Super-liberal 41, TX mom wants to lose at least 100 lbs. Open to all friends



  • omishafer49
    omishafer49 Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to see all those DFW liberals!! I live in Missouri which is just as conservative as Texas. I feel out of place here in rural Missouri as a liberal. I am not as young as you. I am 65 and need to lose 40 pounds. I have an elliptical exercise machine that I used in the past and got to my ideal weight. Since then, I have retired. My mother passed 2 years ago, and the weight just seemed to pour on after that! I am taking care of my 91 year old father now, and it has made it really difficult to take care of myself. I know: excuses, excuses. I stopped watching my diet and stopped exercising. I have to get the weight off and keep it off. It is so necessary at this age. I have been drinking green smoothies for one meal a day for the past week, and I have been exercising. I can do 25 minutes on my machine now so that is progress. I think we all can achieve our goals if we stay focused!
  • omishafer49
    omishafer49 Posts: 2 Member
    BTW, my daughter gave me a Blendtec blender for Christmas. It is not quite as expensive as a Vitamix but just as good, I think. It is wonderful at green smoothies. I made a low calorie broccoli cheese soup in it the other day that was really tasty. Couldn't believe that it heated it up during the blending. Vitamixes do that too.
  • mikedunntx
    mikedunntx Posts: 3 Member
    mikedunntx wrote: »
    TXChelleD wrote: »
    Thanks guys! I'm excited for the change but so scared of failure.
    Just take it one day at a time

  • Definitely skip on juices (fiber and nutrients are in the pulp, not the juice), and any sort of drink that replaces actual food. Regardless if its packed full of the good stuff. So is a bag of Brussels sprouts. The key thing about drinking your calories is that you are missing on chewing! Its a physiological thing about us human. I am a nutritionist and I can have a shake or blend some stuff up,and it will be well over 250 calories... but I will be hungry after! Need to chew it. lol. Food is a physiological thing to us creatures. So the best way to turn it around is to remember, food is fuel. So go big, go hard , and you get to fuel hard! Stay away from 1200 calories because that will just be starving your brain and major organs. Also try to minimize fruits, they are only good in the morning! They secretly cause bloat! Sneaky things. Lift heavy! Feel free to add me :-) Good Luck:-)
  • ednam3
    ednam3 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, i'm soon to be 62 and have balooned to 260 pounds. have lost 15 lbs. , but only a lb. a week. I Am happy with any wt. loss, but fall off the wagon sometimes. I would like to have any support I can get.
  • cristiebee
    cristiebee Posts: 3 Member
    aliseasea wrote: »
    I'd love to "friend" you too! ...and anyone else on this thread who would like to support each other. It is possible to lose that much weight. I got close to it a couple years ago...slid back due to a number of reasons and now I'm at it again because I know it is possible. While fasts and juicing (which does take out most of the nutrients) may get you quick number results on the scale, it isn't a lifetime thing. It is all about tracking your food everyday - even when you know what the tracker is going to say and exercising/keeping moving. Easy but hard :smile:

  • cristiebee
    cristiebee Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Cris from SW Texas here...Been plant-based now for almost 3 years and absolutely it was the best decision for me. I did it for health reasons, but also am sensitive to animal welfare, and am against factory farming and the industrialized food industry. I have always been overweight, and when I cut out dairy altogether and subsequently cut out all oil and added fats, I dropped about 40 lbs with minimum effort, it just seemed to drop off week by week much to my pleasant surprise. Now I basically cook 95% of what we eat, including homemade seitan and bean burgers that I freeze for quick weeknight meals. I discovered MFP and the iPad app recently and love it! Good luck to all and progress, not perfection, as Happy Herbivore always says. Check out her site and mealplans/cookbooks/community at Peace, love and hugs, and here's to a great start to 2015!! *** New to posting, forgive rookie posting errors, haha. YAY for Texas Progressives!!!!!!
  • TXChelleD
    TXChelleD Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone! I will keep sending friend requests out :)
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Eat conservatively, LOL Funny but true.... feel free to add me
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Older, liberal Iowan here. Vegetarian, mostly vegan, need to take off 25 lbs. I like dogs, languages, and exercise that doesn't cost money and has some practical use. Feel free to add me, too.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    hansmdude wrote: »
    Eat conservatively, LOL Funny but true.... feel free to add me

  • Busy mom here too! Feel free to add me, we can motivate eachother!