Hello and questions

Hey friends! I'm in a rut and I need this app to help me break out of it. I have only 15 more to lose but I can't get the scale to budge so I'm here logging everything in hopes of making progress. I like taking muscle flex classes at the gym, and I wish there was a way to log that in strength training. We cover so many exercises for every muscle group -- I can't possibly log each one. Anyone have any ideas?


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Weigh and measure every single thing that goes into your mouth. You're most likely over eating.
  • KimAnningson
    You can try to find another app designed to log strength training that syncs up with MFP. Otherwise you can enter all your exercise once and use the "copy to today" function. That last little bit is the worst! Good luck!
  • dragoon2096
    It would be hard to calculate the calories lost but you can always combine the whole excercise as one and just keep track of how long you do it for. That's my tip anyway. Good luck!