20lb loss by march 1st, anyone in?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    getsa wrote: »
    Anybody have experience or recommendation on Tabata

    It is very difficult to do that ratio. 2:1 work:rest took time for me to build up too. Honestly it can work with any exercise.

    I used Tabata with jump rope.
  • boomboom33
    boomboom33 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a little late to the game but, I'd like to join. I recently had knee surgery and I'm finally able to exercise (lightly) after being pretty immobile for 4 mo. I'm at my all time highest weight of 197. I fee the 200's and don't want to let tat creep up on me. I've got the motivation and could use the support! :)
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    I'm in! I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago but sadly gained it all back. I again started the year at my highest (without being preggo) at 178lbs. Today I am at 174.4lbs and am keeping the calories at or below 1200. Just walking now but plan to get back to running.
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in for this. I'm also in a 10 pounds by the end of January.

    I'm doing Atkins induction right now, on my 5th day. I've lost 5.5 pounds. I'm sure it is mostly water, but I'm also burning off 500 calories a day through exercise so I'm sure there has to be some fat loss also.

    I'm on 1200 a day, and keep the carbs very low - less than 20 total each day.

    I don't have a goal weight as much as a goal size. Right now I'm a size 14, and I would love to be a size 10 by the first week of April (when I have to have my first fitting for a wedding gown I bought and then stupidly gained 2 whole dress sizes!!!)
    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • rbentrup81
    rbentrup81 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in too! 20 does sound rather high, but I'm game :)
  • Amisha136
    Amisha136 Posts: 38 Member
    YES! By mid-March at least.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good this week. Its been a good week for me so far. Keep up the good work
  • jeanile
    jeanile Posts: 3 Member
    Am in , let's do this ! 1200 calorie goal ( Thats hard) but it can be done
  • How is everyone doing with their goal? I am already down 5 pounds in the 10 days since I started using MFP. I have logged in and kept up with every single thing I eat for 10 days. I still have 85 pounds to lose, but only 15 by March first. I have now lost 22 pounds since the end of October. When you are as heavy as I am, people its hard for others to notice the loss, but someone did today. It felt great!
  • ellavader
    ellavader Posts: 24 Member
    I would love to join in. I started working out and eating better last Monday. So far I am doing good. I went to the gym 5 times since. I'm lucky to have a small gym in my building that has an elptical, bike, and treadmill so I go for about 39 minutes every other day.

    Losing 20 pounds by February would be great. I'm at my highest weight, 230 and I'm 5'8. My goal is to get down to 180 by November. If anyone would like to be friends we can motivate each other daily so we hit our goal : )
  • I an in! 1400 cal goal.
  • I will aim for 15 pounds by March 1! At 130 now!:)
  • fressita214
    fressita214 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in!! Count me in I need to loose 20+ lbs. As well... y'all can add me too!
  • Can I join too? I'm 233.6lbs, 5'9". Shooting for 1350 cal per day. My goal is 170lbs.
  • Please include me. I need to loss a total of 30. If I could lose 20 by March 1st...that would be awesome!!!
  • I'm in! I could definitely use some encouragement. Have 70 lbs to get rid of this year. 20 lbs would be a great start.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    First week was good. Down 2lbs. So im off and running. Just got my fitbit back up and running so im hoping to challenge myself to get more and more steps in each day. How is everyone else doing after a week?
  • gettinfit23
    gettinfit23 Posts: 7 Member
    Does anyone have a good music station on Pandora that keeps them pumped up when working out ??
  • mrsperry34
    mrsperry34 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm late but I'm in....going on hold in march so wanna drop a bit..... 15 to 20lbs would be a successful start...already down since Xmas
  • I just started on Sunday and I made a goal to lose 20 lbs by March 9th (my birthday) so I would love to join this challenge. I so need the support.