Newbie on mfp

I am 16 and want to lose weight not only do I want to, I need to, I am over weight. It is just really hard because I don't know what foods to eat or how much to eat. I bring my lunch to school and have no clue on what would be best to bring. I want to lose weight as soon as possible but mostly before summer time.
Please tips on weight lose as in :
What to eat
How much
What to take for lunch at school
Other tips and thing you know of that will help.

And my one weakness is ice cream I love ice cream.

Please and thank you.

I weigh 178 and would love to weigh about 140 I know that is still not good but it is a whole lot better.


  • sweet_lovegirl
    sweet_lovegirl Posts: 8 Member
    eat what u want but don't eat till you fell full always stay little hungey .. lemon with ginger it's burn fat and stay away from sweet and chips
  • BabyKiwi07
    BabyKiwi07 Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2015
    For the ice cream you can just chop up a few bananas put them in the freezer till frozen , put them in the blender with some almond milk or silk milk just add a little at a time because you don't want to make it watery you want it to have the ice cream texture an the measurements are always different depending on what you add into it an you can even add some other frozen fruit or simi sweet chocolate chips just all depends on what you like

    And for how much u should eat you can just google portion control for weight loss an there's tons of websites that can help

    An for food I use an app called Pinterest an you just search weight loss lunches or heathy lunches stuff like that

    Feel free to add me if you have anymore questions :)
  • lillianmadrigal
    Thank you all for your replies :)
  • KimAnningson
    I agree with what has been said about portion control. Also, you will want to ensure you are eating from all 4 food groups. The tools built into MFP are very helpful. They show the nutional breakdown of what you eat so you can make the necessary changes you need. There is a heathly living blog with lots of recipes as well.

    Feel free to add me if you want some encouragement and help along the way.