Weigh your food - there is a very good chance you are still underestimating how many calories you are eating.

    Good luck.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Are you trying to lose weight? If so, you don't have too much to lose. You're fairly petite already so your BMR is going to be pretty low...

    I think you are still overestimating your calories burned from exercise, and that coupled with the fact that you are not really weighing/measuring your food, means that you are still eating too many calories to lose weight. For a half hour brisk walk (and I'm taller and weigh more than you) I would only track about 150 calories burned.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Problem is I have to depend on outside food a lot. I stay as a paying guest where food is provided. Lunch also I order through dabba system (,won't make much sense to non Indians , its a lunch box delivery system ) . all the homemade healthy food. But I can't really measure.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    What is your goal?
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Fat loss and inch loss. If not weight loss. Just want to look and feel good.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Looks good to me. If you are unhappy with not losing weight, I would suggest not eating more than the 1200, since you are currently eating slightly above maintenance (if exercise is ignored).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    If you're trying to lose, you need to start accurately logging, meaning weigh and measure your food. Otherwise, you have no idea how much you're really eating.
    Additionally, to tone up I would definitely incorporate strength training.
  • tracyledyard
    tracyledyard Posts: 69 Member
    You are doing what I would do as far as your settings go (whether that is correct or not, I don't know). With all your exercise, I would think you are burning more than an extra 300 a day. Your weight seems healthy so I'm not sure what your goals are. If you are not looking to lose weight, your eyeball measurements seem to be working. As far as over training, how do you feel? I don't know the particulars of the 2 programs you are doing. All the walking is fantastic! You should aim to raise your heart at least 3 x's a week. If both of your programs are intense cardio, doing that everyday may be too much. Same goes if you are weight training. You need some recovery time. Just my 2 cents.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    edited January 2015
    sola24 wrote: »
    Problem is I have to depend on outside food a lot. I stay as a paying guest where food is provided. Lunch also I order through dabba system (,won't make much sense to non Indians , its a lunch box delivery system ) . all the homemade healthy food. But I can't really measure.

    I'm a sucker for Indian food. Could eat it every day. Nothing better in the world than naan to me.
    If you are pulling you food from the database vs entering a recipe it is going to be inaccurate, perhaps significantly so. Especially with Indian recipes I find. the leave a lot out, sodium in many cases. I understand the dabba system, my in laws are Indian. not much you can do there. the people making it wouldn't have a clue about nutritional value.
    All I can say is if you search out a food, look at as many entries as possible. Use what seems most realistic.
    If after all that you are not losing weight then quite possibly the food has a much higher calorie value than anticipated. I run into that mostly with Indian food. ok I am going naan and aloo gobi now, just made myself hungry
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    You are doing what I would do as far as your settings go (whether that is correct or not, I don't know). With all your exercise, I would think you are burning more than an extra 300 a day. Your weight seems healthy so I'm not sure what your goals are. If you are not looking to lose weight, your eyeball measurements seem to be working. As far as over training, how do you feel? I don't know the particulars of the 2 programs you are doing. All the walking is fantastic! You should aim to raise your heart at least 3 x's a week. If both of your programs are intense cardio, doing that everyday may be too much. Same goes if you are weight training. You need some recovery time. Just my 2 cents.

    According to HRM I am burning 600-750 calories per day that is an overestimation may be. PiYo is mainly bodyweight strength training and T25 beta is mainly cardio with some strength training with dumbbells. I am not looking for weight loss as such. And its not like I am not absolutely losing weight but losing it very slowly which I am okay with. I just want to reduce inches and get more fit.

    My purpose of this post was to get a review of my workout plan currently as I changed it in the last 2 weeks i.e increased intensity by starting two workout programs. Before I was doing only t25 alpha and walking. t25 beta has more intensity and I added PiYo. On top of that I got my HRM to measure calories and they show quite higher numbers for calorie burn than MFP database. I posted this to forum and people asked me to eat only 60-80% of the calories burnt. So I changed my activity levels to sedentary and adding my HRM calories and eating a part of it back. Before I had put it on lightly active and used to eat the calories which MFP used to give me.

    Just reviewing if my current plan sounds okay or its sounds aggressive or not enough?
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    sola24 wrote: »
    Problem is I have to depend on outside food a lot. I stay as a paying guest where food is provided. Lunch also I order through dabba system (,won't make much sense to non Indians , its a lunch box delivery system ) . all the homemade healthy food. But I can't really measure.

    I'm a sucker for Indian food. Could eat it every day. Nothing better in the world than naan to me.
    If you are pulling you food from the database vs entering a recipe it is going to be inaccurate, perhaps significantly so. Especially with Indian recipes I find. the leave a lot out, sodium in many cases. I understand the dabba system, my in laws are Indian. not much you can do there. the people making it wouldn't have a clue about nutritional value.
    All I can say is if you search out a food, look at as many entries as possible. Use what seems most realistic.
    If after all that you are not losing weight then quite possibly the food has a much higher calorie value than anticipated. I run into that mostly with Indian food. ok I am going naan and aloo gobi now, just made myself hungry

    I agree with you on the Indian food thing :( specially when I am eating out. For homemade stuff I know calories are probably less. and sometimes I try to log the ingredients rather than the dish. Hopefully I will be able to get my own place soon and can cook myself.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    awesome, good luck. The dabba system is quite incredible isn't it? I wish they could do that here but we will never figure out how to do it properly
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    it is actually :D actually the city I live in, its not so popular there. But we did find a small vendor which delivers food to our office and in limited amount. Food its home cooked and tasty. :) Before I had to cook my own lunch or take whatever horrible tasting food was provided where I stay :(
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you don't weigh your food you have no idea how much you're eating hence you re consuming too many calories

    That's the only place you need to look
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    So you can't really calorie count your food in your current situation.

    Shame for calories burned really - you can't actually verify the accuracy so don't expend a lot of effort trying to, just be consistent with your estimates.
    Would suggest just stick with your routine and monitor your results over a period of time.

    "And its not like I am not absolutely losing weight but losing it very slowly which I am okay with. I just want to reduce inches and get more fit."
    Sounds perfect to me so carry on.

    As for your routine if you enjoy it and don't feel tired carry on, I certainly wouldn't call it overtraining.