Getting it back!

Hello :) I am 22 years old, a mother to two and a former athlete. I have had some health problems and had my first kid at 19. Then my son this last September. In bewteeen the kids I dislocated my left knee in volleyball (my favourite sport). It was right when I was trying to lose the baby fat and the fat I had accumulated from just falling off the wagon. So needless to say, it really set me back. It was a long time till I could even walk and exercising was a very very slow rough start. But that's no excuse, I ate like crap and that's my own fault. In high school I was an athlete. I ran track, played volleyball, badminton and held, still do, the record for the most sit ups done on beat. I also did yoga on the side to relax. I was happy and healthy. I enjoyed life because I could live it fully! Now, not so much. My son in September was my VBAC and that's when I finally stopped feeling like a failure! So I vowed to lose the weight and get myself back! I took a pic of myself the day after I had him and am determined to lose the weight! I have roughly 70lbs to lose! Sorry for the rant.


  • fitmom_16
    Hi! De linda hace the same story i amo 21 years old and i ha
  • fitmom_16
    I had my son in november and i hp
  • fitmom_16
    …sorry my iPhone went crazy but i can relate to you story and i hope we can loose weight! :)
  • queenJJH
    fitmom_16 wrote: »
    …sorry my iPhone went crazy but i can relate to you story and i hope we can loose weight! :)

    I'm looking forward to it!