Winter Workouts?

during warmer weather i LOVE walking outside, it gives me major stress relief. i'm not the biggest gym-goer. i still haven't been able to feel comfortable in a gym. i feel like i need to lose more before i feel good going to a gym. what do you do during the cold months? i want this year to be my year to love my body!


  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I ran the other day when we got our first real snow of the season. Added an interesting challenge to my run because the snow was almost like sand texture wise so I was a lot more winded...
    I wouldn't mind snow so much-it's pretty, makes my workout harder...but the ice...that's not fun OR safe.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Is there a reason you cannot walk outside?
  • kristen_karg
    kristen_karg Posts: 41 Member
    it's just really cold!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I live in Texas, so our lows are in the 20s right now with highs in the 30s. That means cycling outside is an option all year. I might have second thoughts if our highs were running below freezing, but I've heard of people cycling at as low as -30. It is all in how you dress for it. With the popularity of fat bikes, I figure some people are glad for the cold.

    The great thing about exercising outside in cold weather is that it burns more calories than normal and it promotes the development of brown fat, which continues to burn calories.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    it's just really cold!

    Layers and more layer of clothes if it is that cold. Also its the season to help neighbors with shoveling for more activity.
  • kristen_karg
    kristen_karg Posts: 41 Member
    i live in tn, so we're about in the 20's. i'll try layering up and walking! :) thanks!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I personally... don' there isn't a person on this planet that can make me go outside and do something if the temp is below 70... I wouldn't shovel anything of mine much less anyone else's LOL

    I do everything inside right now and will continue doing that... my body temp doesn't regulate that well so people can say what they want about me lol I get laughed at while at work.. I sit with a heater on and I have been known to wear hoodie's in the dead of summer :)
  • I have a workout app by skimble called workout trainer. It is available on android, not sure about on apple. It has a LOT of different workouts and they are free. There is a pro version too if you'd want to buy it. It has different levels and time lengths so there is no excuse not to find something that works no matter what your fitness level or time available. Another nice feature is that while it is cued, the time between cues is quiet so you can listen to music or do it while watching TV (I tend to do it during the news before work in the morning)
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    FWIW, I am a transplant from Virginia to Northern New England, so I feel your pain about cold.

    Layers are the way to go, yes. And 100% wool sweaters. Warm liners for boots. A jacket that can double as a wind-breaker that will cut that icy blast. And a hat. Do not forget the hat.

    I do find that if I get my heart rate up properly, my hands and feet are no longer cold after about the first quarter mile or so.
  • SuckerPunch77
    SuckerPunch77 Posts: 23 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    it's just really cold!

    Layers and more layer of clothes if it is that cold. Also its the season to help neighbors with shoveling for more activity.

    ^this! I live in Edmonton. It was -25 this morning not including the wind chill and I ran. Never thought that would be me. I hate the cold. As long as you layer appropriately, you should be fine! You may even learn to love it as I did!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I remember I got into Pilates and Pole dance when the weather got colder. I still went to the gym to use the elliptical and stair machine...I definitely prefer running to all of these things but when there's ice on the sidewalks/trails/roads, it's just not safe.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I love winter! this is what I did today, a little heavy bag and weights by the fire!
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    I have a hard time working out when it is below 20 degress. My asthma makes it very hard to breathe in cold air. But I find that if I layer and then put something over my mouth I can breathe in warmer air and it doesnt bother me as much. But I still choose to work out inside on some mornings when I just don't want to put all those layers on :)
  • DaniellaB1995
    DaniellaB1995 Posts: 64 Member
    Try the workouts on :) I live in the UK and it's about 5C here today but that's way too cold, with the wind for me haha so I stay inside.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Last year I was walking. This year I'm going to the gym... it's way more comfortable and I get a better calorie burn!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I live in Minnesota. It has been below 0 F all week, and we have had snow too. Near blizzard conditions yesterday. I still go for a walk when I get home from work. If you dress for it, it really is not too bad (except walking into the wind can be challenging :) ). If you waited for perfect weather here, you wouldn't be outside very much. Plus it feels really good when you come into the house with a nice fire going in the wood stove. I have to rack up the fitbit steps, it is my personal challenge.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    As I was told - 'You will walk faster in the cold!' Of course this is not the case and while I do go to the gym I still walk in the cold. The trick is that you need to wear warm socks, a top that will let your body breath because while it starts out cold your body will warm up pretty good and I since my hands get really cold I also wear gloves - preferable knit so your hands can breath as well.

    I haven't been doing very well with my outside activities so far, so I have taken on the 200 mile walk challenge for January - this sort of forced me to figure out what will work for me being outside in the cold. Just give yourself a small weekly challenge and don't be so hard on yourself regarding the gym - trust me no one will be paying any attention to you ;) (that is if they are really there to workout, it's that time of year).
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    I love winter! this is what I did today, a little heavy bag and weights by the fire!

    I want to come work out at your house!

    And, LOL to those who don't want to go outside when it's below 70. You can all laugh at me in June when I start complaining that I can't work out because IT'S TOOOOOO HOOOOOOT over 75.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    lol you probably have a normal body temp.,.. I don't and believe me I hear it all the time people whining about how "hot" it is at 80... I laugh and zip up my hoodie lol
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited January 2015
    during warmer weather i LOVE walking outside, it gives me major stress relief. i'm not the biggest gym-goer. i still haven't been able to feel comfortable in a gym. i feel like i need to lose more before i feel good going to a gym. what do you do during the cold months? i want this year to be my year to love my body!

    Just go to the gym, there are *kitten* everywhere you go that's like being scared of going to the mall.

    I know the feeling but as someone who's been going to the gym for almost 3 years now like know one cares about your size but you. If you feel like people are looking at you ... odds are he/she is just checking you out ... again no different then the mall.

    Ps: I walked into the gym at 355lbs

    PPS: If you happen to live in Mississauga your welcome to come with me and my GF to the gym