Stay at home mom

Stay at home mom here. Looking for people to talk to and get healthy with. I go to the gym 3 times a week and I am a full-time mother of 2 autistic children and a housewife.

Hoping to lose 17 more pounds but main goal is getting healthier. I quit smoking August 23rd of last year.


  • carriecarrio
    carriecarrio Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there! mom of 2 here.. feel free to add me. Congrats on quitting the cigarettes!!! that's great!
    I also go to the gym 3-4 times a helps tremendously, mainly to get some 'me' time and keep my sanity.
  • thanks I added you
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, new mom I have a 6 month old, i lost 30lbs on this a few years ago and hoping it works for baby weight too! I'm hoping to start a gym routine once we move into our new home!
  • good luck and feel free to add me if you want support :)
  • nineateseven
    nineateseven Posts: 65 Member
    SAHM of a 2.5 year-old!! I'm hoping to lost at least 10 more pounds, but like you said, my main goal is to get healthier.
  • sunrise1212
    sunrise1212 Posts: 14 Member
    Hmm not letting me add anyone! Might have to try on the computer later! I seem to do better at getting healthy when i feel accountable for what i do and eat!
  • BabyKiwi07
    BabyKiwi07 Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey congrats on quitting smoking
  • Congrats on being smoke free!! Today is my 29th day smoke free as well. I am a SAHM of a 7 and a 12 year old. I ma trying to lose 50 pounds.. Keep pushing forward,WE CAN DO THIS!! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • bakerh518
    bakerh518 Posts: 18 Member
    Huge congrats on quitting smoking! (both of you!!) My dad passed away from lung cancer just about a year ago so I majorly congratulate anyone able to take that huge step for their health and family!!

    I am a sahm too! It is SO hard not to snack at home!!
  • Mzsweetypye
    Mzsweetypye Posts: 30 Member
    Hi im also a mother of 2 and also looking after my mum who had a heart attack, I am hoping to lose 3St (lost 8lbs) and eat healthily, im a very chatty person and broad shoulders so feel free to add and im here anytime.. Congrats on quit smoking you should be very proud of ur achievements and also sound like an incredible mother!...