Looking for friends



  • warlesha
    warlesha Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, I think I'll add my name to list that indulged too much during the holidays.
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Me too- over indulged and paying the price of it now. Always looking to expand my circle of motivated people - I'm also blogging my through this journey - https://awordygirly.wordpress.com/
  • Hey all, please feel free to add me, it is very hard to get motivated at times, especially when you are trying very hard and not seeing the results you would like, may I add you all?
  • shannond1102
    shannond1102 Posts: 4 Member
    Any can add me as well - ready to get back into this and need the accountability. Thank you and good luck to all!
  • yessi2
    yessi2 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you everyone who has added me :) I'm super happy I have a group of people with a similar journey.
  • tinamarie0604
    tinamarie0604 Posts: 308 Member
    Let's do this!! Time to shed the winter coat!! Add me, I'm also looking for friends that are logging everyday to help keep me motivated!
  • If you want add me , I want to loose the same as you...
  • If any of you want you can add me i am aiming for 60lbs and would love to swipe recipes and motivation. I also had this app for a while and didn't take advantage of it. Lol
  • I'm not sure how to add people. Please help
  • nelliiann
    nelliiann Posts: 108 Member
    Hey there your not alone im 5'4 and aiming to lose 30lbs or more. I need support as well on this Journey and ill gladly support back no problem
  • hi daily logger all feel free to add
  • EricaAshley913
    EricaAshley913 Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me too that goes for everyone. I'm new to this even though I signed up a year or two ago. I wasn't focused and so sure like I am today. I have had some old habit creap up, but I am more aware of what trigger my salty chip maddness. I hope to get to know more people so I can learn from others journey also, plus I need positive people around me. So don't be a stranger everyone :)
  • yessi2
    yessi2 Posts: 21 Member
    Just went through and added you guys can't wait to get to know you guys and share motivational thoughts and ideas.

    *If you have not received a FR please send me one.
  • BabyKiwi07
    BabyKiwi07 Posts: 69 Member
    Any of you can add me as well :) I'm in the same boat