Over 150 Pounds to Lose? Join Us and Get It Done!



  • JuliannaUnderhill
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Still have another 10-20 pounds to go -- but I can honestly say calorie-counting using an app has been wonderful...I do NOT consider myself on a diet per se...I have actually changed my eating habits...I have no intention of stopping MFP after these pounds are gone. My final weight will depend upon visual & clothes size more than scale. That is why I have a range noted.

    I will continue to monitor maintenance / more toning / strength exercises etc. Guess what I am saying is - I already have my goals set for the next year.


    YOU ARE AWESOME! I love it! This app really is a great tool, i feel the same - i'm not dieting, i'm just managing my food, like managing my budget.

    It's great to know it can be done. As you continue to loose the last bit and maintain, please give us your thoughts on your past experiences. Your random musing might really help someone. Your post has already givin me whole bunches of hope.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am going to lose 170 pounds to reach my goal of 140. It's going to take me over two years.

    I can't do it alone. Luckily my husband is losing weight with me, but the more the merrier! If you are changing your life and planning on losing 150 pounds or more, let's do it by encouraging and helping each other.

    No fad diets, no cleanses, no super-restricted diets. This is for people who are going to intelligently and carefully change their eating and activity habits over time to become healthy. If you're in it for the long haul, join us!

  • JuliannaUnderhill
    mmariag wrote: »
    Id love to join. Everyone is welcome to add. I have over 100 to lose. Like someone above me mentioned, every time I start with unrealistic goals and trying to do too much at a time I end up losing myself in the journey. I'm focusing this month on changing my eating habits and getting more accustomed to the change in diet only. :smile:

    I know right! Every time i tried to diet before I also started working out and began reorganizing my house and blogging and etc. LOL. This time i'm not even thinking about any kind of working out at all. And my house is a mess. And i think I'll start a blog in 2016 sometime. Maybe.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I would love to join you. I need to lose about the same amount. But I do have to use the dash diet for water retention and blood pressure. It is just primarily low salt. 2300 mg. a day. It would be great to have supportive friends who have a long term goal as well.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    chris42376 wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose 140+ over the next how ever long it takes...so I'm in! Feel free to add me if you like :)

    I tried to add you but the app keeps blowing up.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    oystereyes wrote: »
    I would love to join you. I need to lose about the same amount. But I do have to use the dash diet for water retention and blood pressure. It is just primarily low salt. 2300 mg. a day. It would be great to have supportive friends who have a long term goal as well.

    Welcome! I'm sorry, when i said no restrictive diets i meant diets that were unhealthy, not diets that were medically required for a condition. That kind of restriction is a good thing! I meant more like the pickle juice and pineapple diet, or the no carbs ever diet, or the grapefruit coffee and cigarettes diet (that one is real, my friend did that for like six days).
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    linzee32 wrote: »
    I'd like to join. I'm setting interim milestones, 50 pound goals at a time. I'm a sloth so my first change is to aim for 7500 steps per day. I'm tracking food, not cutting anything yet, eating as I normally would, just logging it.

    Today was the first day I hit 7500 steps!

    Cool! That's how I started too, i just logged for a while and observed my habits and patterns. 7500 steps sounds like a LOT! How are your tracking that? I have heard of fitbit and jawbone trackers and such but haven't investigated yet.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    I'm doing a month by month resolution as well as a year resolution..for January I just want to start tracking my food and walking then in February i'm planning to really start changing my diet by cutting down on meat and increase veggies as well as lower my average mile speed by a minute

    I like the incremental goals! I deliberately didn't change my diet until January 2nd because i am superstitious about New Year's resolutions
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    Hamoalta wrote: »
    I am actually working on self esteem in the mind about how I feel because I feel it is what triggers me to be careless of how I eat even though I know its not right but I do it anyway. I want to be able to be fit and have never been small but the motivation that has me doing this was when last weekend a doctor told me I was to big to do an mri on his machine and that I had to go to another office due to the weight limit was 280 and he had me stand on a scale that tipped at 340. I was very embarrassed and felt really sad inside. I want to be healthy in the mind and so far I am taking it day by day and using the calorie tracker and I am ok with it right now.

    You are so not alone. That's kind of why i wanted to start this group, for people who have experiences like this. I had to forgo a certain treatment at my chiropractor's because the machine's limit was 250, and i was nowhere near that. I would be happy to wake up tomorrow and weight 250!
    We will get there, hon. Keep logging and keep connecting.

    Thank you so much for the talk I was very shocked and upset when the doctor said it so casual that is when I knew that if a stranger can say that to me with no problem and make me cry then I need to do something about the way I feel towards myself and how I look. I completed my second day of tracking my food calorie count online. I think I can do this so I will be patient I am also making it a goal to work out as part of a lifestyle change I am a morning person and I am use to getting up at that time and I feel comfortable for now because no one is around to watch me so I will wait til I have enough courage to be around others. Well everyone good nite and will talk tomorrow.
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    I am going to lose 170 pounds to reach my goal of 140. It's going to take me over two years.

    I can't do it alone. Luckily my husband is losing weight with me, but the more the merrier! If you are changing your life and planning on losing 150 pounds or more, let's do it by encouraging and helping each other.

    No fad diets, no cleanses, no super-restricted diets. This is for people who are going to intelligently and carefully change their eating and activity habits over time to become healthy. If you're in it for the long haul, join us!
    I would love to join in this journey with everyone this is my first time taking the time and control of what is crucial and what needs to be done to be fit. I agree it cant be about diets it has to be a way of life. I am excited to be part of this moment with everyone good luck to us all.....
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    I'm doing a month by month resolution as well as a year resolution..for January I just want to start tracking my food and walking then in February i'm planning to really start changing my diet by cutting down on meat and increase veggies as well as lower my average mile speed by a minute

    I like the incremental goals! I deliberately didn't change my diet until January 2nd because i am superstitious about New Year's resolutions

    I agree with your answer
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    So anyway. Does anyone else know about or use the Pact app? I made a pact to log my food at least six days a week on My Fitness Pal. If I do it, I get a dollar a week. If I don't log more than one day per week, I have to pay five bucks per day I don't log. I love logging my food so it's easy money! You can also make workout pacts and vegi pacts. I am going to wait and see if they actually pay before I do any more though.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Tomorow is weigh day for me, and I'm pretty optimistic! What days does everyone else weigh on ( if you do)?
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    Can I join you guys? I have over 150 lbs to lose. I just started a 6 week bootcamp and started eating clean. I am super motivated right now and would love to motivate and encourage others!
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Can I join you guys? I have over 150 lbs to lose. I just started a 6 week bootcamp and started eating clean. I am super motivated right now and would love to motivate and encourage others!
    Awesome, welcome! I'm all about encouragement - we who need to lose 150 pounds or more have so much work to do over such a long time must create a support system for ourselves.
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree! I can tell you, since I started eating clean this week, I haven't craved any of the bad foods that got me in this predicament! I feel so much better!!
  • Dennise91
    Dennise91 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to lose about 160 lbs. I need all the help and motivation I can get.
  • DuneSeaNomad
    DuneSeaNomad Posts: 68 Member
    I started out earlier this week and have lost 4, with 196 to go. Am here for the long haul, and would love to be part of this moment! If anyone happens to be in the OKC area, even better. Would love some activity partners. So eager to get to know all of you!
  • mistressmidnight
    mistressmidnight Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to join I have over 200 lbs to lose. Feel free to add
  • KismetBaron
    KismetBaron Posts: 2 Member
    May I join? I have 150lbs to loose at least... Feel free to add me too!