saunas at the gym

I have never really sat in one but would like to know what they are for. I have one at our gym. I am interested to know more. Are they for relaxing or weight loss? Also, can you sit in your (underwear) in a sauna or do you have to bare it all? What's the etiquette?


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have never really sat in one but would like to know what they are for. I have one at our gym. I am interested to know more. Are they for relaxing or weight loss? Also, can you sit in your (underwear) in a sauna or do you have to bare it all? What's the etiquette?
  • sarakenna1
    Ah, I love the sauna. It helps to releive sore muscles, clear up skin problems, and is very relaxing! I'm not sure if it has any fat burning benefits, but I've heard that it helps to rid toxins from your body. Its fine to wear a swim suit or to wrap up in a towel when you go in. I think its sort of weird when people sit in there completly naked, but whatever. I just go with the flow. Some saunas have automatic steam that fills the room every few minutes, and others just have a hot "stove" with lava rocks that you have to pour water onto to make steam. If your gym has the latter, make sure there is water (usually in a bucket) in the sauna for you to pour on the rocks. Also, take a nice cold bottle of water in with you, and maybe a small hand towel to wipe your face. Its super hot in there, so don't stay in for longer then 10-15 minutes.

    Fun times! I think I'll go tomorrow! :smooched:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I love the sauna! My "Y" has one I use a lot. BUT, not all saunas use steam--some, like the one at my "Y" at dry heat, so check first! You can't pour water on the fake stones at my "Y", so just check first which one yours is.

    I go in wearing my work-out clothes--sans shoes/socks. I've never seen anyone else in there. It's common courtesy to spread a towel on the bench before sitting down, too.

    You may show a small weight loss afterwards but it's not a "true" loss only the result of sweating. Wrestlers and boxers will sometimes sit in one for hours to get to weight--basically dehydrating themselves. Oh, and I've read that some of the people on "Biggest Losers" have done the same thing I think.
  • sarakenna1
    Shorerider, check with a staff person at your gym regarding your sauna! If it has rocks, you can pour water on them. I promise! (There are electric coils under the rocks that make them hot). The benefit of the rock system is that they can provide dry or wet heat. Three of my old gyms used that system, and I know it looks like you can't put water on the rocks, but I promise that is what they are designed to do.

    Its possible that your Y has a system that I've never seen, but I just love moist heat and I would hate for you to live without it! :)
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Shorerider, check with a staff person at your gym regarding your sauna! If it has rocks, you can pour water on them. I promise! (There are electric coils under the rocks that make them hot). The benefit of the rock system is that they can provide dry or wet heat. Three of my old gyms used that system, and I know it looks like you can't put water on the rocks, but I promise that is what they are designed to do.

    Its possible that your Y has a system that I've never seen, but I just love moist heat and I would hate for you to live without it! :)

    No, they have a BIG sign with rules posted and the first one is DO NOT POUR WATER ON TO THE ROCK HEATING SYSTEM.

    I was a little disappointed, as the one I had enjoyed a few years back at my college had a wooden bucket with wooden ladle you could use to pour on water, and I loved the steam! But hey, it's still a sauna!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I love the sauna at our Y! I don't use it every day, but always after I'm in the pool, whether it's water aerobics or swimming. Yes, it's nice and relaxing, but my main motivation is that if I go directly into the locker room after the pool, I'm freezing. If I sit in the sauna for a while, I get so hot, the cool of the locker room and that first spray of freezing water in the shower feels wonderful! lol