Fibromyalgia chronic fatigue

hi, I'm Kimara and I'm finding it difficult to find exercise I can do and the energy to do it, I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and must work so I'm pretty worn out at the end of the day and can't quite make myself do it in the morning, anyone have any suggestions? I feel like if I can find something I can do and get my weight under control I'll feel better. Thanks


  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    This group isn't very active, but it still has people that post. Maybe check it out?
  • laureolse
    laureolse Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there

    I also have fibromyalgia. I have treated myself to a personal trainer, who I see twice a week. And, oddly, I go at 5pm. I have an agreement with my work that at 4.30pm on Tues and Thurs, I leave the office - no matter what - and head to the gym. I'm already out and about, and not quite at home yet, so it seems to be a weird trick that has worked for my energy levels.

    My PT has designed a plan for me that is based on a whole bunch of research he did into fibromyalgia, which I thought was ace of him. He knows I have a lot of limitations - my time with him is essentially focused on core strengthening and some resistance training, and relatively minimal cardio. I rely on my walking and actually getting out of bed for my cardio at the moment. My time is really just the habit of recognising my body does have limitations and I need to accept it and work with it.

    I never, ever thought I would have a PT... ever. I will never regret the money it costs. On the days I work with him I sleep. Like, I actually sleep! I also freaked myself out when I realised one morning that I had no pain. True story. It wasn't a fix, I'm a realist, but it was a break. I have been unable to see him for a few weeks for health-reasons and yup, pain's back - big time. I'm back on Tuesday :)

    For me, it is the gentle support of a non-judgmental professional - and a peer pressure situation; I don't want to let him down, and he doesn't want to let me down.

    I know this isn't the answer for everyone - but I swear to all that I can swear to that this has, and will continue to, make a difference in my life. And my life - and being able to live it - is worth any amount of money I have to try to budget and find from somewhere in order to regularly pay.

    Rant over! haha... feel free to add me if you need a friend who gets it :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    hi, I'm Kimara and I'm finding it difficult to find exercise I can do and the energy to do it, I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and must work so I'm pretty worn out at the end of the day and can't quite make myself do it in the morning, anyone have any suggestions? I feel like if I can find something I can do and get my weight under control I'll feel better. Thanks

    Do you know your Vitamin D3 test results?

    Often time when we have chronic fatigue for any reason we try to eat to feel stronger but just gain more weight and spiral down due to increasing fatigue. Pain makes everything harder.

  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I was going to ask the same thing that Gale did. I have suffered with Firbromyalgia for years. After finding out that my Vitamin D was low I was given supplements. Now, almost two months later, the pain I feel is minimal. I wonder if it wasn't the low vit d all along and not actually fibromyalgia. Please check it out and be kind to yourself until you find out what is going to work for you.
    I am going to go check out the link Gale posted now! Thanks Gale!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I suffer from fibro too. I wake up some nights in pain and always feel as if I never slept when I wake up in the morning. I just want to lay in bed all day and do nothing! A few things that have helped to alleviate my pain is having regular chiropractic and deep tissue massages that focus on myofascial and nerve entrapment release. The massages hurt at the time and I am sore a few days after, but I feel like a human again for about two months before the symptoms start to flare up and become unbearable. Even though I feel like I am never rested, I force myself to get some exercise in at least 4 days a week because I do feel better afterwards. The regular exercise helps me to sleep better and I don't seem to hurt as much when I can get some quality sleep. Losing weight has helped to decrease the severity of my pain.

    Try focusing on doing twenty minutes of walking, biking, wii fit, kinect, or something that you enjoy everyday. If it is something that you find fun to do you will keep it up and you can add to your exercise every couple of months as you start to feel better. You can add me as a friend if you like.