Jillian Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism May



  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    Already May begins tomorrow so let's kick this off! I know that everyone has posted that they're be doing their own variations of BFBM so if it's something that works for you - giv'er. I'll be sticking with BFBM, adding in a Shred here and there and daily walks/runs.

    Here our my stats for this journey:
    Starting Weight: 128lbs
    Goal Weight: 120lbs
    Measurements: Chest: 33.5 inches
    Rib cage: 28
    Waist 28
    Hips 36
    Thighs 20.5

    I attempted BFBM in lue of Shred today and made it through 40 minutes of the video which considering how much I've been slacking I was really impressed with. I hope to get to bed early tonight and wake up early tomorrow to get the video in before my baby wakes up and I hope that all of you manage to get in Day 1 of BFBM too!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    I'm doing BFBM on day 1, walk/run on day 2 and NMTZ on day 3, then rinse and repeat.

    Starting weight: 199
    Goal weight: 150 (for now anyway)
    Dress size: 18 UK (I think that's 16 US?)

    Don't have a tape measure so I'm going by dress size instead.

    I've already done a round so tomorrow I'll do start again and do BFBM.
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    I have been doing her 30 day shred

    Goals for May
    Starting weight 273

    Goal /Weight for may 263

    Going for 10 pounds this month wish me luck ")
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    Day 2 of BFBM - I can definitely feel the metabolism boost after doing this video. But I'm having a hard time doing the full video at one sitting or standing or jumping or squatting if you will :) I was up early this morning to try and do BFBM before my daughter woke up and I only managed to get in 18 minutes - a solid 18 minutes but I'll have to complete the rest of the video during nap time. I think that's going to be the tricky thing about this video: managing to do the whole video start to finish as I wish I could for the full out calorie and metabolism blast.

    How is everyone doing with their daily routine to fit in the video?
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Second round of BFBM today despite still being sore from NMTZ on Saturday. I think Jillian's right, the harder it is for you in the beginning, the faster your body adjusts because BFBM was easier this time. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely hard as hell, but I was at least able to get up off the floor afterwards lol!
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    I did the workout but not all of it. Finished 4 circuits.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    NMTZ today. It was also not as difficult this time (managed to do all the surrenders!) but by no means easy. Started to feel nauseous towards the end but powered through it and finished, yay!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm also doing a combo of JM DVDs!

    Banish fat mon & wed
    Trouble zones tue & thur
    6pack fri & sun
    Sat...sweet fa!

    I'm definitely feeling the benefit, my arms are getting toned and it's doing great things for my thighs and butt. It's a killer to get all of the workouts in though- and feel a bit dead afterwards!

    I'm enjoying mixing them up like this- I don't know how long I'll keep doing it though, maybe until the side planks, surrenders and push ups seem easy! Lolololololol LMAO!!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    BFBM today! Did the normal moves for everything except the walking planks but am building up to that.
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    Hey if its ok I would like to join this challenge, I ordered BFBM at the end of april and just got it yesterday BUT on may 1st I started alternating every other day of NMTZ and the next day of 30ds and 30 min elliptical. Now that I have my video im not sure if i should alternate between the three or just the 2 longer videos, anyone have any suggestions?

    Here our my stats for this journey:
    Starting Weight: 131.2lbs (as of this morning)
    Goal Weight: 125lbs
    Measurements: Chest: 34.5inches
    Waist 29
    Hips 39
    Thighs 22
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    A NMTZ day today! Boy those surrenders are tough! I can only do the 1st set with weights. I honestly think if I tried the 2nd set with, I'd collapse in a mess on the floor!

    Looking forward to tmz- shorter workout for the 6pack, feel like I'm getting a break!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Did level 3 of 30DS today as was short on time. OUCH! I thought I remembered 30DS being easier than the longer workouts but she sure packs a punch into 20 mins! I had to modify the walking plank and plank row but otherwise I kept up with Jillian and even managed the advanced version for quite a few.
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome welcome! Join on in! I didn't realize we had started another page of posting...I was about to come here and wonder if I was the only one - so excited to see that you're all making Jillian a part of your week through BFBM or other videos..it's awesome!
    Today is day 5 or 6 of BFBM...I can't remember :) I've managed to power through the entire video less the last circuit for one reason or another usually related to a waking baby. I was surprised that I could get through the video but from the beginning to now I'm down half an inch on both my waist and hips and down half a pound after the scale not moving at all for months. I'm super pleased with the progress and can't wait to hammer out the video today and get out for a run with my daughter.
    Hope you're all seeing the fruits of your labor! Happy Friday!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Didn't do anything Friday and did level 3 of 30DS today. My LO has been ill this weekend so I haven't been able to find the time for the longer workouts. Planning to do BFBM again tomorrow though!
  • Freshdaisy
    Freshdaisy Posts: 53 Member
    Hey! I know its kind of late but can I join in the group? I only started the dvd today but I intend to do it for the rest of the month so perfect group.
    I'll post my stats later.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    BFBM again today. My stamina is increasing so it's getting a bit easier each time, though my face was purple when I finished lol. Still struggling with the plank moves because of my back and had to do the modified version.
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    I just did it for the first time today. HOLY COW!! This is DEFINITELY a lot more harder than 30DS! Excellent workout though.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Yeah it's a lot harder isn't it?? Nearly killed me first time lol.

    I've been ill so didn't do anything yesterday and did level 2 of 30DS. Hopefully get on to NMTZ again tomorrow.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    NMTZ today. UGH! Those surrenders are a nightmare! Only just managed to finish today and also took a long walk beforehand so I am absolutely shattered.
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    havent really worked out much this week havent been able to get myself out of bed but its on tomorrow! i have a half day at work so im going to do NMTZ and 30 on the elliptical!