Just got asked by bloke in supermarket when my baby was due. I'm not pregnant.

getinmabelly Posts: 23 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Yup, this seriously just happened. And the frustrating thing? I'd just spent an hour working out to my Davina DVD.

To make matters worse, he then tried to justify his comment with 'well maybe you are pregnant and you just don't know it'? Which means that he also thinks I'm stupid enough to have got so far along that I'm 'showing' and not realise that I'm pregnant.

He probably asked in all innocence and with no malice, but ffs!!!!!! I mean, FFS!!!!! I am big, and yes, my tummy is the largest part of me and I really really want to get rid of it. But jesus cripes, how dare he?!!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Ugh, I am so sorry. That just stinks. I had that happen at work once and when I said I wasn't pregnant the woman said "Well maybe if you lost weight you could get pregnant." Nice.
  • lakhena
    lakhena Posts: 57 Member
    I've had this happen to me... from an old college buddy who noticed I didn't have my rock solid abs from when we were in college :/

    I don't even look big. Most people think I'm skinny enough. We were both horribly embarrassed.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Not an issue with overweight guys. Everyone knows you just eat too much.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    Some people have no tact. Write him off and keep at it.
  • kmcgallery
    kmcgallery Posts: 123 Member
    urgh.... maybe you can tape his pic to a heavy bag & take up kickboxing ;)
  • I had that happen with a lady i used to work with. When i said no im not pregnant she then proceeded to tell me "well you sure have gained a lot of weight"...ugh!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Not an issue with overweight guys. Everyone knows you just eat too much.

    You poor thing :(

    Op, I would have just rolled with it. Built in excuses are the best.
  • LazPagz
    LazPagz Posts: 28 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Ugh, I am so sorry. That just stinks. I had that happen at work once and when I said I wasn't pregnant the woman said "Well maybe if you lost weight you could get pregnant." Nice.

    this is possibly the rudest thing i've ever heard!

    try and laugh it off and forget it. i know it's horrible, i've been there too. and well done on doing Davina DVD, she's tough!

  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    If it ever happens again, let your face fall and look really upset. Tell them you just lost the baby. Mean? Probably. But I bet the person will NEVER say anything to another woman again about when their "baby" is due!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Ugh, I am so sorry. That just stinks. I had that happen at work once and when I said I wasn't pregnant the woman said "Well maybe if you lost weight you could get pregnant." Nice.

    That's awesome.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Well, maybe you ARE the Dragonborn and you just don't know it yet.

    Wait, pregnancy. Uuuuh.

    Say you are and do a shot of tequila right in front of them.
  • elocinwright
    elocinwright Posts: 8 Member
    what a jerk
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    firstsip wrote: »
    Well, maybe you ARE the Dragonborn and you just don't know it yet.

    Wait, pregnancy. Uuuuh.

    Say you are and do a shot of tequila right in front of them.

    god I can't help it...


    skyrim FTW ... lol
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    So rude! I just can't wrap my head around the way total strangers feel it's ok to walk up to someone and comment on a very personal thing, be it pregnancy, weight or anything else. Getting a little dizzy from shaking my head. :confounded:
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    edited January 2015
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member

  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    I had the opposite problem: I WAS pregnant (4 or 5 months), wearing a figure hugging dress. I had an old man tell me, 'you really shouldn't wear that dress, it makes you look thick waisted'. *Head desk*

    A female friend next to me (who I hadn't seen in a while, and I hadn't had a chance to mention to her yet that I was pregnant) told him how rude he was. I said, 'it's ok, I am thick waisted'. Lady friend recoiled, and did the, 'no, you're not!' and I said, I was, but that was because I was pregnant.

    But it did annoy me, because who does anyone think they are, telling another person what they should or should not wear? Whether pregnant or not? Or to point out to someone a perceived 'flaw' they observed in their body? If I weren't pregnant and the same thing had happened, I'm sure my response would not have been so calm.
  • Carbsmakefat
    Carbsmakefat Posts: 89 Member
    edited January 2015
  • drew22308
    drew22308 Posts: 90 Member
    I wish these posts had a like button! I've been laughing so hard at some of these b/c I've been asked before if I'm prego. I wanted to snack the twit
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I'm laughing so hard at Funkenwagnal's posts right now.

    This hasn't happened to me, but it did happen to a friend of mine and then the lady followed up with "well, you have a really glowy complexion," which I thought was pretty smooth for someone with minimal social skills.
  • KTen6
    KTen6 Posts: 2
    Yup, this seriously just happened. And the frustrating thing? I'd just spent an hour working out to my Davina DVD.

    To make matters worse, he then tried to justify his comment with 'well maybe you are pregnant and you just don't know it'? Which means that he also thinks I'm stupid enough to have got so far along that I'm 'showing' and not realise that I'm pregnant.

    He probably asked in all innocence and with no malice, but ffs!!!!!! I mean, FFS!!!!! I am big, and yes, my tummy is the largest part of me and I really really want to get rid of it. But jesus cripes, how dare he?!!

    I blame celebrity pregnancy bounce backs and the overall lack of common sense in the world. 3 days after I had a baby...THREE frickin days...I went into Burger King WITH MY NEWBORN and this guy asked me when my baby was due. The lady at the counter and I just stared at each other, stared at the baby, stared at him, back at each other. lol

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    oORosadaOo wrote: »
    So rude! I just can't wrap my head around the way total strangers feel it's ok to walk up to someone and comment on a very personal thing, be it pregnancy, weight or anything else. Getting a little dizzy from shaking my head. :confounded:

    I live in NYC and take the subway every day. It's considered good etiquette to give up your seat to pregnant women, but there have been times when I literally can't tell if someone is pregnant or not. Then I'm left there thinking, if I offer the seat and she is pregnant-great. But if I offer it and she is not, then both of us are going to feel really uncomfortable.

    But of course, these are two different circumstances and I really cannot believe the woman one person posted about, saying maybe if she lost weight she could get pregnant. Good grief.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    LOL @ "maybe you are pregnant and you just don't know it?"
    Whew, that was close! Good save, buddy. :p
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I had that happen. I think the woman was more embarrassed than I was. I had been gaining weight progressively so it was a natural assumption. I just said I'm not pregnant and kept walking. I know.knew I was overweight but it is times like that that it really hits you
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    oORosadaOo wrote: »
    So rude! I just can't wrap my head around the way total strangers feel it's ok to walk up to someone and comment on a very personal thing, be it pregnancy, weight or anything else. Getting a little dizzy from shaking my head. :confounded:

    I live in NYC and take the subway every day. It's considered good etiquette to give up your seat to pregnant women, but there have been times when I literally can't tell if someone is pregnant or not. Then I'm left there thinking, if I offer the seat and she is pregnant-great. But if I offer it and she is not, then both of us are going to feel really uncomfortable.

    But of course, these are two different circumstances and I really cannot believe the woman one person posted about, saying maybe if she lost weight she could get pregnant. Good grief.

    When I was pregnant but didn't look big yet, I used to wear a maternity top, and I'd 'accidentally' flip the care tag so it was sticking out of my shirt on show, because all the tags on my shirts said 'maternity' in some say. It made it less worrisome for people on the train, because then they could safely give up a seat without being insulting.
  • zenner22
    zenner22 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm sorry that happened. People are so rude. Seems like common sense to not ask that question. I have infertility issues and basically can't get pregnant and it's a major fear of mine that someone will ask me if I'm pregnant. I would definitely just break down and cry. Luckily (not really) I'm fat all over, so I think people know I'm just fat. I once worked with a woman for 4 months and was pretty sure she was pregnant, but never said a word about it. Then one day our manager tells us she's out for 3 months because she just had her baby. Lol. I might have seemed rude to never talk to her about her baby joy, but I'd rather risk that than mistakenly ask a non-pregnant woman if she's pregnant.
  • J3nspiration
    J3nspiration Posts: 8 Member
    I remember hearing a story like this at a Weight Watchers meeting years ago. I forget if it was in one of the pamphlets/magazines or one of the leaders telling the story, but she was teaching a gymnastics class and one of the parents became all concerned and shouted, "Should you be on that trampoline while pregnant?" and she wasn't pregnant. I live in fear every day that someone will ask me when I'm due. Not only do I have PCOS and probably fertility issues, but I'm married to another woman. Those who know me know this and do not ask. I pity the fool who does...because he or she will get to hear way TMI about my love life. ;-)